PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor M S Streeter;Councillors H D Beddow; M Green; E E Greensmith; B M J Gregory; C Gregory; T R Lloyd; J Shallcross; T Walkerand the Town Clerk.


Apologies were received from Councillors C Evans. T A Evans; V Gay; A C Lloyd and A J Pearson.


The Town Clerk reported, that regretfully, he had to report the receipt of the resignation of Councillor B J Marshall.

RESOLVED: That the resignation be received and the Town Clerk be authorised to serve the requisite Notices.


The Mayor, Councillor Streeter, declared an interest in item 13, Planning Application 053879, as it was her next door neighbour.


RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 10 June, 2015 be confirmed as a correct record.


With reference to Minute 33 Members discussed the news that the service was saved albeit with a reduced timetable.


PCSO Hughes attended the meeting and reported as follows:

  • with regards to the new CCTV cameras all Police staff on the rota will be receiving training in the operation of the cameras and the accompanying lap top computer system;
  • a number of sheds and garages had been targeted by thieves and also an expensive bicycle stolen from Kynaston Drive. Two other cycles had been stolen from the cycle rack at the Morrisons store. A Shed in Victoria Road had been broken into and a bicycle and lap top stolen. In Maydor Avenue a blue Suzuki 125 moped had been stolen;
  • a male person had been apprehended breaking into a shop on the High Street;
  • a report of ASB in the alleyway behind the Londis shop ;
  • following the warning to parents in Ewart Street no more problems had arisen although there had been some damage to the new pavilion on Billy's Park;
  • Police Surgeries were to be held at the Community House in Saltney Ferry on Friday 10 July at 6 pm and at the Community Centre in Douglas Place on Friday 17 July between 12 -1pm; he had also arranged for the Panna Cage to be available on two occasions - at the North Street playing field and at the Youth Club;
  • he had also made arrangements for the 'Go Safe' vehicle for a session on the main road and also on Boundary Lane. With regards to Boundary Lane it was suggested that it would be useful to involve the children from Wood Memorial School if at all possible.


Mr Wayne Jones, a member of staff from the Streetscene service attended the meeting and reported as follows:

  • due to budget savings there had been a reorganisation of the service. The number of areas was to be reduced from 12 down to 8 and Mr John Griffiths would be returning to duties in the township;
  • he intimated that it was the County Council's intention to implement a reduction in the timing of their street and footway lights.

Councillor Lloyd referred to the unfortunate accident that had resulted in the death of one of the departments operatives. Some of the hedges outside the school were in need of trimming and also around the 'Welcome to Saltney' sign on the main road.

Councillor Greensmith referred to the flooding from the drains in Beechwood Road,

Councillor Beddow asked about the timetable for the demolition of the amenity site on Sandy Lane and the subsequent landscaping of the area. Mr Jones indicated that although the tenders had been received no contract had been let.


The Mayor submitted a written report on her activities since the last meeting of the Council. A copy of which is in the 'Official Minute Book'.


Further to Minute 27 of the last meeting the Town Clerk reported the receipt of the quotations for the upgrade of the two cameras and the purchase of another.

RESOLVED: That the quotation of Connected Security Ltd be accepted funding to be met from virement of the VAT repayments from HMRC.



Further to Minute 30 of the last meeting, Members gave further consideration to the provision of more play equipment at the Carlton Avenue Play area. A number of Members had inspected the area prior to the meeting and it was generally felt that the tiled safety flooring was in need of replacement. There was also a need for much of the many play areas equipment to be repainted and repaired.

RESOLVED: That subject to the scheme being presented to the Town Council the suggestions of the County Council's Officers be approved and the cost of retiling the flooring be included in the budget deliberations for next year.


Further to Minute 36 of the last meeting the Town Clerk reported the results of his negotiations with Blachere Illuminations.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be authorised to enter into a one year contract with Blachere Illuminations in the terms now indicated.


Further to Minute 183 the Town Clerk will reported on the cost of providing a defibrillator for public use within the Township and the advice he had received from the manufacturers.

RESOLVED: That the report be received..


The Town Clerk reported the receipt of the following planning applications for consultation:

The Mayor, Councillor Streeter, having declared an interest in ref: 053879 (at Minute 42) took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

Ref: 053879

Proposal: Erection of boundary wall topped with feather board fencing.

Location: 34 North Street, Saltney Ferry, Flintshire CH4 0BH

Grid ref: E336748 N 365445

Ref: 053810

Proposal: Erection of replacement porch.

Location: 58 Alyndale Road, Saltney, Flintshire CH4 8UQ

Grid ref: E337921 N 364618

RESOLVED: That the County Council be informed that the Town Council have no comments to make on either proposal.


RESOLVED: That the replanting of the two flower boxes around the Saltney and Saltney Ferry signs and the treatment of the seats at the artwork outside Morrisons be approved..


