Minutes of Church Aston Parish Council
Held at Church Aston Village Hall, Wallshead Way, Church Aston on Monday 1st December2014. The meeting commenced at 7.40pm
Present:Cllr Simon Stacey (Chairman), Cllr Paul Evans (Vice Chairman), Cllr Fiona McKeown, Cllr John Pay, Cllr Mike Stansfield, Cllr Mike Stacey & Cllr Pat Sansom
Also in attendance:Mike Atherton: Clerk to CAPC
1 / Apologies / Cllr Billie Knight,Cllr Brian Richards and borough Cllr Andrew Eade
2 / Declarations of Interest / None
3 / Public Session / No Members of the public present
4 / Minutes of the last meeting / Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd November2014– proposed Cllr Paul Evans, seconded by Cllr John Pay, and unanimously agreed.
Cllr Sansom returned her completed ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ and ‘Register of Member Interests’ forms duly completed.
5 / Matters Arising / 3rd November 2014
T&WC have confirmed that the bin adjacent the Church Hall car park is to be replaced with an upgraded litter bin. Cllrs asked that T&WC be requested to provide a second bin adjacent the bus shelter opposite.
Footpath over the former railway line – update to be requested c/o Cllr Eade for next meeting.
Ref minute 16(d) – noted that a tracked vehicle has dislodged retaining sleepers & steps under former railway bridge. Cllr Evans to keep an eye on the situation and report back as required.
6th October 2014 – no matters arising
6 / Councillor Vacancies / Nothing to report.
7 / Administrative Matters / (i) Meeting Dates 2015 –Clerk to check availability of 13th April and 11th May with Church Hall bookings clerk (Mrs Bridgwater). If not available check availability of the school.
(ii) Street Lighting Contract – the clerk provided a verbal update on the current situation. 7 street lighting faults remain with no indication when CDMi will be in a position to carry out the repairs.
Actions agreed:
- inform CDMi Ltd that CAPC are with immediate effect terminating the street lighting contract;
- contact NTC as soon as possible to discuss options for interim contract arrangements;
- CAPC to consider all available options for medium to longer-term arrangements;
- draft a press release for publication in the Newport Advertiser
- draft and deliver a letter to residents in the vicinity of the faulty street lights explaining the situation and proposed actions
8 / House Next to the School / In a note provided by Cllr Eade the Chairman informed members that Cllr Eade had met with the planning enforcement officer and a neighbour of the issue property. Work to tidy up the property continues and the neighbour reports via Cllr Richards that the grounds are “no worse now than previously reported”
9 / Projects for the Parish / (i) SIDS / ‘Twenty is Plenty:the Clerk had contactedNick Kitchen (T&WC) who advised that the respective schemes should be ready by the January 2015 meeting.
(ii) Planters: Looking good following planting up with violas. Clerk to chase up with MBGS fitting of the L shaped brackets and insertion of a dry mix under the planter adjacent to the Church Hall us stop.
(iii) Closed Section of Churchyard: Noted that the Clerk had made arrangements to meet with a second contractor regarding obtaining additional bids.
(iv) Street Lighting:please see minute 7(ii) for details of proposed actions.
(v) Poppy Planting Scheme:situation noted – agreed for clerk to chase up catalogues promised by T&WC, then circulate c/o Cllr Evans and decide preferred flower mixes. Also chase-up unit costs.
(vi) Options for new projects: Cllrs No further discussion – carry options forward to next meeting.
10 / Planning / (a) Newport South ‘Indicative Master-Plan’
Cllr Pay reported that the master-plan is now being worked up with a view to meeting with Ministers once T&WC have considered at Cabinet level and resolve to designate the area for employment uses.
(b) Planning Applications
- TWC/2011/0632 – an application for a food-store etc. at Audley Avenue (the Classic Furniture site).Morrison’s have now withdrawn their interest in the site.
- TWC/2011/0821 – (Grove Farm) noted that second phase housing construction has now commenced;
- TWC/2011/0827 – an outline approval for ~215 houses on land offAudley Avenue (to the side and rear of Newport Cemetery) – St. Modwen’s trying to sell this site;
- TWC/2011/0871 an outline application for ~350 houses, a care village, and ~11 acres of land for employment use – will need to be reviewed in light of the Sainsbury decision;
- TWC/2014/0273 – proposals for 26 dwellings on land adjacent to The Barns now approved. S.106 agreement requires consultation with CAPC on £15k play scheme. TWC/2014/0348 – application for 4 poultry units and associated development – approval subject to revised access arrangements. Agreed that CAPC wishes to be consulted on details, and agreed to send a copy email from Fiona McKeown to the clerk at Chetwynd Aston & Woodcote.
- TWC/2014/0415 –proposals to build 17 homes on land at The Knoll–approved subject to agreement on S.106 by 03/01/15.
11 / Personnel Committee / No matters to report.
12 / Correspondence / The clerk has received correspondence as follows:-
- Various email correspondence between 4th & 30th November previously circulated to Cllrs for information and / or comments;
- Letter from T&WC dated 21st November requesting information about CAPC’s proposed precept for 2015/16;
- Letter & flyers from VW Communications regarding a public exhibition on 8th December of development proposals at Station Road, Newport;
- Letter from T&WC advising that planning permission had been granted in respect of TWC/2014/0348 (4 no. poultry units at Littlehales Manor Farm);
13 / Representatives Reports /
- Parish Newsletter (SS):next edition of the newsletter to be published in January 2015 – items to SS as soon as possible please;
- Village Hall (BK/MS):Sin the absence of Cllr Knight Cllr Stansfield provided a brief update on a survey of the roof, and also confirmed that the first weed spray of the car park / grounds had now been carried out;
- Rural Forum (PE):nothing to report;
- Bus Users Group (BR):next meeting scheduled for w/c 8th December;
- Newport Regeneration Partnership (JP): nmet on 11th November to discuss the Newport South Employment land initiative. Noted that NTC NDP draft policies are now emerging. Noted that T&WC are seeking a meeting with the housing minister to show the adverse impact of excessive housing approvals under the NPPF and related issues for the 5 year housing supply;
- Shaping Places (JP):nothing new to report;
- T&WC (AE):nothing to report.
14 / Accounts Payable and the Clerk’s salary and expenses / The Clerk advised that the account balance at 30th November was £27,469.69
300185 – Cllr Paul Evans £13.98 (reimbursement of costs incurred)
300186 – West Mercia Energy £312.14 (st. lighting energy)
300187- St. Andrew’s Church Hall £52.00 (room hire)
16 / Roads, Hedges and Ditches /
- Cllr Evans informed colleagues about an email sent by a resident to Adrian Corney (T&WC) and copied to SS/PE concerning the hedge adjacent the Village Hall and footway over the former railway bridge. Agreed: clerk to email the resident indicating that CAPC do not support the proposals for removal or significant cutting back of the hedge (copy to be sent to AC at T&WC);
- Cllr McKeown informed colleagues about arrangements for the Christmas meal on Friday 5th December;
- Cllr McKeown informed colleagues that Church Aston House which had been the subject of recent enquiry was now up for sale;
- Cllr Stansfield reported that the footway along The Close had recently been resurfaced – extend thanks to T&WC;
- Cllr Stansfield reported continuing issues of parked vehicles obstructing the footway o/s the old post office and no. 3 The Close – clerk to report to the local policing team.
Date and time of next meeting confirmed as 5th January 2015 at the Church Hall starting at 7.40pm
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm
Signed Chairman:Date:
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