(Early 20th Century Prose. I. Bunin, A. Kuprin)

(July 2015)

Unit Statement: The student will study the life and works of I. Bunin and A. Kuprin and learn the content of selected stories and analyze them.

Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)

1.  The Student Will read The Garnet Bracelet by A. Kuprin and describe what the story’s conflict is.

2.  TSW create a presentation about The Garnet Bracelet on a chosen topic.

3.  TSW read and analyze The Gentleman from San Francisco by I. Bunin.

4.  TSW write a letter to the author about how he or she would like to finish The Gentleman from San Francisco.

5.  TSW create a presentation about one of I. Bunin’s stories.

Introduced/Practiced Outcomes: (See Course Outcomes)

  1. TSW read the selected short stories Dark Avenues by I.Bunin and analyze them.
  1. TSW parse the prose of Bunin and Kuprin.
  1. TSW analyze the text in order to discover the development of the inner life of the hero.
  1. TSW read the selected short stories Gambrinus and Belyy Pudel by A.Kuprin, record the main content of the stories and analyze them.
  1. TSW explore the stylistics of the texts.
  1. TSW learn to understand the value of works of literature and define their place in the historic-literary process.

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

  1. Correcting the most typical mistakes made by students.
  2. Rubrics

Suggested Materials: (See Course Outcomes)

Русская литература. Учебник - хрестоматия для 11 класса. Москва.

Русская литература. 11 класс.

400 лучших школьных сочинений. 5 – 11 классы.

Тексты художественных произведений изучаемых авторов


Suggested Evaluation Rubric- Russian IV Native- E02

(Early 20th Century Prose. I. Bunin, A. Kuprin)

Name:______Date: ______Grade: ______

·  To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s).

·  To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery in 2 out of 3 available ‘A’ level TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all the remainign TSW’s

1 / TSW read The Garnet Bracelet by A. Kuprin and describe what the story’s conflict is. / I read The Garnet Bracelet by A. Kuprin and can describe what the story’s conflict is.
2 / TSW create a presentation about “The Garnet Braselet” on a chosen topic. / See the General Assessment Rubrics / See the General Assessment Rubrics
3 / TSW read and analyze “The Gentleman from San Francisco” by I.Bunin. / I understand and can explain and define the problems which arose in the story.
4 / TSW write a letter to the author about how he or she would like to finish story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” by I.Bunin. / See the General Assessment Rubrics / See the General Assessment Rubrics
5 / TSW create a presentation about one of I. Bunin’s stories / See the General Assessment Rubrics / See the General Assessment Rubrics



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