Dear :

I am following up Dr. ’s offer to you with additional information on your appointment within the [specify section, department, division or school]. It is my great pleasure to inform you that the [unit name]wishes to offer you the position of within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. Your appointment is to a non-tenure track position. The appointment begins and extends through . This appointment is full- (or part-) time at % time. If paid position: As an academic exempt employee, you will be paid semi-monthly (the 15th and the last day of the month) at an annual rate of $ .

You will collaborate with Dr.onhis/her research program. The necessary space and facilities will be made available to you within those that the [specify section, department, division or school] presently allocates to Dr. ’sprogram. This appointment and any reappointment are contingent upon valid visa status, available funding resources, available work, and your successful performance. This letter is not intended to create a contract nor constitute a promise or guarantee of continuing employment; either you or the university may end the relationship at any time. The responsibilities of the position may be modified as the objectives of our program change.

If receiving a subsistence allowance: It is our understanding that you will receive financial support from the NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP while you are here. You will receive a subsistence allowance for (list in detail living expenses, travel, office supplies etc.) in the $ AMOUNT of per month for NUMBER months; you will receive this payment through the CALS Finance Transaction Center. While your stay will be for NUMBER years, Cornell policy only allows us to appoint you for one year at a time.

If paid position:Annual performance reviews are expected as this documentation is required for any future reappointment and participation in any salary improvement programs.

If a Postdoctoral Associate: As a Postdoctoral Associate paid from NIH/NSF funds, this appointment is contingent on your successful completion of the RCR on-line training. You are required to complete the RCR on line training requirements and provide proof of passing to our unit’s administration office within 60 days of hire. The training link is Individuals who do not complete the online training within 60 days cannot draw salaries on the sponsored award.

To ensure a smooth transition and your timely access to important resources (benefits and email), including your appointment to payroll, we need you to provide us with additional information as well as confirm your preferred email address. Please visit and complete the CALS Fact Sheet.

Once we have received your signed offer letter, and you have provided the additional information on the data sheet, you will receive an email at your preferred email address that will contain information on how to activate your Cornell University network identification (NetID). Establishing your NetID will allow you to activate your Cornell University email account, receive access to additional information to help you prepare for a successful start at Cornell, and schedule your onboarding appointment. The onboarding appointment can be scheduled prior to your first day of work on a voluntary basis but must be scheduled no later than your first day of employment.

For Post-Doctoral appointments and all other appointments if degree was received within 1 year of appointment, include if proof of PhD was not provided: You are required to show documented completion of your PhD within 60 days of your start date; if you are unable to provide this information, your appointment as a (Insert position title) will be terminated.

If US Citizen: This offer is contingent upon satisfactory verification of identity and employment eligibility. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, your employment at Cornell can begin only after adequate documentation is presented. In compliance with federal regulations you will need to personally present original documentation that establishes your identity and employment eligibility during your onboarding appointment or no later than your first day of work. A list of documents that can be used is on page 5 of the I-9 form; the form is available at

Non US Citizen on a VISA: New international scholars will need to check in at the International Students and Scholars Office, B50 Caldwell Hall with their immigration documents as soon as possible after arriving in the U.S., and prior to beginning work. Bring your passport, I-94 card (this may be stapled inside your passport), and relevant immigration status document. Campus map:

If paid statutory/contract appointment: Cornell University offers a generous benefits package and educational, social and recreational opportunities. You will be covered under the provisions of the University’s and Contract Colleges’ current benefit programs. As a contract college employee, you will be able to enroll in your group universal benefits online; you will also need to attend a benefits enrollment session to enroll in your health, dental and retirement benefits. New York State provides 56 days from the start of your appointment to register for the State Health Insurance; once you register coverage becomes effective on the 57th day following your appointment date. NYS policy, failure to enroll within the 56 days will result in a 10-week waiting period if you subsequently register. It is critical that you attend the scheduled benefit enrollment session. There is a 6-month waiting period before dental insurance coverage becomes effective. To familiarize yourself with the many benefits available to you, please refer to Cornell’s benefits web site: Upon completion of your appointment paperwork, you will receive an email from Benefit Services that contains contract college benefit plan information as well as enrollment instructions. Feel free to contact Benefit Services at (607) 255-3936 or if you have any questions.

If paid endowed appointment: Cornell University offers a generous benefits package and educational, social and recreational opportunities. You will be covered under the provisions of the University’s and endowed benefit programs. You will be able to enroll in your group universal benefits online. Please note that there is a 60 day deadline to enroll in some benefits. To familiarize yourself with the many benefits available to you, please refer to Cornell’s benefits web site: Upon completion of your appointment paperwork, you will receive an email from Benefit Services that contains endowed benefit plan information as well as enrollment instructions. Feel free to contact Benefit Services at (607) 255-3936 or if you have any questions.

