Arts & Crafts 5
Area: Plástica (English)
Stage: Primary Education
KEY COMPETENCES EVALUATIONCompetence in linguistic communication: Using specific art vocabulary to analyse a work of art.
Competence in mathematics, science and technology: Drawing figures with the correct proportion.
Digital competence: Developing computer skills and practising art skills on the Internet.
Competence in learning to learn: Using a grid to learn to draw figures with the correct proportion.
Competence in social awareness and citizenship: Collaborating effectively with a partner to make a figure drawing.
Competence in autonomous learning and personal initiative: Applying a new art technique to draw a figure in proportion.
Competence in artistic and cultural awareness: Observing and reflecting on a work of art that makes up their cultural heritage.
Figure drawing. / Analyse and interpret the works of art so that they can create new artworks based on new knowledge.
Explore the principle of proportion in figure drawing. / Understand that artists use proportion to show the appropriate size and balance of figures.
Complete smaller and larger figures using guidelines to show proportion.
Use the size of the head to show proportion. / (LIN, MST, LTL, SOC, CUL)
Analysis of proportion in the painting Little Giants by Francisco de Goya. / Describe figures using suitable artistic language. / Reflect on the concept of proportion by observing human figures. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, CUL)
Observation of and reflection on the work of art by Francisco de Goya as part of our cultural heritage. / Learn and respect the works of art that make up our cultural heritage. / Observe, recognise and respect the artwork by the artist Francisco de Goya. / (LIN, MST, SOC, CUL)
Autonomy and creativity in art. / Consolidate proportion in figure drawings. / Draw and cut out a figure of a classmate with correct proportion. / (LIN, MST, LTL, SOC, AUT, CUL)
Development of computer skills and practice of art skills on the Internet. / Observe and draw more figures. / Search and explore more artworks by Francisco de Goya to compare proportion in their figures.
Draw figures online creatively. / (LIN, MST, DIG, LTL, AUT, CUL)
Language focus
Figure, proportion, size
Parts of the body: head, torso, limbs, joint
Children, countryside, game, short, shoulders, tall
Key structures
Present continuous and adjectives to describe appearance:
The boys are playing a game.; The children are sitting on each other’s shoulders.; He’s got short, dark hair.
Understands and respects the different physical appearance and personality traits of each individual.
Actively responds to works of art and makes connections to objects in nature, events and the environment.
In this unit, pupils will explore figure proportion by observing and analysing figures in a painting by Francisco de Goya. It is important that the pupils measure themselves and reflect on how the size of their head is associated with the proportions of their body. Pupils will use a grid to practise drawing figures with different proportions. Encourage pupils to observe their classmates carefully to draw proportion accurately. Through the activities presented in this unit, pupils will apply new techniques and reinforce new learning in different contexts while developing language skills. They will continue to develop as artists as they explore the four content area of art: Perception and response; Historical, cultural and social context; Creative expression and production; Aesthetics and criticism.
Encourage pupils to discuss the artwork in pairs or groups. Pupils will work with a partner to draw their classmate in proportion.
Natural science: the body
Maths: proportion
Unit 1 class worksheet – Choose a figure in motion and draw it.
Fast finishers
Draw a portrait to review facial proportion.
Draw a portrait of your family.
Draw, cut and glue objects that are important to you in your artwork.
English extension activities
Use present continuous to describe actions.
Practise adjectives for describing appearances.
Describe the figures in the painting.
KEY COMPETENCES EVALUATIONCompetence in linguistic communication: Using specific art vocabulary to analyse a work of art.
Competence in mathematics, science and technology: Using a grid to draw a small picture on a larger scale. Understanding reading coordinates.
Digital competence: Developing computer skills and practising art skills on the Internet.
Competence in learning to learn: Developing map skills by listening and drawing objects to complete a treasure map in a grid.
Competence in social awareness and citizenship: Identifying strengths and areas for improvement in their own and others’ artworks. Competence in autonomous learning and personal initiative: Following a sequence of steps to complete an art project.
Competence in artistic and cultural awareness: Exploring a variety of techniques to use scale in art and to represent texture.
