Forum meeting Thursday 25th OCTOBER 2012
Present: Brian Martinin the chair, Marian& Bob Kuyper,Cynthia Adams, John Purkiss, Rose Phillips, Renata Gully,Daphne Harvey, Pam Painter, Allen Jones, Karen Davies, Geoffrey Crisp, Michael Shafto, John Connolly, Frank Harrington & David Marsh
Apologies:Wendy Crisp, Sue Willis,Paul Robinson, Chris & Kim Ford, Paula Knowles, Simon Adams, Barry Palmer & PC Andy Walls
Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.
Condovers signs and traffic calming signs in hand for West Tilbury. Parking at ET school is much better since visited by traffic enforcement officers.
Unfortunately due to family commitments Mr. Nick Walsh could not attend the Forum meeting but we were pleased to welcome Mr. David Marsh from PD Consultants? who were responsible for the Walsh planning applications.
Brian asked members of the Forum to put their questions and concerns re lorry movements and associated questions to David Marsh who would relay our concerns to Mr. Walsh.
Reckless Drivers: various members had witnessed reckless driving from Walsh and other hauliers through the village. A Walsh lorry overtaking a tractor had resulted in a member of the forum and the tractor driver taking evasive action. Talking on CB radios while driving and speeding.
It was not always possible to get a number plate although the driver did note that the lorry had the name ‘muttley’ in his cab surprisingly in the proceeding days all name plates in the cabs disappeared.
It was important to get the number plates of any vehicles driving dangerously.
Were drivers on peace rate or bonus?
Apparently Walsh drivers are salaried staff they have a target number of loads which could take up to 15 hours a day. David Marsh did not know how the other hauliers paid their staff.
Recently there had been a lot of white mucky chalk deposited on the roads making for very slippery conditions when wet for all drivers especially motor cyclists.
All vehicles carrying chalk must be ‘bunged up’, obviously some were not following these procedures
It had been noted that some vehicles were not sheeted or the sheets were lifted when vehicles were caught at the level crossing.
99.9% of the loads were supposed to be covered at all times.
Parking outside the shops at Linford made it very difficult for residents to cross the road and made for long traffic queues as it effectively made the road one way
More courtesy was asked for;residents were fed up with being sprayed with mud, or vehicles mounting the pavement where the road was narrow and lorry movements starting at 6.00 am in the morning. Perhaps a speed limit of 20 mph could be enforced through Linford and East Tilbury.
It was felt by various members of the Forum that Walsh was exceeding their allowed number of lorry movements per day of 240. Were the 240 movements just Walsh ones with contractors extra?
No only 120 in and 120 out were allowed in total and as part of the planning application Walsh have to control the number of vehicles at peak times i.e. between 7 – 9 am and 3.30 – 5.00 pm. David Marsh indicated that if Walsh had to curtail the number of lorry movements then it would extend the life of their operations.
The question was raised as to how long the operation would take. The planning permission was for 10 years with 8 left to run. David Marsh went on to outline some of the restoration/infilling and backfilling that was going to take place over the area in the near future. Fifty per cent of all material that went into the plant was recycled and 50% was used in restoration. The matter was raised regarding the Cory restoration that was taking place. This restoration was in danger of being extended as Cory said they couldn’t get top soil. As there is a haulage road between the two sites surely some agreement could be reached whereas Cory purchased top soil from Walsh. David Marsh explained that the Cory operation was somewhat different from the Walsh one and Cory themselves should be asked this question.
Various conditions for the site are still to be agreed by Thurrock Council including barriers that would only allow so many vehicles on and off the site at timed intervals.
The question of the afterlife of the site when fully restored was raised. David Marsh indicated that included in the planning permission was the proviso that Walsh contributed to an independent body i.e Essex Wildlife or RSPB would take over the site for the purpose of public recreation.
David Marsh confirmed that he would take all our problems back to Nick Walsh, who he felt would be very disappointed that local residents were being caused so much inconvenience. Drivers would be made aware of these issues and told to be more courteous and considerate.
Brian Martin thanked David Marsh for meeting with us and hoped improvements would be implemented as soon as possible.
