
Triton d’or

Cardboard Art Contest 2017
Word or Pdf file to be e-mailed to

by 2nd April 2017.

The K-droz Association presents TRITON D’OR, 3rd international cardboard art competition, following the success of the 2013 and 2015 editions. The photos of the successfulapplicantsfrom 2013 are housed in the museum of Antikira, Greece. The selectedworksfrom 2015 – originals or photos -wereshowcased in a Paris gallery in October 2015.

Severalworks frombothcompetitions have been purchased.

The theme of the competition is open
The work, shouldbemostly made of cardboard, in particularits visible elements.

The cardboardmayberecovered or new. The artist must present the final work as a jpeg image
The selection of the winners willbebased on:
- Creativity of the presentedwork: meaning, concept, originality, durability, aesthetics
- Quality in itsmaking: use of cardboardproperties, cutting, forming, assembly, finishing, Overall Concept
- The artist`scommitment to the artisticcreation.

The jury, whosedecisions are final, willbecomprised of artists, visual art experts and curatorschiefly:
- Pierre Chirouze, President of the K-drozartistic association
-Jean-Marc Introvigne, curator
-Claudine Fournier, painter, colourist
- Gela Chmelar, curator
- Murielle Le Guennec, visualartist
- Antoine Bechara, visualartist
- Pascale Wirth, visualartist
- PolyxeneKasda, visualartist
- Ute Petit, art enthusiast
- Jean Lesage, art enthusiast
- Catherine Introvigne, art enthusiast -

The jury reserves the right to requestadditional information fromapplicants.

Website for the contest
The Triton d’or, offers a 500 € prize, to beawarded to the winner.

Up to 10 artistswillbecommended and receiveacknowledgement of theirworkwith media coverage in several countries and an exhibition of the photos in a gallery in Paris, France.

Application file

For practicalreasons, the contestisbased on photos supplied by the artist / candidate. Picture quality is then essential.

Every candidate must send a single Word or Pdf file of the completed form - attached

The form should be e-mailed to by 2nd April 2017.
The results of the contest will be published on 15th April 2017.

K-droz and its sponsors may freely make use of the photos sent by the candidates and will credit the artist at all times. The images will be used for the promotion of the artist, and the association, of cardboard art.
In particular, K-droz and its sponsors forbid themselves to use them for commercial (sales) purposes.

For additional information, write to

January 2017