Braille Challenge

2013 Preliminary

Junior Varsity

Charts and Graphs 1

Pam is saving her money to buy some gifts. Each number represented on the chart is the total number of coins that she has saved in one monthto purchase gifts for her sister, parents, teacher, and best friend.


Questions for “Money Saved”

1. How much money did Pam save for her parents’ gift if all the coins were dimes?

a. $2.50

b. $25

c. $250

d. $5

e. $20

2. Pam was going through her purse and her desk, she found 15 more dimes and

decided to add this to her friend's amount. How much money does she now

have to spend on her friend?

a. $1.00

b. $10.00

d. $1.50

d. $2.50

e. $2.00

3. If all the coins saved were nickels, how much money does Pam have to spend

for her sister?

a. $.25

b. $2.50

c. $.50

d. $5.00

e. None of the above

4. Pam's mother was going to give her $4.00 in dimes for cleaning her room.If

Pam equally divided the coins according to the categories in the circle graph,

how many more coins would she be adding to each group?

a. 10

b. 40

c. 20

d. 5

e. 15

5. How much more money can she spend on her parents than her sister if all the

coins were dimes?

a. $25.00

b. $5.00

c. $20.00

d. $15.00

e. $10.00


6. How much more money can she spend on her teacher than her friend if the

coins were quarters?

a. $2.00

b. $3.50

c. $2.75

d. $3.25

e. $2.50

7. If Pam bought her parents separate gifts of equal value, how much money

could she spend on her mother if the coins were all dimes?

a. $25.00

b. $15.00

c. $13.50

d. $12.50

e. $12.00

8. If all the coins were dimes, how much money did Pam have to spend in all?

a. $30.00

b. $25.80

c. $32.00

d. $33.10

e. None of the above

9. Based on your calculation for question number 8, how much change would

Pam have if she spent $28.00?

a. $4.00

b. $3.00

c. $5.00

d. $2.00

e. None of the above


10. In 6 months, Pam was able to save another 200 dimes. If she divided the 200

dimes equally between everyone, how much money would she have saved for

each individual?

a. $30.00 Parents

$5.00 Sister

$7.00 Friend

$5.00 Teacher

b. $30.00 Parents

$10.00 Sister

$7.00 Friend

$5.00 Teacher

c. $30.00 Parents

$10.00 Sister

$7.00 Friend

$6.00 Teacher

d. $30.00 Parents

$5.00 Sister

$7.00 Friend

$6.00 Teacher

e. None of the above


Braille Challenge

2013 Preliminary

Junior Varsity

Charts and Graphs 2


Questions for “What Samantha Earned”

1. What was the total amount of money Samantha earned in June?

a. $60

b. $80

c. $120

d. $140

e. None of the above

2. In which month did Samantha earn the most money working as a Babysitter?

a. April

b. June

c. August

d. May

e. None of the above

3. In which month did Samantha earn the same amount of money for both jobs?

a. May

b. August

c. June

d. July

e. None of the above

4. How much did Samantha earn for both jobs in July?

a. $100

b. $120

c. $140

d. $160

e. None of the above

5. Samantha earned how much more money when Dog Walking in the month of


a. $60

b. $50

c. $40

d. $30

e. $20

6. How much money did Samantha earn the first three months as a Babysitter?

a. $80

b. $120

c. $150

d. $130

e. None of the above


7. Which months did Samantha earn the same amount of money as a Babysitter?

a. May and June

b. June and August

c. June and September

d. May, June and August

e. June and July

8. Between which two months did Samantha exactly increase her earnings an

additional $20 when working as a Babysitter?

a. July and August

b. April and May

c. June and July

d. May and June

e. None of the above

9. How many total months did Samantha earn more walking dogs than


a. none

b. one

c. two

d. three

e. four

f. five

10. What was the total amount that Samantha earned for both jobs from August to


a. $240

b. $140

c. $260

d. $160

e. $120