If unpaid appointment: While this appointment recognizes your affiliation with the [specify section, department, division or school], it carries no salary. If unpaid appointment for > 6 months and 50% or more effort: As a ______, you may be eligible to enroll in the endowedhealth insurance plan at the required cost. If eligible, upon completion of your appointment paperwork, you will receive an email from Benefit Services that contains endowed benefit plan information as well as enrollment instructions. Feel free to contact Benefit Services at (607) 255-3936 or if you have any questions. To familiarize yourself with the benefits available to you, please refer to Cornell’s benefits web site

If paid 12 month statutory/contract appointment: As an academic exempt employee, you will be responsible for recording vacation and health and personal time taken in the University’s Work Day System. As an academic employee, your accrued vacation days should be taken before the termination date of your appointment, as accrued vacation cannot extend salary payments beyond the end date of this appointment. Accumulated vacation days at termination will be forfeited, except in the case of retirement, for which you will be compensated for vacation accruals of up to 30 days.

If paid 12 month endowed appointment Vacation ONLY: As an exempt employee, you will be responsible for recording vacation taken in the University’s Work Day System. As an academic employee, accrued vacation should be taken before the termination date of the appointment. Vacation cannot extend salary payments beyond the termination of your appointment and any accumulation at termination will lapse.

If 9 month paid statutory/contract appointment Health and Personal ONLY: As an exempt employee, you will be responsible for recording health and personal time taken in the University’s Work Day System. As an academic year appointee, vacation time does not accrue.

If Visiting Scholar or Visiting Fellow: Please refer to the CALS Visiting Scholar/Fellow policies on the Sr. Associate Deans website: If the visitor will be paying be sure to include verbiage in the letter regarding where to pay and they must enter “Their Name and CU Unit; EX.: John Doe; Dept. of Communication” in the Transaction notes section of the form.

If no concurrent USDA appointment: As a condition of this appointment, you must sign the Cornell University Inventions and Related Property Assignment Form (IRPA) at your Onboarding Center appointment. IRPA forms are completed by all academic appointees within three (3) business days of the appointment effective date. If the IRPA form is not signed within three business days, the appointment will be terminated effective on day four (4).

If concurrent USDA appointment: If your primary appointment at the USDA concludes, you are required to notify your CALS [chair or director], [NAME] and your CALS Human Resources Representative, [NAME]. Ultimately, this is related to the exemption that Cornell University (not CALS) currently gives to USDA appointees regarding compliance reporting (IRPA, COI). Your appointment is at the discretion of the [school/division director, department chair or section chair]. [Note in your letter that the reporting line for the Cornell appointment must be to a paid Cornell position, not another USDA line.]

As a condition of this appointment, you must sign the Cornell University Inventions and Related Property Assignment Form (IRPA) at your Onboarding Center appointment. IRPA forms are completed by all academic appointees within three (3) business days of the appointment effective date. If the IRPA form is not signed within three business days, the appointment will be terminated effective on day four (4).

As part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion, Cornell is making a concerted effort to ensure that our community can identify potential acts of sexual violence, harassment, or discrimination and know who to contact for consultation. Our aim is to make sure Cornell’s campus remains a safe and respectful academic and workplace environment focused on education. All employees are required to take this online course as part of our ongoing education and training mandates. Building a Culture of Respect addresses how to respond should faculty or staff learn a member of our community has experienced any type of sexual violence, harassment, or discrimination. It also lets faculty and staff know how to file a complaint. You will be automatically registered in the “Building a Culture of Respect” program via CULearn and will receive an email on your first day of work with a direct link to the course. The course will take 45 to 50 minutes to complete, and must be completed within 30 days of the start of your employment. Upon completion, you will receive an email confirmation.

______, we are pleased that you are joining our unit. Your qualifications and experience make you well suited for this position. I am confident you will find a supportive and stimulating environment with opportunities for intellectual development and personal satisfaction.

Please formalize your acceptance by signing and dating this offer in the two spaces indicated (‘acceptance’ and ‘translation request’) and returning a copy to me by e-mail.

Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. ______ at [phone number and/or email address] if you have any questions.




By signing below, I accept the above offer and conditions of employment.

Name Date

Remove if unpaid appointment:

I have indicated below if I request to have the terms of my offer presented in a language other than English. (Translations are available in the following languages: Spanish, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish and Russian).

Indicate Primary Language (if not English) ______

I request that the terms of my offer be presented in my primary language indicated above. Circle one (circle ‘no’ if English is acceptable): YesNo

Name Date

cc: CALS Human Resources

Unit Administrative Manager