Scale and proportion in art and the environment. / Identify the concept of scale. / Understand that scale refers to the relative size of an object in relation to others in the artwork. / (LIN, MST, CUL)
Use a grid to draw objects on a larger scale. / Observe a scene and draw it on a larger scale keeping the proportion correctly.
Analysis of scale and proportion in a ship in a bottle. / Identify and describe reality and fiction using suitable artistic language. / Identify the difference between a real object and a model of it.
Recognise a model is an exact copy of an object but smaller. / (LIN, MST, LTL, SOC, CUL)
Coordinates. / Identify coordinates on a map. / Listen and draw images from a key in the correct space on a map. / (LIN, MST, CUL)
Autonomy and creativity in art. / Make a 3-D structure. / Construct a scale model of a treasure chest. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, AUT, CUL)
Textures. / Identify the elements of art to create texture. / Create texture using felt tips to represent wood. / (LIN, LTL, AUT, CUL)
Development of computer skills and practice of art skills on the Internet. / Learn more about scale models. / Observe and talk about objects and their model scales. / (LIN, MST, DIG, LTL, CUL)
Language focus
Scale, model, size, measure, grid
Bottle, cork, flag, sails, ship, string
Map, key, treasure, chest, compass (North, West, South, East)
Landscape features: cave, lake, rocks, sand, trees, volcano
Key structures
Antonyms: large/small, heavy/light, near/far, long/short, empty/full
Connectors of sequence: first, then, next, finally
Follows instructions carefully and demonstrates care and craftsmanship.
Shows interest in learning new vocabulary and skills.
In this unit, pupils will explore scale by observing and analysing a scale model of a ship in a bottle. It is important that the pupils observe a variety of images and practise using grids to draw objects larger or smaller. Pupils will also explore the use of scale and coordinates in maps and use a grid to show a large distance. Encourage pupils explore and reflect on other ways artists can use scale in art. Through the activities presented in this unit, pupils will apply new techniques and reinforce new learning in different contexts while developing language skills. They will continue to develop as artists as they explore the four content area of art: Perception and response; Historical, cultural and social context; Creative expression and production; Aesthetics and criticism.
Encourage pupils to discuss the artwork in pairs or groups. Pupils will work with a partner to read the instructions and find the buried treasure using a map.
Natural science: materials and their properties
Maths: scale
Unit 2 class worksheet – Use the grid to draw the picture on a smaller scale.
Fast finishers
Draw a different type of transport inside a glass bottle.
Add more natural features in the grid of your map.
Cut and glue details on your treasure chest.
English extension activities
Review antonyms.
Use adjectives describe the artwork.
Describe the creative process using connectors of sequence: first, then, next, finally.
KEY COMPETENCES EVALUATIONCompetence in linguistic communication: Using specific art vocabulary to analyse a work of art.
Competence in mathematics, science and technology: Exploring volume in a variety of objects in their immediate environment.
Digital competence: Developing computer skills and practising art skills on the Internet.
Competence in learning to learn: Developing observations skills by doing a blind contour sketch.
Competence in social awareness and citizenship: Developing social skills to share opinions and evaluate the work of others.
Competence in autonomous learning and personal initiative: Applying new skills and art techniques in a creative way.
Competence in artistic and cultural awareness: Using contour lines to show volume in two-dimensional artworks.
Contour lines in art and the environment. / Analyse and interpret the works of art so that they can create new artwork based on new knowledge. / Understand that contour lines are used to show the outline and surface of an object to suggest volume and mass. / (LIN, MST, LTL, CUL)
Volume. / Use different types of lines to show volume. / Complete objects with contour lines to show volume.
Use half a photo of an object and make it symmetrical by drawing only contour lines. / (LIN, MST, LTL, AUT)
Analysis of the use of contour lines in the painting Drawing Hands by M.C. Escher. / Identify volume in a two-dimensional drawing. / Observe and identify volume in the painting Drawing Hands by M.C. Escher.
