PRESENT:Councillors Clarkson (Chair), Leeder, Dean, Davy, Baker, Logan, AdlamandHill.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs C Sparkes (Clerk), Cllr M Wilby (District Councillor), Mr Gerald Seaman (Resident),
Mr Gerald Seaman came to complain about;
- Moving the youth shelter
- Taking the swings down and generally complained about the state of the play area.
- The car park signage and state of the car park at the Village Centre
- The numerous dog fouling offenders using the playing field
- Rectory Road hedges by the recycling centres need cutting urgently.
- 20 mile per hour zones and lack of traffic calming.
Mr Seaman left the meeting
- To consider accepting apologies for absence
- Carl Roe is on holiday
- Accepted
- To approve the minutes of the last council meeting held on 13 July2009
- Approved
- To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest from members on any item to be discussed
- None received
- To receive the reports of the District and County Councillors
- District Cllr Martin Wilby
- Sites being put forward for development for gypsies and travellers are Stanfield Rd, Wymondham and Old Harleston Rd, Earsham.
- Went to the school to hand over the prizes for the DRPC logo.
- Cllr Wilby has had some very good reports on the Searchers event.
- Wind monitoring mast was approved (4:2 in favour of the application).
- Cllr Wilby asked about a village website.
- The Local Government Review – due to report in September
- Rusty’s land needs work doing to it. Cllr Adlam updated everyone on the situation. Gladwich will raise funds to cut the vegetation or it will be cut, sown and cropped by a local farmer. The situation should be resolved by the end of August.
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only – incl.
- Clerk – Youth Shelter Update– theshelter will be movedbefore the end of August to the previously agreed position in the middle of the playing field. Should there be further abuse of the youth shelter, it will be removed.
- Clerk – Catchpole Walk Footpath, ownership and repair – Action -Clerk – to ask Saffron about progress
- Cllrs Leeder and Roe – to clarify ownership of the graveyards. The War Memorial is the property of DRPC. The Churchyards are the property of the Bishop of Norwich. Maintenance of the closed churchyards are the responsibility of DRPC. The open churchyards are the responsibility of the PCC. Actions – Cllrs Roe and Leeder – to ensure a risk assessment of the closed graveyard is undertaken and ensure the Clerk has a copy of the register of burials.
- Clerk – theSaffron Container on Rectory Rdhas been removed. The grass is restoring itself.
- Property Committee – Update on risk assessment progress– Defer to the next meeting.
- To receive and discuss the Clerk’s Report where appropriate.
- Included;
- NALC Local Council Awards 2009
- Letter from SNC giving notice of a planning appeal (Planning Ref 2009/8251 Thatchers Meadow, Harleston Road, Langmere). Action – Clerk - to write to Planning Inspectorate in support of SNC.
- Letter from SNC regarding noise monitoring in anticipation of a planning application for wind turbines at Upper Vaunces Farm, Dickleburgh
- Notes on burial and cremation
- An opportunity to subscribe to the NALC Direct Information Service – Action – Subscribe to DIS at £150 for 1 year.
- Norfolk SLCC and Norfolk ALC Joint Summer Conference
- Pay Claim 2009/10
- Invitation to the retirement party of Rev Janice and Mr Ian Scott.
- August Round Robin contents – The Clerks Report, a guide for neighbourhood and homewatch residents leaders, Green Buildings in Norfolk.
- Received
- To receive the Monthly Financial report from the RFO.
- Received
- No-one has requested to see the accounts from last year.
- To receive notification of payments made over the last month.
- Received
- Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council
- Application number 2009/1161 – Dickleburgh Manor, Norwich Road
- No Comments
- Application number 2009/1176 – Dickleburgh Manor, Norwich Road
- No Comments
- To approve the specification for the management of St Clements Common.
- The pond in the woodland area is to be filled in.
- The pond in the Northern Field MUST be kept and improved.
- Remove statement – replacing tables, chairs and benches when required from page 3.
- Action – Clerk – to make necessary changes to the specification and send to DBMF with a covering letter by the end of August.
- To approve the move to develop a new play and sports ground project for the Dickleburgh playing field.
- Approved
- Action - Cllr Logan and Baker to present drawings and costings at the next meeting.
- To approve the request for funding from Dickleburgh Sea Scouts
- Approved
- Action – Clerk – to confirm in writing explaining how the money will be paid and the conditions, asking DSS to request the funding in writing when they need it.
- To approve the request for funding from 6 Vill Youth
- Approved.
- Action – Cllr Davy to arrange payment for £5,000 to 6 Vill Youth
- To consider the move to complete a Parish Plan, or similar development plan
- After much discussion and debate this item was deferred until a later meeting. The PC will hold a workshop to review this idea. Action – Clerk – to arrange a meeting for all councillors.
- To approve acceptance of the Big Lottery Fund Grant for the Village Centre Car Park
- Approved
- To approve the draft grant application form and conditions of grant for local community organisations
- Approved
- To agree the new lawnmower to be purchased from a choice of 3.
- Cllrs agreed to trial The Rover 880 MH3 and John Deere JX 90.
- Action - Brian Leeder and Mick Logan to make the final selection.
- Action – Cllr Clarkson to arrange date to trial lawn mowers.
- (In private) To agree the process for reviewing the pay rates of members of staff
- Annual pay reviews take place in Sept/Oct annually, allowing the council to budget for any pay increase in their business planning process and precept request. Pay increases to be effective from 1 April each financial year.
- Action – Cllrs Dean and Logan to review pay rates, job description and contract for Brian Leeder.
- Action – Clark – to send Cllrs Logan and Dean a copy of Brian Leeders contract
- Approved.
- (In private) To agree the preferred option of resurfacing the Village Centre Car Park
- Gary Spurling contract approved to a maximum value of £18,000 (excl. VAT)
- This is subject to successfully obtaining Awards for All grant
- (In private) To approve the recommendations for the Clerk’s rate of pay and paid annual leave.
- Approved
- The Clerk has been moved to SCP 19 (currently £9.161 per hour) and is entitled to 44 hours of annual leave per year based on contracted work hours of 8 hours a week.
- To receive matters of information from Chairman and Councillors, incl.
- Cllr Clarkson – Norfolk ALC session. Norfolk ALC can provide legal support and advice particularly on the management of village centres. SNC planning meetings – Wind monitoring mast application was approved. Rushall chicken farm appeal has taken place. The result won’t be known for at least 5 weeks. The Listening Bus – 14 visitors attended.
- Cllr Leeder – who has responsibility for the tyres left on Town Meadow? We need to ask Ollie and Arlette Campbell-White.
- Cllr Dean – What is the coffee caravan? It holds coffee mornings in villages in rural area. Bollards on the playing field – has been replaced and re-secured.
- Cllr Adlam – Towns Land Trust, their constitution states that the PC representative does not have to be on the PC.
- To receive items for the next Agenda and confirm the date of the next meeting
- Bowls Club Tenancy Agreement
- Football Club Tenancy Agreement
- Allotments Tenancy Review
- Review the fees charged by the Council
- Review the street lighting maintenance contract
- Initiate budget planning discussions
- Reporting Minutes in Village Newsletter
- Adopt the DRPC Health and Safety Policy
- Adopt the DRPC Equal Opportunities Policy
- Adopt DRPC procedures for handling a formal complaint.
- Cleaning and maintenance of the war memorial.
Date of next meeting – 14thSeptember 2009, 7pm, Village Centre, Dickleburgh
There being no further business the meeting closed at 22.00pm
Chairman………………………………………………………… Date………………………………..