Christian Community Schools


Last Name First Middle Phone


Home Address City State Zip


Mailing Address City State Zip


Father or Guardian (Full Name) Employer Day Phone/ Cell Phone


Mother or Guardian (Full Name) Employer Day Phone/ Cell Phone


Name ______Relationship ______Phone: ______

Name ______Relationship ______Phone: ______

Physician: ______Phone: ______

Dentist: ______Phone: ______

Preferred Hospital: ______Ins. ______

May we contact any available physician/ dentist/ hospital? ______Yes ______No

Special Medical Conditions/ Allergies: ______

Other Medical Conditions: ______

My student has permission to take: TYLENOL _____ IBUPROFEN _____ MIDOL ______

All medications must be clearly labeled with the student’s name, medication name, dosage, how often it is taken, and why they take the medication. All medications must be within current date. No expired meds will be accepted. Inhalers must have written instruction on how the doctor prescribes the inhaler to be used.

I hereby give my consent for my student to receive emergency medical treatment, should a serious illness or an accident occur, as may be considered necessary in the opinion of the attending physician or dentist. I understand that I am responsible for any medical or miscellaneous expenses that may occur from treatment required. I also will provide proof of current immunizations.

______Parent/ Guardian Signature ______Date


I ______(name) being the parent or guardian of ______(student’s name) give my permission for my student to leave school grounds during school hours for various approved activities ______(initial) and lunch ______(initial). Should an accident or illness occur, permission is granted to obtain the necessary medical care. ______

Print Name of Parent or Guardian Signature Date

This form shall remain on file and in force for the ______school year.

Christian Community Schools

Student Name ______

Driver’s Registration

Make & Model of Car ______Year ______Color ______License Plate ______Expiration ______

Driver’s License Number ______Expiration ______

Insurance Policy Number ______Expiration ______

Parent’s Comments or Restrictions:

We understand that driving on campus is a privilege and promise to obey the rules. We understand that failure to do so may result in driving privileges being suspended.

______Parent Signature ______Date

______Student Signature ______Date

“Permission to Ride”

______(student’s name) has my permission to ride with the following student drivers:






This may include to and from school, off campus during lunch, and approved activities.

Parent’s comments or restrictions:


______Parent’s Signature ______Date