Karen reported that there had been a slight increase in the crime statistics for the period 6th – 18th October:-
2 ABH, 8 Burglary Dwellings, 2 Burglary others, 2 Criminal Damage, 1 Criminal Damage Vehicle, 3 Criminal Damage nor building or vehicle, 2 public order 1 raciest or religious, 1 robbery, 1 theft motor vehicle, 1 theft from motor vehicle, 1 theft in dwelling, 3 thefts other, 3 shoplifting.
John Purkiss asked if there would be police patrolling during Halloween, there would be an extra police presence at Coalhouse Fort during Friday and Saturday when the Fort would be open for Halloween Walks. Karen has repeatedly asked local shops not to sell eggs to children and young adults. The new owners of the off licence seemed to be unaware of the reason why! This would be Karen’s last appearance at the Forum meeting as she was moving back to Wales. Bran Martin said we had been blessed over the years by Karen as she cared so much about the community. Brian presented her with a gift from the Forum and we all wish her every success in her new appointment.
All is going well with good cooperation between Daphne and the school. Four or five youth club age children turn up on a Tuesday – was it worth carrying on? Street Dancing still going. Street Life will be folding up as they have lost council funding. Check with Daphne about who is staying and going.Could the youth club funds be used to pay the lady who is taking the younger children by £10.00 per hour?
John Purkiss and Brian Martin went to a meeting at the junior school the amalgamation of the schools, infant and junior, looks like it may go ahead with ambitious plans make improvements to the school with a bigger office receptions area and 7 new classrooms. The new entrance hall would encroach on the sports hall building but not to the detriment of the community usage. There were also plans to use the school sports field for community use, there is a shortage of football pitches in the area. St. Cleres might have access to the field off Wharf Lane, Mucking there is a possibility that this field may be donated to the school for community use. Bob asked about car parking if this field was used and Brian replied that St. Cleres’ car park could be used.
Daphne asked why the house opposite the Doctors surgery had only had part of its hedges cut back.
Rose reported there had been some fly tipping in West Tilbury – now cleared. Rose also asked where we stand legally if we put up a sign for speed cameras that are not really there, to try and slow down drivers through West Tilbury.
Renata asked if anything could be done about the cars parked on the bend by Arun and the layby.
John Purkiss had been asked to a meeting with Stephen Metcalfe, network rail and DP World re train movements. There are now plans to run trains from DP World during the day outside the rush hour period. John asked the member how they now felt about a road bridge over the railway line. At one time this was thought to be the door for opening the neighbourhood to thousands of new dwellings and it probably would still be the case but we were all fed up with spending hours of our lives at the gates watching trains go by and with the opening of operations of DP World it will only get worse.
Michael Shafto reported that there were still problems with motorbikes. Karen responded saying she had served a notice 39 a few days before and although she had watched a particular place for an hour the motorbikes had turned up after she left.
John Connolly reported that the highland cattle had now arrived in the field at the side of the Church in front of Linford Woods, three female cows and their calfs. There is a new Education Officer at the site Becky …………… who was very enthusiastic and was leading lots of new initiatives for children and adults with bat walks, bush crafts, birthday parties etc. at the new centre.
Pam Painter informed the Forum that the Remembrance Sunday service would not be held at St. Catherine’s but at the War Memorial in East Tilbury starting at 10.45. St. Catherine’s Christmas Bazaar would be held at East Tilbury Village Hall on Saturday 1st December 9.30 – 12.30. The drop in centre held every Wednesday at St. Francis is very well attended.
Geoff Crisp had kindly bought in his First Responder kit to show everyone how the £500 the Forum had donated had been spent.
Bob thanked Rose for obtaining the pansies for the two planters which had now been planted up. He also reported that MaxiGreen was holding a local consultation at East Tilbury Library on Tuesday 20th November on the Gateway Plan for the South Essex Marshes.
There is still time to raise comments/objections to the Cory extension of restoration work by road at the new Country Park. So far there have been few objections from local residents. The RSPB have acquired 4.5 million tons of the 6million tons that need to be disposed of from the Crossrail project and the soil will be transported by sea passed the Mucking site to Wallasea Island to turn 1,500 acres of farmland into a wildlife wetland site. Why couldn’t some of the remaining 1.5 million tons be acquired by Cory to complete the Mucking country park? Bob agreed to email everyone that evening with the Thurrock council links. Mott is also still bringing in soil by barge from somewhereto raise the height of his fields.
Next meeting Thursday 29th November at 7.30