Gimlayada, special prices for senior citizens
Bridge and chess tournaments free registration required
Lectures: free admission
Movies: entrance 10shekels
Shows: entrance 20 shekels
On October 19, 9:30, Film: Captain Abu Raed (Jordan), by Amin Matalqa, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 19, 9:30-10:30, Conference Me Iris Onchik-Heiburan, How to be an informed consumer, Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 19, 10:00-12:00, Meeting of mayors, How municipalities deal with older populations, theory and practice, with the participation of Yona Yahav (Haifa), Elie Dokerski (Kiryat Bialik), Arieh Tal ( Tirat Caramel), Shmuel Sisso (Kiryat Yam), Yakov Peretz (Kiryat Ata), presented by journalist Oren Nahari, auditorium, Haifa
On October 19, 10:00-12:30, Keif Morning, for participants in the program "activities at home", Room 101, Beit Hecht
On October 19, 10:30-12:00, Happening of drawing and painting with artist Dan Livni, garden, Beit Hecht
On October 19, 11, 00-12:00, Stories instead of chocolate, by Lea Fuks, Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 19, 11, 45, Film: Still young, (UK) by Steven Waker, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 19, 16:30-18:00, Fall Flowers, an exhibition of poems by David Shlomo, with the participation of Ruth Ashekenazi, Professor Gabrielle Moked, Dr. Heli Eytan Abraham, Rachel Ostrow, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 19, 17:00-19:00. Bat Galim, a colorful journey , with author Dov Paz, Room 101, Beit Hecht
On October 19, 17:00-18:00, Dr. Reuben Hecht Thinking Forum, with Prof. Arnon Sofer: The struggle for water distribution among influential countries in the Middle East and its effect on the state of Israel, Rappoport Hall
On October 19, 17:00-18:00, Volunteering in the education system, conference by Nimrod Ackerman (Yedid LeHinuch Association), Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 19, 18:00-19:00, Meeting of Yekirei , Haifa, the Studio
On October 19, 19:30-21:30, Opening Night of the Gimliada, 2009, with the participation of Yona Yahav, Mayor of Haifa, Ruth Ashkenazi, and Zvi Skolnik. The legend of Bat Galim, the secret is in the waves, songs, drama, movement, video, written and directed by Effi Ashkenazi and the group HaCarmelim, Rappoport auditorium, Haifa
On October 19, 20:00-20:30, Show in Russian, auditorium, Haifa
On October 20, 9:30-11:30, Symposium: The senior and his family – both win, with the participation of Mr. Pinchas Wegman, director of Community and Social Services of the Municipality of Haifa , Yossi Antebi, President of the association מטב, Lecture by Professor Adir Cohen: The senior and his family, followed by a discussion with Professor Ariela Levenstein, Doctor Leora Bartor, Naftali Blumenthal, former CEO of Koor and journalist Tali Lipkin -Shachak, Room 101 Beit Hecht
On October 20, 9:30-10:30, Wills and Estates, Lecture by Mickey Schindler, attorney of law, chairman of Yad Riva, Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 20, 9:30-10:30, Tai - Chi, Chi Gong with Ami Melinov, Park, Beit Hecht
On October 20, 10:00-12:00, Hello Israel with the singer and actor Israel Gurion with the participation of senior artists: Never too late with Valery Atkin, vocals, piano accompaniment Jeanne Anne Plotkin, Dr. Moses Barnett, vocals, Menachem Bernstein, reading, Rafael Gat, vocals, Jacob Dagan, guitar, Vincent Pizarro, poetry, Israel Cote, flute, Miri Ran, vocals, accompaniment: Marita Colgar, piano, Leonid Gitlich, Yocheved Shemesh violin, singing, accompanied on piano by Malka Schwartz , presented by Tova Porat
On 20 October, 10:00-12:00: Lecture about cinema , How to watch movies, registration required , Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 20, 10:45-11:45, The Proxy, conference by Mickey Schindler, attorney of law, chairman of Yad Riva, Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 20, 11:00-12:30, The Legend of Bat Galim, the secret is in the waves, songs, drama, movement, videos, written and directed by Effi Ashkenasi the group HaCarmelim, Rappoport auditorium, Haifa
On October 20, 17:00-19:00, Rhythm Ladino - Greek - Israeli, with Julie Steiner, Director of Milav, Batya Kendall, president of the Association for Ladino Culture for Haifa and the North, Aaron Pessach- the social fabric HaShomer 8, Abraham Monson - history of the district, Artistic program: Gila Hassid, piano, Uzi Rosenblatt, vocals, Lazar Bueno accordion, Galei Shir poetry and bouzouki , under Arieh Shir's direction , presented by Rachel Azaria, Rappoport Hall, Haifa