The Council considered a Notice of Motion in the names of Councillors Beddow and Gay (Councillor Gay was not present and the Motion was proposed by Councillor Beddow) 'to obviate the re-occurrence of recent disturbing events - to submit an urgent request to FCC for the immediate installation and erection of steel height restriction barriers with lockable swinging top bars at the entrance to the Community Centre, Playing fields and the adjoining 'dog field' in Sandy Lane'.

Upon being proposed and seconded the Motion was put to the vote and was Not carried. A named vote was requested and the voting was as follows:


Cllr H D BeddowCllr B Gregory

Cllr E E GreensmithCllr C Gregory

Cllr J ShallcrossCllr T R Lloyd

Cllr M S Streeter

Cllr T Walker


Inaccordance with Standing Order 23 Councillor T Walker asked theTownClerkthe following question:

In your capacity as the Town Council legal officer I wish to inquire as to the legalstatus of the above association with the Town Council.

The reason I ask thisis that people are concerned that it seems to be operating as a closed shopestablishment when in fact the community centre is a community asset boughtand paid for by the then community council and through public buying abrick.

The only monies forthcoming from any authority was the former Alyn andDeeside District Council paying for the public disabled toilet, the othermonies came from a L.E.A. grant.

As far as I am aware FCC only manages thebuilding for the town as I have never seen any paperwork to say that F.C.C.ever took it over.

I would be grateful if you could throw any further light onthis matter before I proceed further with any action I mighttake.

The Town Clerk responded as follows:

I have done a deal of research in this matter but can only respond in the same way as my predecessor did -when he wrote ' the Community Centre has nothing to do with the Town Council'.He was responding to a request from Councillor Gay in 2007.

What I can say for definite is that the Town Council did contribute monies over the years but the main sum came from a grant funded by the Department of Education and Science. The Town Council did help fund the Disabled Toilet (£15,000); electrical works (£15,000); paid community charges etc and back in May 1989 appointed Cllrs Frost; Walker and Turner to a 'Community Centre Committee'. Unfortunately the Town Council minutes are unclear as to how the payments were made and why?

The County Council and its predecessors retained the ownership of the land.

In my early days as Town Clerk I did write to Kerry Feather with regards to the funding by the FCC and asking her to let me have their spreadsheet analysis of the income and expenditure. This was at a time when the then 'Management Group' were trying to settle a 'Heads of Agreement'. But I never received a satisfactory response.

The 'asset' of the Community Centre is quite definitely registered with the County and not the Town Council and the draft agreement that was prepared dated May 2003 and never implemented refers to the fact that the County Council is the freehold owner of the land and buildings. At that time in 2003 Cllr Walker was the Chairman of the Management Committee. But by June 2010 the Management Committee consisted of Brian Weston; Alan Evans; Cherry Evans; Edith Greensmith; Veronica Gay; Miles Beddow and Rob Edwards from the FCC.

The draft agreement also has a paragraph referring to the 'Management Association' and suggestion that it should be one Officer of the County Council; one member of the Town Council; four members elected to ensure appropriate management and two members residing within the Township'. When I asked the Council at the Annual Meeting to appoint a Member to the 'Management Committee'; the Council declined. I'm afraid I don't know any more.


Further to Minute 210 of 2008/9 Local County Council member, Councillor Richard Lloyd was invited to give any feedback he might have received from County Council meetings that may or will affect Saltney. Members of the Town Council who had attended meetings as representatives of the Town Council since the last meeting were also required to report back.

Councillor Lloyd referred to:

  • a fire by the railway in Saltney Ferry. Because of the situation of the fire the Fire Brigade could not gain access and finally reported the fire as a 'false alarm'. That was not satisfactory and he was continuing to press the Fire Brigade for an explanation of their actions;
  • the grass cutting around the library had not been carried out satisfactorily. He had spoken to the contractor who had been less than helpful with his response. After following his complaint up at County Hall the contractor returned to site and completed the job satisfactorily;
  • Lancashire Fuels was now the subject of a 'winding up' order and it was expected that works to clear the site, that might take 6 months, would commence in mid August. Local businesses in the area would be warned of the commencement of the works. At the end of the clearance work FCC would make a formal inspection of the land to ensure that it had not become contaminated.
  • arrangements to move the 'Fields in Trust' plaque from Billy's Park to a more suitable site on the playing field'

The Mayor reminded Members that:

  • the Play Scheme would commence on 27 July and run for 3 weeks;
  • the Scouts 'Fun Day' would be held on 18 July from 1-4pm with a disco in the evening;
  • the Rev P Braisdell's last service at the Methodist Church would be Sunday 12 July at 10.45 am. All were invited to attend.


RESOLVED: That the following accounts be approved for payment:


A ThornileySalary + Office (£50.00) June £991.86

HMRCTown Clerk’s IT£235.40 NI£74.01 £309.41

Deeside LdgeRoom Hire £25.00

The Town Clerk reminded Members that it was expected that a number of invoices would be received before the meeting in September.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be authorised to ask any of the bank signatories to sign the necessary cheques. Such action to be confirmed at the September meeting.