Louisville Metro Council
District 9 eNews
June 1, 2017
“Meet with Bill” – June 7
We are always happy to hear from constituents. To make meeting with us in person more convenient, we’ll be holding office hours at various places around District 9, in addition to our regular, evening D9 Community Conversations. On Wednesday, June 7, from 10:00 a.m. – Noon, we’ll be at the Mellwood Arts Center Boardroom, 1860 Mellwood Avenue, main office area. Please stop by with any questions or concerns. You can also call anytime at 574-1109 or email me.
Crescent Hill Garden Club – June 3
Mark your calendars for the 23rd Annual Crescent Hill Garden Tour on Saturday, June 3, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The tour will feature 10 private gardens created and maintained by homeowners in the Crescent Hill neighborhood. Tour-goers will experience creative gardening in small spaces, from organic gardens to shade gardens, and walk away with innovative ideas to try in their own outdoor space.
Tickets are $15 and available the day of the tour at the Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 South Peterson Avenue, where the tour begins. You can also purchase tickets in advance at: http://www.crescenthillgardentour.org/tickets.For more information, visit www.crescenthillgardentour.org.
Butchertown Art Fair – June 3 & 4
The 2017 Butchertown Art Fair is scheduled for Saturday, June 3 from 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, June 4 from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. along the 800 & 900 blocks of East Washington. Enjoy artists, live music, food trucks, beer, wine, and mixed drinks. For more information, go to the Butchertown Art Fair Facebook page, www.facebook.com/butchertownartfair/.
Traffic Changes Coming to Mellwood
If you were unable to attend this week’s MSD Pardon Our Dust Meeting, here is an update. Work continues on MSD’s Clifton Heights Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) basin located between Mellwood and Drescher Bridge Avenues. Starting soon, traffic on Mellwood and Story will be impacted. Click here for a map of the construction area and for a project overview flyer.
The one lane closure affects only the north/ east bound lane of Mellwood Avenue between the Mellwood Arts Entrance (just west of Delmont Ave), and Muncie Avenue. Only the south/west bound lane of Mellwood Avenue will be used and traffic will be controlled via use of temporary traffic signals. This one lane closure will not block access to Muncie Avenue or the residents on Mellwood. Dates for the one lane closure are anticipated from 6/1/2017 to 9/1/2017.
Under a later, two lane closure:
i) Mellwood Avenue will be closed between the Mellwood Arts Entrance (just west of Delmont Ave), and 200 feet west of Muncie Avenue. Variable message signs (VMS) will be installed two weeks prior. Dates of closure are anticipated from 7/17/2017 and 9/7/2017and all traffic will be detoured during these times.
ii) Mellwood Avenue will be closed between 200 feet west of Muncie Avenue to Brownsboro Road. VMS will be installed. Dates of closure are estimated between 9/01/2017 to 11/1/2017, and all traffic will be detoured during these times. During the events occurring on September 8-10, September 23-24, and September 30- October 1, the Contractor will not be working, and will make sure the lanes will be open to be used during the events.
This project is part of MSD’s Integrated Overflow Abatement Plan and is required per the Federal Consent Decree. The Consent Decree deadline for completion is December 31, 2018. The primary component of this portion of the project is the construction of a 20- inch Force Main Pipe. Other components include two 40-feet deep Manholes, Flood closure crossing, and Bridge crossing, and modification of CSO 088, and CSO 131 Structures. When completed it will accommodate wet weather flows within the project area to limit the occurrence of overflows of CSO’s 088, 131, 132, 154, and 167. The project will require excavation work within the roads on Mellwood Avenue; Brownsboro Road (between Mellwood Avenue and Story Avenue); Story Avenue (between Frankfort Avenue and Cabel Street); and on Cabel Street.
Questions, please contact the Project Manager, Meskerem Eshetu at .
Supplies Overseas Fundraiser
Supplies Overseas, a non-profit that takes medical supplies destined for the landfill and sends them to people in need all over the world, is having a fundraiser this Friday and you are invited.
Bourbon & Band Aids features eight bourbon tastings, gourmet hors d’oeuvre pairing by Masterson’s Catering, live music by the Misty Mountain String Band and a cash bar. The cost is $75 per person and the event is at The Olmsted, 3701 Frankfort Avenue.
