Student Teaching Evaluation Results: Special Education Program for Spring 2008
Midterm Results
The host district for student teaching: (10 Responses)East Hartford
Windham Public Schools
Primary school for student teaching (10 Responses)
Annie Vinton
Hockanum school
Windham Middle School
Gideon Welles
Button Ball Lane
Windham High School
ButtonBall Lane
Hall Memorial
Mansfield Middle School
North Windham Elementary School
Grade level placement: (Check all that apply.)
Grade Level / Count / Percent
K / 1 / 10.0
1 / 2 / 20.0
2 / 2 / 20.0
3 / 4 / 40.0
4 / 3 / 30.0
5 / 4 / 40.0
6 / 3 / 30.0
7 / 2 / 20.0
8 / 2 / 20.0
9 / 1 / 10.0
10 / 1 / 10.0
11 / 1 / 10.0
12 / 1 / 10.0
Total: / 27 / 100.0
Typical size of instructional group (9 Responses)
Count / Percent
1 / 2 / 22.2
3 / 1 / 11.1
4 / 1 / 11.1
5 / 1 / 11.1
6 / 1 / 11.1
8 / 1 / 11.1
10 / 1 / 11.1
12 / 1 / 11.1
Total: / 9 / 100.0
A. Physically prepare space and materials needed to deliver instrument
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Lesson preparation is done ahead of time and materials are readily available for students / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Plan instruction in a variety of educational settings as needed / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 2 / (20.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
Facilitate the use of technology for/by students in order to adapt and modify curriculum / 6 / (60.00%)
/ 3 / (30.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
B.Design lesson plans to provide all learners access to the general curriculum
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Write behavioral/observable objectives for the individual or group that contain each of the four parts and are directly linked to assessment / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Select and prioritize critical content from general curriculum / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Identify elements of, and relationships among, the critical content (i.e., big ideas) of relevant academic, social behavioral and/or life skills curriculum / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Analyze critical content for learning difficulties and reach appropriate enhancement decisions and/or accommodations/modifications / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
C.Modify lesson plans to address needs of students with disabilities
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Select and prioritize critical content from general curriculum if appropriate to the student / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
Address how the lesson plan aligns to elements of the IEP/504 Plan and integrates affective, social, and life skills with academic curricula / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Use developmentally appropriate activities and assignments; Adapt lessons or activities for individual students / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
A.Maintain a structured learning environment
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Design and manage daily classroom routines in a variety of learning environments / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Create a safe, equitable, positive and supportive classroom atmosphere in which diversities are valued and active participation is encouraged / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Plan transition from one teaching activity to another that are made smoothly / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 3 / (30.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
B.Use a small number of positively stated expectations
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Student behavior expectations are clearly defined and modeled, communicated to students and consistently monitored / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
C.Reinforce appropriate behavior
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Student provides specific and contingent praise to a variety of students during the lesson / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
D.Respond to inappropriate behavior
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Manage disruptive behavior constructively by focusing on student behavior rather than personality / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Demonstrate fairness and consistency in handling student’s problems / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Discipline with dignity and a minimum of classroom disruptions / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
E.Implement individualized behavior strategies for students with disabilities
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Manage student's behavior in accordance with individual Behavior Intervention Plan and positive behavior supports / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Use the least intensive behavior management strategy consistent with the identified needs of the individual with exceptional learning needs / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Select, develop, and adapt procedures for assessing and reporting appropriate social behaviors for students with disabilities / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 3 / (30.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
A.Introduce lesson content
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
State the lesson objectives and orient students to associated outcomes -via an advance organizer / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Describe clear directions and procedures / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Review skills necessary to understand lesson related concepts / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Speak clearly and with a positive tone / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
B. Maximize student engagement
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Use instructional time effectively by maximizing student on-task time / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Provide differentiated opportunities for students to practice newly acquired skills through appropriate learning activities as appropriate. For example, one of the following at ability level (zone of proximal development), at grade level, for maintenance and generalization, by interest level (to promote choice/self-determination) / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Modify pace of instruction as needed; Stated lesson plan outcomes; Make responsive adjustments to instruction based on continual observations / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
C. Provide performance based feedback
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Inconspicuously provide specific performance based feedback to individual students / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
D. Review lesson content
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Use a Post Organizer to reinforce big ideas / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
E. Teach lesson content relevant to student population
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Teach appropriate Academic, Behavioral, or Functional Curriculum / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
A.Assess student ability and/or knowledge prior to instruction
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Gather relevant background information about student prior knowledge / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
B.Assess student outcomes related to IEP during instruction
