Late Assignment Form
Anywork that is not turned in by the due date is “late.” Not all late work loses credit. The purpose of this form is to identify the reason the work is late. You must fill out a Late Assignment Form and attach it to the front of the late assignment. No late work, regardless of the reason, will be accepted without a Late Assignment Form completely filled out, signed and attached to the front of the late assignment. You can turn this work in the assignment bin on the class supply table.
Name ______Period ______
Assignment ______
Today’s Date ______Original Assignment Due Date ______
Check the appropriate statement and provide an explanation below if needed:
Absent on ______. Absent on due date / Absent when assigned.
Excused because I am using my late assignment pass. This allows me to hand in an assignment one day
late without penalty once a quarter.
Late. No excuse. I assume responsibility for turning in this assignment late, aware that I will receive 0
preparation points for this assignment.Late assignments will not be accepted at all after one week.
Other. If you have made special arrangements with me, please explain on the back of this form.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Late Assignment Form
Anywork that is not turned in by the due date is “late.” Not all late work loses credit. The purpose of this form is to identify the reason the work is late. You must fill out a Late Assignment Form and attach it to the front of the late assignment. No late work, regardless of the reason, will be accepted without a Late Assignment Form completely filled out, signed and attached to the front of the late assignment. You can turn this work in the assignment bin on the class supply table.
Name ______Period ______
Assignment ______
Today’s Date ______Original Assignment Due Date ______
Check the appropriate statement and provide an explanation below if needed:
Absent on ______. Absent on due date / Absent when assigned.
Excused because I am using my late assignment pass. This allows me to hand in an assignment one day
late without penalty once a quarter.
Late. No excuse. I assume responsibility for turning in this assignment late, aware that I will receive 0
preparation points for this assignment.Late assignments will not be accepted at all after one week.
Other. If you have made special arrangements with me, please explain on the back of this form.
Student Signature ______Date ______