AdvancED Self-Assessment Worksheet

Standard 3

Use the standard packet to complete.

Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Develops and implements curriculum based on clearly-defined expectations forstudent learning
Question: How does the school ensure that its curriculum is based on clear and measureableexpectations for student learning?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
JES embraces and adheres to state and local curriculum requirements. County-wide and school pacing guides and lesson plans are available and utilized, where applicable. Staff, PTA, and Advisory Committee meetings, along with annual student, staff, and shareholder surveys evaluate the curriculum. / Written curriculum documents, curriculum instructional guides, curriculum mapping/scope sequence guides, lesson plans referencing objectives from curriculum, surveys. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Develops and implements curriculum based on clearly-defined expectations forstudent learning
Question: How does the school ensure that current written curriculum documents are aligned tostate and national standards or curriculum required by the governing body?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
JES embraces and adheres to state and local curriculum requirements. County-wide and school pacing guides and lesson plans are available and utilized, where applicable. / Curriculum guides, guides that contain scope and sequence, and surveys. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Develops and implements curriculum based on clearly-defined expectations forstudent learning
Question: How does the school ensure effective implementation of the curriculum so that teachersknow what they are expected to teach in each grade level or course?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
JES embraces and adheres to state and local curriculum requirements. County-wide and school pacing guides and lesson plans are available and utilized, where applicable. / Curriculum guides, guides that contain scope and sequence, written units or lesson plans, and surveys. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Develops and implements curriculum based on clearly-defined expectations forstudent learning
Question: How is the curriculum evaluated and revised on a regular basis?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Staff, PTA, and Advisory Committee meetings, along with annual student, staff, and shareholder surveys evaluate the curriculum. Recommended changes are evaluated and implemented, when appropriate. / Agendas and minutes of grade-level/staff meetings and surveys. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Promotes active involvement of students in the learning process, includingopportunities for them to explore application of higher-order thinking skills andinvestigate new approaches to applying their learning
Question: How are students taught to use feedback from the formative assessment process toguide their own learning?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
By appropriately expanding the boundaries to even broader applications and effects, our teachers are able to provide the students with opportunities to help develop, participate in, and reflect on thought-provoking, active learning experiences. Formative and summative assessments, along with the analyses of benchmark and EOG tests, provide substantive data utilized during our continuous improvement process deliberations. / Lesson plans and samples of rubrics and other formative assessments. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Promotes active involvement of students in the learning process, includingopportunities for them to explore application of higher-order thinking skills andinvestigate new approaches to applying their learning
Question: How do teachers provide students with opportunities to focus on higher order thinkingskills such as critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and inquiry as learningstrategies?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Through routine reflection, effective planning, and appropriately differentiated instruction, students are afforded every opportunity to develop and hone their higher order thinking skills of critical and creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, and inquiry. / Lesson plans and examples of student engagement in the classroom. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Promotes active involvement of students in the learning process, includingopportunities for them to explore application of higher-order thinking skills andinvestigate new approaches to applying their learning
Question: How do teachers provide students with opportunities to apply, practice, and deepentheir understanding of new knowledge using authentic content and context?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Through routine reflection, effective planning, and appropriately differentiated instruction, students are afforded every opportunity to develop and hone their higher order thinking skills of critical and creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, and inquiry. / Lesson plans and examples of student engagement in the classroom. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and research in making curricular andinstructional choices
Question: How does the school ensure that classroom assessments align with the standards/expectations in the curriculum?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Formative and summative assessments, along with the analyses of benchmark and EOG tests, provide substantive data utilized during our continuous improvement process deliberations. / Assessments and survey results. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and research in making curricular andinstructional choices
Question: To what extent are achievement data and teacher input used when developing ormodifying curriculum or instructional programs, practices, or processes?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Staff, PTA, and Advisory Committee meetings, along with annual student, staff, and shareholder surveys evaluate the curriculum. Formative and summative assessments, along with the analyses of benchmark and EOG tests, provide substantive data utilized during our continuous improvement process deliberations. / Evaluation documents and changes in lessons/lesson plan documents to accommodate evaluation conclusions. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and research in making curricular andinstructional choices
Question: How does the school support teachers in developing high quality assessments?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
State, county, and locally developed formative and summative assessments, along with the analyses of benchmark and EOG tests, provide substantive data utilized during our continuous improvement process deliberations. Formal professional development has been conducted in ClassScape, SuccessMaker, and Reading 3-D assessments. Grade-level and staff meetings give staff members the opportunity to provide each other with feedback on teacher-developed activities and assessments. / Classroom assessments. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Gathers, analyzes, and uses data and research in making curricular andinstructional choices
Question: What kind of collaborative, reflective analysis of student work has been conductedby teachers?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Grade-level and staff meetings give staff members the opportunity to provide each other with feedback on teacher-developed activities and assessments. Utilizing the formalized protocols of RTI/PST (Responsiveness to Instruction/Problem Solving Team), PEP’s (personalized education plans), red folders, Reading First best practices, SuccessMaker, and Reading 3-D progress monitoring/Now What Tools, teacher teams within grade levels meet at least once a week to analyze and reflect on student work in order to enhance the achievement of individual students and to analyze and improve the instructional program. / Meeting minutes. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Designs and uses instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that areresearch-based and reflective of best practice
Question: How do teachers use current research and the strengths and characteristics of theirstudents to design instruction?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
County-wide and school pacing guides and lesson plans are available and utilized, where applicable. Current initiatives such as Reading First best practices, Reading 3-D, SuccessMaker, SRA, Study Island, AR Math, AR Reading, and Waterford utilize the research-based methodologies so crucial to the success of today’s students. / Lesson plans, observation protocols and results, and survey results. / Highly Functional
Not Evident
Briefly state why you have selected this rubric level:
We fulfill the requirements of the category as stipulated by the AdvancEd Definition of Standard.
Standard: Teaching and Learning
Indicator: Designs and uses instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that areresearch-based and reflective of best practice
Question: How has the whole school planned and developed research-based instructional reformstrategies to strengthen the core academic program, increase amount and quality oflearning time, and provide additional supports to all students?
For the question above, share observations that would accurately describe the status of your school in relationship to the question and indicator. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. / Supporting Evidence
Where would I go to find this? How can I show that the school meets the question? / Rubric Rating
To what degree are the practices and processes in place at your school that indicate adherence to the question?
Our school Title I plan incorporates an extensive needs assessment and outlines the strategies, tools, and responsible parties that we will use to achieve the best results. Our school improvement plan further details the why’s and how’s of our projected goal achievement – what we need to do, how we will do it, the responsible parties, and the measure(s) of success. / School improvement Plan, lesson plans, class schedules, weekly class newsletters,Title I Schoolwide Needs Assessment, and Title I Schoolwide Plan / Highly Functional