On October 20, 17:00-19:00 Historical Haifa with David Handel, president of the Association for the History of Haifa; a special presentation of documentaries illustrating the archives Ginzei Haifa, neighborhoods and historical events that took place in Haifa from the Turkish mandate until the early years of the State of Israel, presented by Jacob Gross, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 20, 17:00-19:00 Seniors learn, sponsored by the David Pinsky College of Jewish Culture, presentation by Nathaniel Eliasz
Alienation and insularity in society, the solution: You shall love your neighbor, analysis of the book A small good thing of the writer Raymond Carver by Uzi Steinberg
The attitude towards the elderly in the Bible and in ancient Greece, lecture by Dr. Abraham Wolfensohn, Room 101, Beit Hecht
On October 20, 18:00-19:30, A wonderful mosaic, stories about Jews in Egypt and stories about peace, events, lifestyle and culture, values of the Jewish community in Egypt by Dr. Ada Aharoni, President of IFLAC, Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 20, 19:30-20:30 A heavenly couple by Moti Giladi and Osnat Vishinsky, introduced by Eli Landau, president of the City Council for seniors
On October 21, 9:00-13:00, Bridge Tournament, Mayor's Cup, Mahanayim 9, please reserve in advance, Tel: 8353515
On October 21 ,9:30-10: 30, Ida's club, (Israel), by Dalit Kimura, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 21, 9:30-11:30, Until 120 years , Celebration in honor of 100 years citizens of Haifa, with Yona Yahav, Mayor of Haifa and Vera Shalom, director Bituach Leumi, Moderator: David Allman, Director of the Department of Seniors of the Haifa Municipality, Room 101, Beit Hecht
On October 21, 9:30-13:00, Realizing the rights of Holocaust survivors, by Maya Joseph Frankel,attorney of law, personal consultation after the conference, room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 21, 9:30-13:00, Chess and mat, Chess tournament with the artist Reuven Minsker, register in advance, 8353515, Garden, Beit Hecht
On October 21, 10:00-13:00, Congress in honor of senior volunteers and award of prizes for Volunteers for 2009. Artistic Program: The Whole World is a stage with singer Tilda Rajwan presentation by Deborah Grover, Deputy Director of the Department of Senior, Municipality of Haifa, auditorium, Haifa
On October 21, 11:00-12:5, Meeting and discussion with senior representatives of the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) The rights of elderly at Bituach Leumi with Vera Shalom, Tali Yishai, Asher Telemann who will answer questions from the public, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 21, 11:15-12:45, Folk, ballroom and line up dances with Oren Ashkenazi, Room 101, Beit Hecht
On October 21, 11:30-13:00, Best of Yiddish, with Yaakov Bodo, piano: Misha Bllachrovic, presentation by Miri Ran, with the participation of Israel Savion, Acting Deputy Mayor of Haifa, Rappoport Hall
On October 21, 11:45-12:30 Control of life when there is no more control, legal tools for old age by Maya Joseph Frankel, attorney of law, (association law in the service of old people). Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 21, 17:00-18:00, A fresh start, a tribute to the artists and creators of Haifa, Arie Yass articles, authors Sami Michael and AB Yehoshua, the actress Ruth Segal, the sculptor Cathy Paldi, dancer Yardena Cohen and painters Moshe Novak Yegor Tord, Art Program: the Carmelim, Gitit choir and singers David Moore, Tali and Roy Sela, presentation by Arie Yass, Rappoport Hall
On October 21, 17:00-18:00, The Carmel through the eye of the camera, contest and exhibition of photography, Awards, in the presence of Hedva Almog, Acting Deputy Mayor of Haifa and , Shlomo Zuckerman, president of the association of residents of the Carmel. The program includes short films about the city of Haifa, presentation by Zvi Ashkenazi, Cinematheque, Haifa
On October 21, 17:00-18:00 Seniors learn, sponsored by the David Pinsky College of Jewish Culture, songs of youth movements , by Rachel Azaria, Room 101, Beit Hecht
October 21, 17:00-17:30, Hearing problems among seniors and solutions lecture by Moshe Kilim, president of From the heart, sound engineer, Room 102, Beit Hecht
On October 21, 18:00-19:30 Exotic stories, presented by Dr. Ada Aharoni, with the Club of storytellers of Haifa, Tzipi Orbach, Israel Shabtai, Israel Littman, Lillian Abadi, Israel Kent, Dalia Rahav, Atalia Rosenberg, in the presence of Pini Wegman, Director of Community and Social Services of the Municipality of Haifa
On October 21, 19:30-21:30 Closing ceremony attended by Yona Yahav, Mayor of Haifa, Leah Ness, MK, vice-minister for pensioners, Pini Wegman, Director of the Community and Social Services of the Municipality of Haifa, Artistic Program: The Big Table, HaTish HaGadol with Moshe Lahav, East and West and between them, with singers with Doron Mazar, Ruthie Navon, Udi Ullman, auditorium, Haifa