103. Which is the most important prayer in the order of worship?
Ans: Kauma.
104. When can Kauma be used?
Ans: On all occasions even without special prayer Kauma can be used.
105. What is the greatness of Kauma?
Ans: The greatness of Kauma is that it contains the Lord’s prayer.
106. Which is the important prayer in the set prayer?
Ans: Kauma is the important prayer in the set prayer.
107. What is the proof of the greatness of Kauma?
Ans: The greatness of Kauma is that is used in the beginning and end of set prayers.
108. Is praise a part of Kauma?
Ans: No, before any worship or prayer praise to trinity is said. It is said in many ways.
109. Which are the prevailing forms of praising the trinity these days?
Ans: Glory be to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the name of the true God glory to you Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
110. Where does Kauma begin?
Ans: Kauma begins with the praise of angels.
111. What is the praise of angels?
Ans: Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty, by whose glory, the heaven and the earth are filled. (Isa 6:3).
112. Which is the prayer after the praise of angels?
Ans: Blessed is He who has comes and is to come in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest (St.Mt.21:9)
113. Whose prayer is this? When was it sung?
Ans: The prayer of children. Children sang when Jesus entered Jerusalem Temple. (Psalm 118:26)
114. What should be our thoughts when we recite these prayers?
Ans: We need to think that our prayers are joined with the heavenly chants and the devine inspired. Songs sung on earth and our portion is raised to that those great singers.
115. Is it mandatory to recite praise to the Trinity and introductory prayer in all Kuma?
Ans: It is enough to recite both for the first Kauma. This is enough to begin prayer by Holy art thou O Lord when two kaumas are together and the last kauma is prayed.
116. What is trisagion?
Ans: It is the prayer in which thrice ‘Holy art thou O God’ Holy art thou Almighty, Holy Art Thou immortal (deathless).
117. Which is the prayer recited along thrice trisagion?
Ans: Crucified for us, have mercy on us.
118. To whom is this prayer offered?
Ans: God, the Son. This prayer to God the son, was adapted by church of Antioch against the heresy of Arius in the 4th century.
119. What is the Antiochian tradition of trisagion?
Ans: Their traditional belief is that thrice Holy song was sung by angels at the time of Lords burial.
120. Who wrote (composed) the prayer accompanied by the thrice Holy song?
Ans: It was written against the two nature believers in the region of Antioch in later half of 5th century.
121. what is the tradition of Antioch concerning the prayer?
Ans: The tradition of Antioch is that this prayer was sung as a continuation of Angels song by Joseph and Nicodemos which the body of Jesus was being carried for burial.
122. What all heresies are opposed by trisagion song and the accompanying prayer?
Ans: The song and prayer was against the Arian heresies stubborn belief that God the son was a creation but the praise to the Son in the song firmly proclaimed that the Son was God himself. they argued that it was only the humanity of Jesus which died on the cross. it was to oppose the Double (Twin) nature holders and proclaim to them that the son was the human incarnation of God.
123. Which prayer is known as the Lord’s prayer?
Ans: The prayer ‘Our Father who … in heaven ……………’ which was taught by Jesus to the disciples is known as Lord’s prayer.
124.Is the Lords high priestly prayer and Lord’s prayer are one and the same?
Ans: No, the Lord’s prayer of High priestly prayer is the prayer mentioned in 17th chapter of St. John’s Gospel.
125. What is the greatness of Lord’s prayer?
Ans: When we pray this prayer God the father will hear His sons voice through us. It is also a prayer for the glorification of past, present and feature.
126. What are the main parts of Lord’s prayer?
Ans: It contains man’s spiritual and worldly needs and his duties towards God and fellowmen. our father in heaven …… is for spiritual needs, worldly needs is from our daily bread. for the kingdom, the power and glory are yours” is its conclusion. in hort 1. three petitions for the submission of divine glorification 2. the tour prayers for their materialization 3. and the conclusion are the main parts.
127. Is this concluding prayer a part of Lord’s prayer?
Ans: No, it is not contained in the prayer taught by the Lord but it is recited along with it as its conclusion.
128. Who had been usually using this concluding prayer on the part of the prayer?
Ans: It had been used at end of any prayer by the Jews.
129. Which prayer is recited along with kauma?
Ans: The prayer “Hail Mary full of Grace.”
130. Is it needed to recite ‘hail mary’ in all Kauma?
Ans: Not necessary but it is not allowed to recite in the week of hasha. (Holy Week)
131. Who all contributed to the prayer ‘ hail Mary full of grace’?
Ans: The part ‘hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you’ was told to Mary by Angel Gabriel (LK 1:28) ‘ Blessed are you among women, blessed is the fruit of your womb’ was spoken by Elizabeth to Mary (Lk 1:42) The rest was incorporated by the Church.
132. Which is the praise (Kauma) of Cherubs ?
Ans: ‘ Blessed is the honour of the Lord forever from me’.
