Santa Margarita Catholic High School

Visual Arts Department


Course: AP Art HistoryScheduling: Period 5, room B-206

Instructor: Ms. Tessa Fleming, M.A.Phone: 949-766-6000 ext. 4066

Email: Office Hours:Thurs.,7:00-7:30am in B-218or by appointment

Website: SMHS Homepage>Faculty/Staff Directory>Ms. Tessa Fleming

Course Description

Surveying nearly twenty-five thousand years of the artistic tradition, from the ancient world to the twenty-first century, AP Art History is a rigorous and rewarding college-level course. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, art history will be presented as a synthesis of visual art and history, emphasizing not only formal aesthetic qualities of a work of art but also its historical context. Painting, drawing, sculpture, architecture, and photography of both the Western and non-Western canons will be explored in terms of style, meaning, and socioeconomic context with special attention to gender, function, and patronage. Practicing visual analysis through “directed looking,” students will be introduced to the basic methodology and vocabulary of art historians while gaining an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts.

Textbook and Resources

1)Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Concise History, First Edition & ArtStudy CDROM, Version 2.1

Digital images, maps, flashcards, and timelines; can create a personal study set.


Companion site;includes crosswords, flashcards, quizzes, glossary, and chapter study guides.

**You will be using the site frequently for online tutorial quizzes; link is provided on my website.

3)SMHS Homepage>Faculty/Staff Directory>Ms. Tessa Fleming

Homework is posted weekly. A course map is also posted.


Information regarding course content, testing, and score reporting. Also offers sample

questions and grading rubrics from past exams.

5)AP Art History test prep book (suggested)

Required Materials

Students are required to bring the following materials to class everyday:


2)Binder/notebook/folder with course material

3)Paper, pencils, and pens (blue/black ink preferred; additional color for correcting)

If a student cannot actively participate in class because he has forgotten his materials, the student will lose participation points.


While the bulk of the course will consist of lecture-type format, it is imperative that students are able to interact and engage with the works and ideas studied. The course will, therefore, emphasize active student participation through class discussion, and student presentations. Tests will consist of both slide-based questions and critical-thinking essays and will be administered throughout the year to help prepare students for the examination in May.

Grading is done strictly as weighted category percentages. Athletic eligibility is determined by the grade given at the end of each marking period; only semester grades will be rounded.

Weightings, Fall Semester:

Semester Exam / 20%
Tests and quizzes / 40%
Assignments & Projects
(in-class and homework) / 30%
Participation / 10%

Weightings, Spring Semester:

Tests and quizzes / 50%
Assignments & Projects
(in-class and homework) / 35%
Participation / 15%

*please note, there will be no final exam in the spring semester

Group Work: students will earn an individual grade as well as an overall group grade

Participation: To encourage active learning, students can earn up to 10 participation points each week. Each student will start the week with 8 points and can earn an additional point by actively participating in class discussions. Points may be deducted for unproductive behavior that disrupts classroom learning.

Extra Credit:Students can earn up to 2% of extra credit per semester.

Attendance Policy

AP Art History is a fast-paced, college-level class and requires regular attendance; excessive absences may negatively affect a student’s grade. Please see the Parent/Student Handbook regarding SMCHS’ excessive absence policy.

Excused absences

Students are responsible for any work missed due to an excused absence.

Assignments due during absence / Must be submitted the day of student’s return
In-class work (notes/handouts) missed during absence / Get notes from classmate and see teacher for handouts/assignments.
Presentations or tests missed during absence / Students will have the number of days absent to make up the test.
Work assigned during absence / Students will have the number of days absent to turn in any work assigned during their absence. This does not apply to long-term assignments (i.e. essays, presentations, & tests).


1)Students are required to turn in any assignment, take any quiz/test, or deliver any presentation that is scheduled for the day they return.

2)If a student is at school but does not attend class (e.g. early dismissal for school activities) any essay or assignment must be handed in before the student leaves campus. If the student will be missing a test for an approved school activity, arrangements must be made beforehand.

3)If a student will be missing multiple days due to an anticipated excused absence (e.g. field-trip, retreat, sports, etc…), the student is required to meet with the instructor to make any necessary arrangements. Failure to do so will result in a zero for any work missed.


Daily quizzes cannot be made up; however, each semester, I will drop the five lowest scores.

Unexcused absences

Any assignments/tests missed because of an unexcused absence may not be made up nor

submitted for credit.

Assignments and Late Work

Assignments should be handed in on-time, stapled (if necessary), and either typed or neatly written in blue or black ink.Assignments are posted online; however, assignments may be added, dropped and/or changed as needed.

All late work will lose 50% of the assignment’s point value. Late work is defined as work turned in after I collect it in class. Students will have one week to turn in late work.

Academic Integrity

Please note that SMCHS considers academic dishonesty a serious offense; cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Should a student submit work that is not their own or is found to be cheating, he will, at minimum, receive a zero on the assignment and a referral to the Dean’s Office. A full description of SMCHS’ policy on Academic Integrity can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook.

Course Content

AP Art History contains mature visual subject matter--Michelangelo’s David or the Venus de Milo, for example. I expect all students will approach the subject with required maturity.

AP Exam

Students are required to take the corresponding AP Art History Exam in May of 2010—failure to take the exam will result in the removal of the AP designation from the transcript as well as loss of the weighted grade within the GPA. The AP exam will be given on the afternoon 12 May 2010; the registration fee is $86.

I will offer several exam review/practice test session on weekends and after school as the exam approaches. I encourage all students to attend; extra credit is offered for attending review sessions.

Teacher Assistance

Additional assistance is always available and I encourage both students and parents to contact me if they have questions or need extra help. Please email me at

Classroom Code of Conduct

All policies outlined in the Student Handbook apply. Dress code violations, disruptive/disrespectful behavior, passing notes, vandalism, personal grooming, sleeping in class, inappropriate language, littering, gum chewing, and eating/drinking (except water) will not be tolerated.


1)No cell phones, ipods, or mp3 players.

2)Be on time.

3)Keep the classroom neat. Students will be asked to pick up any mess before being excused.

4)Please stand when an adult enters the room.

5)Be respectful of your peers.

6)Personal matters should be taken care of before class. Students should not expect to use the restroom, get a drink of water, use the phone, or go to their locker.

If the student cannot adhere to classroom rules, the instructor will give the student a warning which automatically results in the loss of weekly participation points.After the warning, if the student chooses to continue the disruptive behavior, a detention will be given. If the disruptive behavior continues, a referral will be given to the student and a teacher-parent-student meeting will be held.

Students who show blatant disrespect or challenging behavior to a teacher may be removed from that class for the remainder of the year. The final decision will be made by the Dean’s Office and the Academic Office.


Please sign and return.

“I have read and understood the policies of this class. I agree to follow these policies acknowledging that if I violate them, I will be prepared to accept the consequences.”

Student name (please print)______

Student signature______

Student email______

Parent/Guardian name (please print)______

Parent/Guardian signature______

Parent/Guardian phone number______

Parent/Guardian email______