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Select, develop, and/or adapt formative nonbiased assessments that are congruent with instructional objectives, goals and student exceptionalities / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 3 / (30.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Embed informal assessments and checks for progress monitoring in routine lesson tasks / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Demonstrates ongoing informal assessment strategies to monitor student learning and spontaneously adapts lesson appropriately / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Establish clear criteria for mastery / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 3 / (30.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
C.Assess student response to instruction
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Determine appropriateness of intervention selection based on level and rate of student growth by interpreting formative and summative measures that are congruent with instructional objectives and goals / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 3 / (30.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
A.Uphold high standards of competence/integrity and exercise sound judgmentin the practice of the profession
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Practice within one's skill limit and obtain assistance as needed / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Use verbal, nonverbal, and written language correctly, expressively and to enrich lessons / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Demonstrate sound professional judgment in handling discretionary matters/confidential information / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Demonstrate ethical responsibility to advocate for appropriate services for individuals with disabilities / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Maintain active involvement and visible leadership in the classroom / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
B.Engage in professional activities related to continuous learning and advocacy
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Demonstrates knowledge of school related procedures for taking attendance, recording grades, and transitioning students from one place to another / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
C.Collaborate respectfully with all stakeholders
Observed / Not Observed / N/A
Use group problem solving skills to develop, implement, and evaluate collaborative activities / 9 / (90.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Model techniques and coach others in the use of instructional methods and accommodations / 5 / (50.00%)
/ 5 / (50.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
Is well prepared for student conferences and presents student materials in a professional positive and constructive manner / 5 / (50.00%)
/ 4 / (40.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
Plan and collaborate with families, general educators, related service providers, paraeducators and other professionals in integrating students into various learning environments / 7 / (70.00%)
/ 2 / (20.00%)
/ 1 / (10.00%)
Demonstrate appropriate leadership and cooperation in the day to day running of the classroom and effectively using the paraeducators / 10 / (100.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
What 2-4 strengths did the candidate possess?
1- Planning instruction in a variety of educational settings as needed as well as overall lesson preparation 2- Selecting and prioritizing critical content from general curriculum
She is a true professional. She is always punctual and her plans are prepared in advance. Her plans reflect careful thought and are well written and extremely detailed. Her smile is ever present. She greets the students as they enter, and keeps a positive tone and manner as she efficiently delivers instruction as she manages these challenging groups of fifth graders.
Excellent rapport with the students and staff; professional dress and manner Delivery of content-objectives on board and discussed during initiation and at closure; lesson sequence appropriate and logical (fine tuning pacing).
Excellent rapport with students and staff; warm and inviting, students enjoy working with her. Planning and preparation-excellent (detailed, thoughtful, timed for pacing,prepared in advance; Monitor and adjust instruction-she uses a lot of manipulatives and teaching aids, and has a good sense of how to clarify for the student so they are able to access the information.
His positive presence and energy are a true strength. He is open and friendly with both staff and students which is essential in this challenging placement. He is comfortable playing an active role as teammate both in this room and in the math class where he assists. He has learned about his students and understands their disabilities, their backgrounds, their educational plan and how all of that impacts his teaching. His plans address their individual needs.
She is cheerful, efficient, and energetic in her teaching. She is able to present a lot of material within the timeframe of the lesson. Her manner is very hands on, keeping students on track and pulling them back if they begin to lose focus. Student behavior expectations are clearly defined and modeled, communicated to students, and consistently monitored. She also does an excellent job of planning; every area is thoroughly detailed. All work is submitted in advance; preparation of materials is set before student arrives. Reflective practioner! Excellent understanding of student needs and background.
Her plans are detailed and meet individual needs within the group. She can accommodate a variety of different styles and goals within one lesson. She has a friendly, engaging manner, and the students respond to her with respect and effort. She responds to the student with disruptive behavior in fair, consistent way. Reflective practioner, good at self analysis. Good initiation and closure.
She has demonstrated that she posses knowledge, is prepared, and is hard-working.
Her cooperating teacher indicated that she possesses the following strengths: *Use of positive language and use of positive reinforcement of appropriate student behavior *He notes that her relationship with students is appropriate, meaningful, filled with high expectations, and adheres to individual behavior plans. *The teacher stated that she has synthesized multiple curricular materials, implemented with fidelity, and added to scripted programs especially in mathematics. *Great job with daily check-in/check-out with new students – runs program
What are 2-4 areas for improvement for the candidate?
1- DIFFERENTIATED PLANNING and INSTRUCTION: Providing differentiated opportunities for students to practice newly acquired skills through learning activities as appropriate and within the zone or proximal development. 2- ASSESSMENT- Determine appropriateness of intervention selection based on level and rate of student growth by developing and interpreting formative and summative measures that are congruent with instructional objectives and goals. Establishing CLEAR criterion for for mastery. 3- Classroom Leadership- Specifically, planning transition from one teaching activity to another that are made smoothly. Taking initiative in classroom and not relying on cooperating teacher for "what's next."
She teaches several classes, all comprised of fifth graders who need academic help, but have other issues as well. She does an excellent job with her Tier reading group. The math group is more challenging. She will work on applying various management strategies, setting expectations and reinforcing them. She effectively implements the cooperating teacher's system of marbles in a jar, timing students, and star rewards; she will focus more on class behavior and expectations.