Observe two drawn hands and identify the one with volume. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, CUL)
Observation of and reflection on the work of art by M.C. Escher as part of cultural heritage. / Learn and respect the works of art that make up cultural heritage. / Observe, recognise and respect the artwork by the artist M.C. Escher. / (LIN, MST, SOC, CUL)
Autonomy and creativity in art. / Create volume. / Draw a variety of contour lines to create a three-dimensional handprint. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, AUT, CUL)
Development of computer skills and practice of art skills on the Internet. / Learn more about contour lines and three-dimensional figures. / Search the Internet for several lithographs by M.C. Escher to reflect on contour lines.
Play a game to practise drawing with contour lines. / (LIN, MST, DIG, LTL, CUL)
Language focus
Contour lines, outline, edges, surface
Three-dimensional, height, length, width
Volume, space
Button, cuff, pen, sleeve, wrist
Key structures
Future tense with going to and will: I’m going to draw the outline of the object.; I think the hands will draw more lines.
Uses observation skills to represent everyday objects.
Demonstrates interest, curiosity and creativity when observing and responding to a work of art.
In this unit, pupils will explore contour lines by observing and analysing an artwork by M.C. Escher. It is important that pupils develop their observation skills by doing several blind contour drawings. Encourage pupils to observe the outlines as well as the surface lines of objects and to draw them effectively to show
volume. Through the activities presented in this unit, pupils will apply new techniques and reinforce new learning in different contexts while developing language skills. They will continue to develop as artists as they explore the four content area of art: Perception and response; Historical, cultural and social context; Creative expression and production; Aesthetics and criticism.
Encourage pupils to discuss the artwork in pairs or groups. Pupils can work in pairs to compare and contrast their artwork with others.
Natural science: properties of matter
Maths: volume
Unit 3 class worksheet – Add contour lines to the outlines.
Fast finishers
Observe and draw your hand with contour lines to show volume.
Sketch similar objects around your artwork.
Draw outlines of different shapes to practise this new technique.
English extension activities
Practise talking about the future using “will” for predictions and “going to” for plans.
Use “going to” to talk about planning the creative process.
Use “will” to make a creative prediction about the artwork.
KEY COMPETENCES EVALUATIONCompetence in linguistic communication: Using specific art vocabulary to analyse a work of art.
Competence in mathematics, science and technology: Using proportion and scale to paint figures and objects.
Digital competence: Developing computer skills and practising art skills on the Internet.
Competence in learning to learn: Understanding the communicative possibilities of art.
Competence in social awareness and citizenship: Collaborating with others to tell a story with their artworks.
Competence in autonomous learning and personal initiative: Experimenting with different art materials.
Competence in artistic and cultural awareness: Observing and reflecting on a work of art that makes up their historical and cultural heritage. Practising making texture on paper.
Cave art. / Explore basic elements of art. / Make the texture of a cave wall applying the concepts learnt. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, AUT, CUL)
Identify what cave art was used for. / Describe life in prehistoric times.
Understand that cave art was used to communicate.
Texture. / Learn a new technique to make texture on paper. / Use watercolours and salt to create the texture of a cave wall on paper. / (LIN, LTL, AUT, CUL)
Observation of and reflection on a cave painting from La cueva de los caballos de Valltorta en Tírig as part of our cultural heritage. / Learn and respect the works of art that make up our cultural heritage. / Observe, recognise and respect cave art.
Appreciate the cultural value of cave art in giving us information about Prehistoric times. / (LIN, SOC, CUL)
Group work: tell a story. / Identify the event or story they want to express in an image. / Carry out a group project respecting the ideas of others and collaborating in the tasks they’ve been assigned. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, AUT, CUL)
Autonomy and creativity in art. / Paint an image. / Think of and represent an event or story in an image they paint. / (LIN, LTL, SOC, AUT, CUL)
Make a poster about Prehistoric art in Spain. / Listen and complete information about the Altamira cave paintings which help the pupils make a poster.
Development of computer skills and practice of art skills on the Internet. / Learn about caves. / Search the Internet for images from the Altamira Cave. / (LIN, MST, DIG, LTL, CUL)