Instructions for New and Transferring CLU Athletes

You will not be able to try out, practice, or participate in games unlessall forms identified below arecompleted, signed and turned in to the CLU Athletic department prior to your arrival date. Your forms must be mailed to: CLU Athletics/ Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation c/o Kecia Davis, Head Athletic Trainer, 60 West Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. You should also bring a hard copy of all forms with you upon arrival to CLU.

If you have questions about the Athlete Pre-participation Physical Evaluation forms please contact the Athletic Department at (805) 493-3400.

If you have questions about your Physicals or the process of completing the forms please leave a message for Kecia Davis at 805-493-3406, or call Health Services at (805) 493-3225.

  • The following four pages are the New and Transferring Athlete Pre-participation

Physical Evaluation forms. Print all four and completely fill out all of the pages.

  1. Page 1: History Form- to be completed by you. Take this with you to your own personal physician.
  1. Page 2: Physical Exam Form and Clearance Form- take this to your own personal physician. It is to be completed and signed by your doctor.
  1. Page 3: Orthopedics and Insurance Form- the top half (down to the dotted line) is to be completed by you. The bottom half (below the dotted line) is to be completed by the CLU Team physician once you get to CLU on your reporting date. The time of this orthopedic screening will be told to you by your head coach prior to your arrival.
  1. Page 4: Assumption of Risk Form- to be read and signed by you.

Your parent/guardian must also sign if you are less than 18 years old.

  • A copy of your insurance card, front and back must be brought with you on your arrival to campus.

Again please mail your original forms once they are completed to:

CLU Athletics Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation

c/o Kecia Davis

60 West Olsen Road, Mail Code 3400

Thousand Oaks, CA


(Bring a copy of your completed forms upon your arrival as a backup.)

Please send these forms to CLU Athletics by August 1, 2010