133. Why is it known as the Kauma of Cherubs?
Ans: It is known as the Kauma of Chrubs because these words are of Cherubs. (Ezk 3:12)
134. When is the Kauma of Cherubs used?
Ans: This is used at the end of Suthara prayer and after the first and second Kauma of Night prayer.
135. What all decisions of the Synod are contained in the present Nicean creed?
Ans: The Synods of Nicean Constantinople (Kusthanthinapolise) and Ephesus.
136. Why is it known as the Nicean creed?
Ans: It is known so since the creed was composed (formulated) on the beginning in Nicean.
137. Which are the prayers that all members of the church should known?
Ans: All members should be able to recite Kauma and the Nicean creed without any mistake.
138. Which are the central pillars of worship?
Ans: Kauma and the Nicene creed.
139. On which occasions the Nicene creed is used?
Ans: The Nicene creed is recited at the end of Kauma after every worship. the creed is recited at the end when many times prayers are offered together. the creed is recited during all Blessings and Services. At the time of faithful’s death, the people who stand near, recite creed repeatedly.
140. What is Kukilion?
Ans: Cycle of prayer. it is small order of service in musical form.
141. Which are the Kukilion usually used?
Ans: Mother of God, Holy Cross, Saints, Departed souls of priests, departed souls of faithful.
142. What is ‘Gaonoyo’ ? Which parts of Kukilions are contained in Gaonoyo?
Ans: It is common Kukilion. Mother of God, saints and Departed souls.
143. On which occasions are Kukilions used?
Ans: The Kukilions of Divine Mother and saints are offered after the creed in Evening prayer, morning prayer and end of the prayers. The Kukilions of the departed priests, including songs for the dead is offered on Sundays and the feasts of Maranaya in the evenings. the Kukilions of the cross, divine nother, saints and departed souls on Sundays and on the feast of Morana, besides these the Kukilions of departed priests are offered.
144. On which occasion Kukilion is not used?
Ans: In the Holy mass and prayers of Hasha week.
145. Why are Kukilion and Hail Mary full of grave not used during the passion week?
Ans: They are intercessory prayers.
146. Which are the parts of Kukilion?
Ans: The suitable sentences of the Psalms – Ekbo, Kolos, Huthome etc.
147. Which part of Kukilions is contained in the Bible?
Ans: The first lines of each kukilion are the sentences of Psalms. they are chosen accrding to the need of the occasions.
148. The Biblical part of Kukilion for St. Mother?
Ans: Psalms 45:9-11.
There are Queens among your Jewel – women. the Queen on your right side stands wearing an offir ruby. forget your own people and thy our ancestral home. then the king will desire your beauty. this part of the psalm is a song sung in the presence of bride and the bridegroom when the princes of Israel loyal family get married. the bride is hereby advised to stay hereafter with the bridegroom prince. Similarly, the church which is the bride of Christ is here told to stay with the Christ who was born from the virgin Mary.
149. The Biblical reference of the Kukilion of the Saints?
Ans: Ps 92:12-14. The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in lebenon. in old age they will produce frinity they are always green and full of saps.
150. The Biblical reference to the Kuklion for the departed priests?
Ans: Ps.132:9-10. Let your priests be clothed in righteousness and let your faithful shout for joy. for your servnt Davids sake do not turn away the face of your anointed one.
151. The Kukilions of the cross?
Ans: Ps 44:5,7Through you are push down our foes; though your name are tread down our assailants But you have saved us from our faces, and have put to confusion those who hate us. The truth proclaimed here is that god gives salvation Cross should not merely be thought as an instrument in the shape of cross. the meaning of the term cross here is crucified and the crucified Christ. save us.
152. The kukilion of the departed souls?
Ans: Ps 103:13, 15. As a father has compassion for his children, so this Lord has compassion for those who fear him. as for mortals their days are like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field. this part reiterates the mercy of God and the mortality of men.
153 . What does the term Sluso mean?
Ans: Prayer.
154. What does ‘sluso’ mean in the context of our service?
Ans: This is the first prayer recited in prayers and services.
155. Who is authorized to recite sluso?
Ans: Only Bishops and priest.
156. What does the term ‘Prumion’ mean?
157. What does ‘ sedera’ mean?
Ans:A row of Prayer, order.
158. What does the term ‘Husoyo’ mean?
Ans:The Prayer of penance (propitiation).
159. Who all can recite ‘Husoyo’?
Ans:Only Bishops and priests.
160. What does the term ‘ Ethro’ mean?
Ans:Incense prayer.
161. Which are the prayers in which incense is used?
Ans:In the beginning of Ethro, when Husoyo is begun after Prumiyon, when sedera is begun after Prumiyon withoutrating Husoyo.
162. What does ‘Huthommo’ mean?
163. In which all forms Huthomo are there?
Ans:It comes in some services after Ethro and other places as the recessional hymn by leader and the final blessing at the end of Holy Mass just before the dismissal.
164. What does the term ‘Masumuras mean?
Ans: It means psalms.
165. Which part is Mary’s song praise (Magnificat)?
Ans: In the gospel of St. Lk 1:46-55.
