On June 2, 2008Paulette Burdick requested additional information regarding item #G5 – The Picower Foundation Grant for Single School Culture © for Academics


Please provide the Board an update on the deliverables of the prior year grant concerning Efficacy. 1. How many videos and DVD's have been made and delivered to the community? 2. Where can I see the billboards and Tri Rail/busses messages The backup speaks to the number of conferences over the years but not to the specific deliverables for our community parents and children. 3. How will success be measured for the Parent Advocacy Specialist and Community Efficacy Trainers? Does the plan include Efficacy training at each school SAC/PTA in the District? Is it 100 or 200 training sessions? Please provide the plan. 4. Provide a list of the SINI and the FCAT results using the EDW.


Question #1:

How many videos and DVD’s have been made and delivered to the community?


We have produced a series of parent videos on Efficacy. A one-hour television broadcast featuring Dr. Jeff Howard discussing Efficacy beliefs and interviewing district staff, teachers, parents and students was broadcast during February and March 2008.

We have completed nine segments for Spanish Efficacy DVDs designed for diverse participants in various settings that are used in the campaign trainer Presentations.

Question #2:

Where can I see the billboards and Tri Rail/busses messages?


The Step Up for Proficiency Advertising is currently on 160 Palm Tran Buses and in Palm Beach International Airport Terminal B.

Question #3:

How will success be measured for the Parent Advocacy Specialist and Community Efficacy Trainers? Does the plan include Efficacy training at each school SAC/PTA in the District? Is it 100 or 200 training sessions? Please provide the plan.


We have training evaluations from the parent participants on file indicating that they will utilize the strategies presented during the training.

The plan does include efficacy trainingat school sites for parents, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), and School Advisory Council (SAC), Schools’ Business Partners, and Aftercare Providers agencies.

A district-wide Step Up For Proficiency Efficacy training notification using the district bulletin system,October 15, 2007, P-12583-CAO/SLE,posters, and flyers was sent to all K-12 school principals. Principals were asked to schedule 3 to 6 parent Efficacy trainings sessions at their school sites for parents, Parent Teacher Organizations, School Advisory Council, Business Partners, and Aftercare Providers.

Efficacy in the Community Campaign

Timeline – FY08

Task / Functions / Due Date / Status
Certification Sessions
(with Audiences)
.5 day/ trainer 4 workshops /day facilitated by 1 trainer per session. / June 11, 12, 13, 2007 / COMPLETED
Campaign For Proficiency Partnership Governance Meetings / Discuss planning, problem solving, comprehensive internal and external communications, and evaluation for the Pilot Campaign for Proficiency Implementation Plan / Continued for monitoring and evaluation / ONGOING
Campaign for Proficiency Partnership Implementation
Meetings / Conduct Trainers’ Informational and Campaign (CFP)Planning and Development Meeting
(Scope of CFP, Analyze information about presentation to understand our position, pinpoint clear campaign market advantage) / January 2008 –
Continued / ONGOING
Continuation of Target Funding Source / Design and build upon the Internal Capital Campaign
(consult with community development leaders, state, federal, and corporate funders for support) / January 2008 –
Continued / ONGOING
Target population and community /school location for CFP / Decide where we want to focus our resources for pilot campaign area (i.e.
AAA Schools, areas, churches, Riviera Beach, Glades, Lake Worth, etc.) / January 2008 –
Continued / ONGOING
Public Relations /
Partnership Campaign Logo / Billboard captions for PB County. Prepare several billboards designated areas, city buses, taxi cabs, church bulletins, TV ads, radio-live segments, District website, etc. / January 2008 –
Continued / ONGOING
District, Funding Source, and Pilot School/Community Team Partnership Buy-In and Commitment
Involvement Policy / Secure all agencies commitment from all involved stakeholders and support departments to implement Campaign For Proficiency Initiative for Institutionalizing School/Community Belief System and Practices / January 2007 -
to Institutionalization as a district and county in Florida / ONGOING
Conduct Site Visits & Presentations for Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress in Community / Conduct Evaluations for Commitment and requirements for pilot Site and Community Implementation / January 2008 –
Continued / ONGOING
Campaign For Proficiency
“Pilot” Community Program / Conduct Partnership Campaign Pilot County-wide Implementation / January 2008 –
Ongoing / ONGOING
Showcase and Presentation for Step Up For Proficiency / Step Up for Proficiency Presentation to over 1,000 adults at the 2008 National 21st Century Consortium Conference in Daytona Beach, Florida. / April 2008 / COMPLETED
Presented Step Up For Proficiency Concepts and Practices / Presented Step Up For Proficiency Efficacy Concepts and Practices during the breakout sessions for adults and secondary school students at the 2008 Multicultural Education Community Symposium in West Palm Beach, Florida. / May 3, 2008 / COMPLETED

Training Summary

2006-2007 / 2007-2008 Cumulative as of Oct. 31, 2007 / 2007-2008 Cumulative from Nov. 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008
# Parent Trainings / 400 / 800 / 902
# Parent Participants / 600 / 1000 / 1,200
# Child Care/After School Staff Trainings / 25 / 55 / 80
# CC/AS Participants / 80 / 200 / 308
# Community Partner Trainings / 45 / 80 / 102
# Community Partner Participants / 100 / 200 / 340

Question #4:

Provide a list of the SINI and FCAT results using the EDW.


SINI data will require time to disaggregate. We will provide this information to you when all of the FCAT results come in.