(Early 20th Century Prose. I. Bunin, A. Kuprin)
(July 2015)
Unit Statement: The student will study the life and works of I. Bunin and A. Kuprin and learn the content of selected stories and analyze them.
Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)
1. The Student Will read The Garnet Bracelet by A. Kuprin and describe what the story’s conflict is.
2. TSW create a presentation about The Garnet Bracelet on a chosen topic.
3. TSW read and analyze The Gentleman from San Francisco by I. Bunin.
4. TSW write a letter to the author about how he or she would like to finish The Gentleman from San Francisco.
5. TSW create a presentation about one of I. Bunin’s stories.
Introduced/Practiced Outcomes: (See Course Outcomes)
- TSW read the selected short stories Dark Avenues by I.Bunin and analyze them.
- TSW parse the prose of Bunin and Kuprin.
- TSW analyze the text in order to discover the development of the inner life of the hero.
- TSW read the selected short stories Gambrinus and Belyy Pudel by A.Kuprin, record the main content of the stories and analyze them.
- TSW explore the stylistics of the texts.
- TSW learn to understand the value of works of literature and define their place in the historic-literary process.
Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:
- Correcting the most typical mistakes made by students.
- Rubrics
Suggested Materials: (See Course Outcomes)
Русская литература. Учебник - хрестоматия для 11 класса. Москва.
Русская литература. 11 класс.
400 лучших школьных сочинений. 5 – 11 классы.
Тексты художественных произведений изучаемых авторов
Suggested Evaluation Rubric- Russian IV Native- E02
(Early 20th Century Prose. I. Bunin, A. Kuprin)
Name:______Date: ______Grade: ______
· To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s).
· To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery in 2 out of 3 available ‘A’ level TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all the remainign TSW’s
TSW / SUMMARY / ‘B’ LEVEL / ‘A’ LEVEL / ‘P’ – COMMENTS1 / TSW read The Garnet Bracelet by A. Kuprin and describe what the story’s conflict is. / I read The Garnet Bracelet by A. Kuprin and can describe what the story’s conflict is.
2 / TSW create a presentation about “The Garnet Braselet” on a chosen topic. / See the General Assessment Rubrics / See the General Assessment Rubrics
3 / TSW read and analyze “The Gentleman from San Francisco” by I.Bunin. / I understand and can explain and define the problems which arose in the story.
4 / TSW write a letter to the author about how he or she would like to finish story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” by I.Bunin. / See the General Assessment Rubrics / See the General Assessment Rubrics
5 / TSW create a presentation about one of I. Bunin’s stories / See the General Assessment Rubrics / See the General Assessment Rubrics
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