GSRP Advisory Council
As ourDecember face to face meeting was cancelled, below are updates and work to complete prior to the January GSRP Advisory Council Meeting. Please see #6 below-due by January 15th. Please let me know what questions you might have and enjoy the Holiday season!
- Grant Updates
Community Needs Assessment Application for 2016-2017 will be out in January-begin to think about slot requests for 16-17.
- Phonological Awareness Goal Work
Goal: At least 80% of GSRP students will meet Kindergarten readiness expectation for Phonological Awareness by end of 15-16 (as measured by TS GOLD or COR)
Continue to work on program identified actions and be prepared to report out on status of actions at the January GSRP Advisory. A county-wide goal attainment report will be available at the January meeting as well.
- Monitoring Work
Program Handbookcomplianceplans will be distributed in January with timeline to complete changes to be ready for 16-17.
- Application and Enrollment Process
Continue to check inbox even if you are full, as families are still applying and moving to ensure you are meeting the 10 day initial communication with families.
Please contact Wendy Boyce if you have an opening in your program and do not have a wait list.
- Early Childhood Specialist
IISDhas hired Lisa Foster to complete the IISD ECS team. CurrentECSswill be contacting sites that will have a change of ECS to let them know. Lisa will be start working with sites in January.
Regional Community of Practice -
Ingham ISD hosted an ECS Community of Practice with ECSs from Jackson, Eaton, Clinton, Shiawassee, Washtenaw and Livingston ISD's. ECSs supported each other in new learning, resources, tips andtricksrelated to ECS job responsibilities, Coaching andProfessionalDevelopment. The group will meet again in March.
PQA Part B-Assessments and action planning are taking place now
- Kindergarten Round-Up
We need your help! Local School DistrictandPublic School Academy programs-Please send Danielle Redmanyour kindergarten round up information (date, time, location, any additional info) by January 15th. As soonas wegather all info it will be posted on the IISD website and distributed out to all our GSRP partners to support families.
- Ingham Great Start Collaborative Updates
InghamGreat Start Collaborative (GSC) now has all of the episodes fromThe Raising of Americadocumentary series available for checkout by community partners who are interested in hosting a screening of an episode.The Raising of Americafocuses on the importance of early childhood, and its implications on the future of our nation. More information about the particular episodes, including titles and synopses, can be found at. Over the past year, Ingham GSC partnered with the Ingham County Health Department and Action of Greater Lansing to host two events, which included a screening of the episodeAre We Crazy About Our Kids,and facilitated dialogue regarding next steps. If you are interested in checking out one of the episodes, contact Michelle Nicholson ator Wendy Boyce.
The next School Readiness Advisory Committee (SRAC) meeting is scheduled for January 12 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm at Dansville Elementary School Library, 1246 Adams Street, Dansville. The SRAC has been working on developing a definition of school readiness, with the goal of finalizing the definition in the first few months of 2016. If you would like to be included in the SRAC listserv, please contact Corrie Mervyn at
Next Meeting: January 22nd, 2016