166. Where is this song used?
Ans: It is used daily canonical prayers, in the morning prayers of some special days and some other services.
167. How many are the state of Beatitudes?
Ans:Eight. Mt. 5:3-12.
168. When are they used?
Ans:In the morning prayer of ‘Kyamtha’ morning of special days and some other services.
169. Which are the Biblical portions that are suitable for worships?
Ans:In (divine office) prayers Pslams, the Mary’s song of praise, Beatitudes, Hosea 42:10-13, 45:8; besides these reading is done from the old testaments at the end of Morning Prayer ( up to 6th Hour), and from the New Testaments once the Holy Mass has begun.
170. Which prayer is offered at the end of Masumuri?
Ans:Lord, you are worthy to be glorified, Barekmore.
171. Which song is sung before reading the OT?
Ans: Ps:118:15 There are glad songs of victory and salvation in the tents of the righteous.
172. Old Testament is read from which all portions?
Ans: The Old Testament is divided into three parts. at least one reading is taken from each of these three parts.
173. Which are the three divisions of Old Testament?
Ans: a. The Pentateuch (Books of laws). The fine books considered to be authored by Moses.
b. Property
c. Writings , Wisdom and Poetry (written books).
174. Which are the three divisions of the New Testament?
Ans: Historical Books, Letters, Apocalypse (Revelation)
175. Which are the Historical Books?
Ans: The gospels and the Acts of the Apostles (the life history of Jesus and the church history)
176. Which are the letters?
Ans: The letters of St. Paul including the letter to the Hebrews, and the 7 letters which are known as the general letters.
177. Which New Testament book can be included on the category of prophecy?
Ans: The book of Revelation.
178. Which New Testament books are read in the Holy Mass?
Ans: From the books of History and letters.
179. Why is the book of Revelation not read?
Ans: This book of not officially approved by the church (it is seen in the New Reading).
180. How many books are there in the NT and who are the authors?
Ans: 27 Books. Mathew Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, Jacob and Jude.
181. Who are the Apostles who wrote Gospels?
Ans: St. Mathew, St. John.
182. What does the term ‘Habibai’ mean?
Ans: My dear ones.
183. What does the term ‘Ahai’ mean?
Ans: My brothers.
184. Which are the prayers to be read on the north step?
Ans: Either from the Acts of the Apostles or General letters parts is read. (Revelation is seen in the new reading)
185. Who wrote the general Letters?
Ans: Jacob, Peter, John and Jude.
186. Which are the books read on the south step?
Ans: 14 letters of St. Paul.
187. Are these two readings compulsory?
Ans: Yes, on Sundays and feast days but the readings are not mentioned for ordinary days.
188. Which is the song before the reading on the north step?
Ans: Those Apostles, chosen, send by God.
189. Why is Habeebai said in the reading of the North Step?
Ans: ‘Habeeban’ is the Syric (suriyani) word for dear ones which is used in all General letters to address the readers. the reader says this before and after the reading.
190. Which song is sung before the Southernstep reading? Bible reading?
Ans: Paul the blessed Apostle said etc. Galatians 1:8.
191. Why ‘Ahai’ is said at the Southern step reading?
Ans: The reader uses the same words ‘brothers’ which are used by St. Paul to address his readers.
192. What is the meaning of the word ‘Evangilion’?
Ans: The meaning of this Greek word is goodnews.
193. How many gospels are there and what are they?
Ans: Two – 1. The good news that the Lord is born, 2. The salvific word that Lord is risen.
194. Who all wrote gospels?
Ans: St.Mathew, St. Mark, St.Luke,St. John.
195. Which song is sung after the Gospel reading?
Ans: Usually the song, Blessed are those servants good, Remember we those prophets and Apostles etc any other songs suitable to the contents of the reading.
196. What does the word ‘Litany’ mean?
Ans: Intercession – petitions. there are row of short prayers recited by the altar boys as to enable the worshippers to respond quickly like Lord hear our prayer.
197. On which occasions does litany come in the service?
Ans: After the Gospel reading in services, and after the song ‘Hearken, Gracious Lord we pray………’ in the Holy Mass.
198. Which are prayers where litany is included?
Ans: Dhanaha, Hoshana, Pentecost, Funeral, The blessing of the church, Mooran Blessing.
199. Is it necessary to recite litany in the Holy Mass?
Ans: They are intercessory prayers like Thubden. At least the last two three litanies are said at the time of Holy Mass but it is used according to the time and situation. The purpose of ‘thubdens’ is that of litany.
200. What is the response of litany?
Ans: Prayers like ‘Kuriyelaison’ which means ‘have mercy on us, Lord’ can be used.
201. What does ‘theloitho’ mean?
Ans: It is loud prayer. They are the loudly said prayers after the silent prayer of Leader in the important sacramental prayers. The hands of priests are raised at this prayer.
202. What does ‘Gehento’ mean?
Ans:These are the silent (secret) prayers by Leader. during this prayer the priests have to fold their hands. the worshippers say kurialaison.
203. What does ‘ Havdumalakhi’ mean?