Tickets are available here: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E163461&id=8.
Sustainability Story: LouVelo Bike Share Program
Getting around downtown Louisville, NuLu, Old Louisville and points in between without a car just got easier. Louisville's long planned bike share system, LouVelo, officially launched last week. The system has 305 bikes spread across 27 stations. Bikes may be checked out from any station and returned to any other station in the system. Users can choose a one-time 30-minute ride or a monthly or annual membership. Full details at LouVelo.com.
The service makes bicycles available for short-term use. The bikes can be picked up at one station and returned to any other station in the system, which makes it easy for people looking to get from one location to another during the work or school day without driving a car, and those riding for leisure, recreation or just touring the city.
CycleHop is currently offering a $99 Founding Member plan that includes an unlimited number of 60-minute rides for a whole year. A station map and signup details are available at www.louvelo.com.
LouVelo has partnered with the app Transit to make it easier and faster for users to find stations, buy passes, and unlock bikes with their phones. Transit is already quite popular in Louisville with tens of thousands of users across the city. It was also recently endorsed by TARC as their recommended app for bus riders. Transit is available for iOS and Android (https://transitapp.com/).
We’d like to feature your sustainability story - a resident or business doing good things for theenvironment. Riding the bus, bicycling, walking,gardening and more - our eNews willfeaturepractices which can benefit all of us. Send your story toBill HollanderorKyle Ethridge.
ABC Notification – Mirin, 2011 Frankfort Ave
Attached, please find a New Location memo and Courier Journal Legal announcement for an NQ4 Retail Malt Beverage by the Drink and Quota Retail Liquor by the Drink License(s) being applied for, located at 2011 Frankfort Avenue, Ste. 101 (Mirin), Louisville, KY. 40206. The ad ran in The Courier Journal Wednesday, May 24, 2017.
· New location or ownership change
· Courier Journal ABC Ad
Notice of Planning & Design Public Meetings
For basic details for below case/s please visit http://www.louisvilleky.gov/PlanningDesign/. Click on “Search Case Information” link on the left navigation bar. Then select the “home” tab and select the type of case and enter the above case number. For specific case information please call or email the listed case manager. If you have any questions please contact Planning & Design directly at 574-6230.
Case No. 17VARIANCE1028
You are invited to attend a review for VARIANCES from the Development Code to allow structures to encroach into the required side yard and street side yard setbacks.
Property: 241 Clover Lane
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain ()
Meeting: Board of Zoning Adjustment
Date: Monday, June 5, 2017
Time: Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue until all cases are heard
Location: Old Jail Auditorium, 514 W. Liberty Street
Case No. 16CUP1070
You are invited to attend a Board of Zoning Adjustment meeting for a Conditional Use Permit for short term rental that is not the primary residence of the host in an R-5A zoning district.
Property: 2338 Payne Street
Case Manager: Jon Crumbie ()
Meeting: Board of Zoning Adjustment
Date: Monday, June 5, 2017
Time: Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue until all cases are heard
Location: Old Jail Auditorium, 514 W. Liberty Street
Case No. 17VARIANCE1031
You are invited to attend a review for a Variance from the Development Code to allow a structure to encroach into the required side yard setback.
Property: 313 Fairlawn Road
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain ()
Meeting: Board of Zoning Adjustment
Date: Monday, June 19, 2017
Time: Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue until all cases are heard
Location: Old Jail Auditorium, 514 W. Liberty Street
Junk Pickup Coming Soon
The 9th District Urban Services District (USD) will have junk collection set-out on a select weekend in June, depending on your address. You may begin setting out your junk Friday afternoon prior to your junk pick-up week and must have it all out by Monday at 6:00 AM. For your specific junk set-out weekend please visit http://www.louisvilleky.gov/government/metro-council-district-9 and scroll to the bottom of the page to “MyLouisville” and enter your address, call the office at 574-1109, or email Kyle Ethridge. For collection guidelines please visit https://louisvilleky.gov/government/public-works/services/junk-and-bulk-trash-disposal. You may now sign up for junk set out reminders by email and text under “MyLouisville”.
