Yorkshire Junior Amateur Rugby League Rules.
Sections 1 - 8
1. / ACCEPTANCE OF RULES AND AIMS OF THE LEAGUE1.1 / Club and player registered with the Yorkshire Junior Amateur Rugby League (“The League”) shall accept these rules (and all future rules) and shall accept the decisions of the Leagues Management Committee Each and Discipline Committee on ALL matters.
1.2 / The Management Committee, at their discretion and in consultation with the members, shall have the right to refuse membership to any club.
1.3 / Prior to being accepted into the league there shall be a minimum criteria which clubs must meet, this shall be :
a) / Adequate changing Facilities which will include hot and cold showers.
b) / A Committee of at least 3 members which shall be:- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.
1.4 / Individual teams from a club will not be accepted into the League.
1.5 / All clubs are required to have or be going through the process of achieving Clubmark by September 2008. New clubs joining the league will be allowed an 18 month timeframe to achieve the award.
2.1 / The rules will be changed by the following proceedure:
2.2 / At an Annual General Meeting of the League.
2.3 / At an Extraordinary Meeting of the League.
2.4 / If the change of rule is proposed by the Management Committee, written notice of such proposed change of rules shall be given to each club not less than twenty one days before the Annual General Meeting or the Extraordinary General Meeting.
2.5 / Notice of any proposed rule changes may be given by any FOUR named full members proposing and seconding the same and must be in writing to the League Secretary by 30th April.
3.1 / Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held in June (or such times as the Management Committee
shall decide). The purpose of which hall be:
a) / to receive the Secretaries report.
b) / to receive and approve the audited accounts.
c) / to deal with amendments to new rules.
d) / to elect the Management Committee as in rule 5.1.
3.2 / An Extraordinary Meeting of the League shall be held at any time and may be convened by:
3.2.1 / The Management Committee acting by its own initiative.
3.2.2 / The Management Committee following a specific request from an individual Club made with the written support of at least one third of all Clubs registered with the League.
3.2.3 / The notice convening the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall specify:
a) / the time, the date and place of the meeting and of which not less than fourteen days written notice shall be given.
b) / the purpose of the meeting.
c) / an agenda ( although additional matters other than rule changes may be raised at the meeting ).
d) / In the case of a proposed rule change, the proposed change of rules.
3.3 / The Management Committee shall elect the Chairperson of the meeting.
3.4 / The decisions of all meetings shall be by a simple majority of all those attending and entitled to vote, exempt that for a rule change the required majority shall be two thirds of those entitled to vote. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed except in the case of a proposed rule change. A proxy vote will only be valid if given in writing to the League Secretary three days before the meeting. A club shall be required to vote on a proposed rule change either by sending it’s representative to the meeting or it’s proxy vote to the League Secretary. An abstention shall not be permitted on a vote relating to a rule change ( either by attending the meeting and voting or by a valid proxy ) the Chairperson of the meeting shall cast the vote as he / she ( in his/her absolute discretion ) decide.
3.5 / All Delegates and Management meetings will finish no later than 10pm.
4.1 / All other votes other than proxy votes shall be by a show of hands unless the meeting shall decide otherwise.
4.2 / Proxy votes shall be added to the votes for and against as the case may be before deciding whether or not a proposal is passed or defeated.
4.3 / Each club shall be entitled to one vote only.
5.1 / The Management Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of:
5.1.1 / A Chairperson
5.1.2 / A Secretary
5.1.3 / A Treasurer
5.1.4 / Fixture Secretaries
5.1.5 / A Honorary President
5.1.6 / A Publicity Officer
5.1.7 / A Transfer/Registration Secretary
5.1.8 / A Discipline Chairperson
5.1.9 / A Discipline Secretary
5.2 / The Management Committee shall have the right to co-opt new members to replace any who shall resign or shall have deemed to have resigned which shall occur if a member of the Management Committee shall fail to attend three successive meetings of the Management Committee, unless the Management Committee shall decide otherwise.
5.3 / The Management Committee shall have the responsibility of organising the League and interpreting and enforcing its rules. Clubs shall accept the authority of the Management Committee in al such matters.
6.0 / A quorumA Quorumshall be:
6.1 / For the meeting of the Management Committee, six members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
6.2 / For an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting, those actually present shall form a quorum.
6.2.1 / For Discipline Committee see rule 15.2
6.3 / If the League was ever to close down, the assets of the League would be put into the hands of 3 (three) Trusteesand for them to distribute for the development of Junior Rugby League. The Management Committee wouldnominate the Trustees.
6.4 / The Management shall have the power to deal with any matter not covered by these rules as they may decide.
7.1 / All noticed and correspondence to be served on the League shall be served posted or e-mailed to the LeagueSecretary on official club headed paper.
7.1.2 / Discipline reports must be sent to the Discipline Secretary.
7.1.3 / All notices and correspondence to be served by the League on a player, Club or official shall be served either by post, e-mailed or personally, and if by post:
7.1.4 / In the case of an individual to his last known address and if not known then to his Club Secretary.
7.1.5 / In the case of a Club to the last known address of the Secretary or Chairperson of that Club. A Club shall notifythe League Secretary of every change of officer or officers addresses.
7.1.6 / To allow the Management/Discipline committee to take action, all allegations against breaches of rules or complaints must follow the Yorkshire Junior Discipline Procedure.
7.1.7 / All Clubs must provide at least two e-mail contacts.
8.1 / If a Club fails to send a representative to the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting (unless it shall have sent a proxy vote in the case of a meeting for a rule change) it shall be fined £20.