UCHM Home Tour – June 10
United Crescent Hill Ministries (UCHM) 17th Annual Home Tour is Saturday, June 10, from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Proceeds from the 17th Annual Home Tour will benefit the Youth, Seniors, and Emergency Assistance programs provided by UCHM. Celebrating over 42years of outreach, UCHM continues to provide services for residents of the Crescent Hill, Clifton, Clifton Heights, and Butchertown neighborhoods. As one of their main fundraisers, your participation in this tour is appreciated in helping them continue these services to the community.
Tickets are $25 each and may be purchased at UCHM or Margaret'sConsignment, 2700 Frankfort Avenue,in advance. Tickets will also be available the day of the tours at each participating home.Click herefor more information.
CycLOUvia on Frankfort Avenue – June 11
Cyclouvia will transform the street into a paved park where people of all ages and backgrounds can walk, bike, dance, skate, or participate in any other physical activity on public spaces that are always there but are normally reserved for automobiles. The street will be closed to motorized traffic from Stilz Avenue to Pope Street with cross traffic allowed at Ewing Avenue under traffic control officer supervision between 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 11. Cyclouvia will promote healthy lifestyles and alternative modes of transportation. The Crescent Hill Library at 2762 Frankfort Avenue, will be open special hours during the event. Cyclouvia is FREE and open to the public. We hope to see you there!
LG&E Outage Map and Recycling Program
Outage Map App for Smartphones and Tablets
Download the free smartphone and tablet app that displays near real-time outage information. The outage map is now available on iPhone/iPad, Android and Blackberry devices. Customers can search for “LG&E and KU Outage Maps” within the app stores. Obtain outages through the system, a summary of outages by county and zip code, and estimated restoration times.
Fridge and Freezer Recycling Program
Did you take advantage of Memorial Day sales and savings, or do you have an old fridge or freezer you don’t know what to do with? LG&E has a Fridge and Freezer recycling program that helps customers haul away and properly recycle old, inefficient refrigerators and freezers. In return for reducing energy consumption, customers receive $50 per appliance. For more information, please click here.
Recovery Services at Volunteers of America
Volunteers of America have recently opened new addiction recovery locations to better serve the community. They have several programs at 1436 South Shelby Street. Freedom House is a residential program for pregnant and parenting women. Shelby Men’s Recovery Center is also located on South Shelby. This is a 90 day residential program for men, where clients are able to work while seeking treatment. They have Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) and services for men, women and families. These services are available at 2500 West Broadway and 4303 W Broadway. Transitional Housing will be available in July for homeless women with children who would like to continue their sobriety at 4303 W Broadway.
If you are know someone who may be interested in VOA’s programs, please contact the intake office at 502-635-4530. They’re able to do a quick screening, verify their insurance, and set up an intake date and time.
Ninth District Events!
Below are some Ninth District calendar events! To view a full listing of events please visit the District 9 Blog at http://district9news.wordpress.com/. If you would like to submit events to be considered for the blog calendar please email Kyle Ethridge or call 574-1109.
Thursday, June 1:Crescent Hill Community Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 S. Peterson Avenue.
Thursday, June 1:Carmichael's Bookstore, 2720 Frankfort Avenue, to host Susan Ewing at 7:00 p.m. for a reading and book signing ofResurrecting the Shark.Questions, please contact the store at 896-6950.
Saturday, June 3:A Touched Twice Health Clinic, a free one-day health clinic, will be held from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at St. Paul Church, 2000 Douglas Blvd.Services will include: medical exams, dental exams, mammograms, pap smears, vision screenings, prescription assistance, legal counseling, haircuts, physical therapy, lunch, a food pantry, and a clothes closet.All services provided are free and open to anyone who needs them. No registration is necessary. Questions, please contact 459-1595 or email .
Saturday, June 3:Bingham Park volunteer opportunity from 10:00 a.m. - Noon. Bingham Park is located on Coral Avenue off Frankfort Avenue. Cleanups are scheduled the 1st Saturday of every month. Please note these dates are subject to cancellation due to weather. For more information and to register, please call Sarah Wolff at 456-8125 or visitwww.olmstedparks.org/events
Saturday, June 3:The 23rd AnnualCrescent Hill Garden Tour from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 S. Peterson Avenue. Annual garden tour of 10 private gardens in the historic neighborhood of Crescent Hill. Tickets are $15 and available the day of the tour at the Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 South Peterson Avenue, where the tour begins. For more information visitwww.crescenthillgardentour.org.