8.2 / If a Club fails to send a representative to a League Meeting it will be fined £10. League Meetings will normallybe held the first Monday of each month or as otherwise decided by the Management Committee.
8.3 / Sending of apologies does not prevent a fine.
8.4 / Any Club failing to attend three successive Delegates meetings will be asked to appear before the Management,failure to attend upon request, will result in the Clubs membership of the League being suspended.
8.5 / Once Membership of the League is suspended, the suspended Club must re-apply to join the League as a newClub.
9.1 / A Club must renew its registration as a member of the League not later than the August delegates meeting each year. When applying to register a club shall give the League Secretary :-
9.2 / The registration fee shall be determined by the League at its Annual General Meeting.
9.3 / Thepresent fees are: U8/U9/U10/U11s = £20. U12/U13/U14/U15s= £30
9.4 / £15 per team entered into any Cup Competition organised by the League.
9.5 / A new Club shall be required to pay a deposit of £50 which shall be returned at the end of the season if it has completed all of its fixtures.
9.6 / Any Club joining the League before the 31st December must pay all fees. Any Club joining after that date will pay Insurance only and any other fees as agreed by Management.
9.7 / Each registered Club shall take out the compulsory insurance as specified by the Yorkshire Junior League.
9.7.1 / Player insurance only covers the player for the age group he/she is registered with.
9.8 / A Club will not be allowed to register until it has paid all its outstanding fees from the previous season.
9.9 / Xmas Cheer monies to be paid with the League Fees.
9.10 / All Clubs to enter the Xmas Draw with a cost of £25 per Club.
9.11 / Any team joining the league after October 31st will be allocated friendly games ONLY and will not be entered into the Cup competition.
10.1 / If a new player joins a club, he can participate in training only for a period of three weeks once a registration form has been completed by the club, parent and player. After this time all documentation ( see rule 10.8 ) must be completed. Definition of a new player :- A player who has not been registered with another Yorkshire Junior team for two (2) calendar years.
10.2 / A club may enter teams in each age group organised by the League.
10.3 / All junior players must sign for a club in membership of a District League.
10.4 / All junior clubs must play in a District/Regional League in which they are geographically located, unless special dispensation has been granted by the League.
10.5 / A junior player can sign for any club registered with the League irrespective of their geographical location.
10.6 / Every team entered into the League must have an appropriately qualified coach, a copy of the coaches ID card must be logged with the League. These must be attached to the CRF1 form when submitted.
10.7 / Every club must complete a Club Registration Form ( CRF1 ) by the August meeting giving details of :
a) / A club Secretary.
b) / A nominated club person.
c) / A list of teams registering for the forthcoming season.
d) / Name of coach of each age group.
e) / The coaches appropriate qualification, and expiry date.
f) / Contact details and a minimum of two e-mail addresses.
10.8 / It is the responsibility of the club Secretary or Nominated Person to ensure that all sections of the ( CRF1 ) are completed and verify that the details are true and correct. The form must be returned to the General Secretary on or before the August meeting. All registration fees must be submitted to the League Treasurer on or before the August Delegates meeting. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN THE TEAMS NOT BEING ENTERED INTO THE LEAGUE.
10.9 / If any of the details on the ( CRF1 ) change then a new form must be submitted to the League Secretary within 14 days
10.10 / Failure to adhere to rules 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 will result in a £50 fine and the club not being registered.
10.11 / Each team shall consist of not more than 25 registered players per team.
10.12 / A player may only play in the age group for which they are registered, and this can only be 1 year above his current age group. ie an U10 can only play for his own age group or for the U11s.
10.13 / Each new player must provide:
a) / An official document original or copy and if a copy document is to be used it must be of good quality
and signed as a true copy by 1) The Parent or Guardian and 2) The clubs Secretary or nominated
person and must include name and date of birth.
b) / A new photograph which must be of passport standard must be supplied each year.
c) / The League will supply an ID card which must be completed with the correct information. Any
changes of address etc must be updated by the appropriate Fixture Secretary.
10.14 / Players who are re registering, and this is each season must supply a recent photo of passport standard.
10.15 / All new registrations and re registrations must complete a Yorkshire Junior registration form.
10.16 / It is the responsibility of the club Secretary or nominated Person to ensure all sections of the registration form arecompleted and then sign to verify that all details are true and correct.
10.17 / It is the responsibility of the club to take reasonable steps to ensure that ALL NEW PLAYERS have not been registered with another Yorkshire Junior team before.
10.18 / Each team MUST supply to the Management member a list of players being registered (at the initial
registration time).
10.19 / On completion of the registration form and ID card a Management member will check sign and stamp the
documentation. The player is then eligible to play.
10.20 / Players can only register with one club in the Yorkshire Junior League.
10.21 / Players must not have been registered with a team for two (2) calendar years before they are deemed to be a freeagent (except when the team has disbanded) see rule 14.10
10.22 / A NEW player cannot play in any League or Cup fixture until he has been registered with the League for seven days.
10.23 / Clubs shall ensure that the registration forms and ID Cards are available for inspection in respect of its players selected for each fixture.
10.24 / Any member of the Management Committee can inspect ID Cards at any time.
10.25 / The coaches of both teams shall inspect the ID Cards before a fixture and they shall both sign the match card to confirm this. A club that fails to comply will be fined £5.
10.26 / If a player does not produce his ID card or a club does not produce his registration form if demanded under rules 10.13 to 10.17 then the fixture shall be forfeited to the opposing team with a score of 18 – 0 against and theoffending club shall be fined £20.