We are committed to enriching the lives of our students and communities
Through quality educational programs and services



July 1, 2009

Room 4370 – TTC – 8:30 a.m.

Present: D. Bertch, G. Chandler, D. Dawson, G. Fredericks,B. Kocher C. Orr, J. Taylor, J. Turcott

Guest:Gerri Jacobs

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by B. Kocher at 8:30 a.m.
  1. Fall 2009 Enrollment: Gerri Jacobs provided an update on fall 2009 enrollment counseling concerns.
  2. Eleven orientations have been scheduled in July (possibility of 440 more students)
  3. Seventeen orientations have been scheduled in August (possibility of 680 more students)
  4. Areas of concern include ENG 098 (78 seats open), ENG 283 (3 seats open), WPE 101 and WPE 125 are full, more MATH 094 not 079 is needed.
  5. All courses offered this fall in the Wind Energy Technology certificate program are full.
  6. Noted that Banner was down last night and that no prior notification was received. This happened during a scheduled orientation for student athletes and their parents. As a result, students were unable to enroll/register.
  1. Minutes of June 24, 2009: The minutes of June 24, 2009 were approved as corrected. (The KRESA engineering camp was held June 25, 2009)
  1. Cabinet Update – D. Bertch and B. Kocherprovided a general update from the June 30, 2009 Cabinet meeting. Minutes will be forthcoming once approved.
  1. Reality Check
  2. D. Bertch provided an update about some concerns regarding book availability in the bookstore. B. Kocher noted that he met with Roger Miller to assure that financial aid recipients will not be penalized due to this issue.
  3. D. Dawson provided a personnel update.
  1. Kudos!
  • Kudos! to the following individuals for their assistance with the KRESA Summer Engineering Camp
  • Matt Dennis & Jamie Robins – college tour
  • Dwight Coblentz, Charlie Fuller, Martin Smith, Bill Wangler – technology tours
  • Rick Garthe - camp assistance
  • Sue Hills – logistics (room, lunch, etc.)
  1. Travel/Professional Development: Fast track funding for Vicki Hileski, Theresa Shane, and Al Moss has been submitted.
  1. Other
  2. D. Bertch provided an update on his meeting with Denise Lindsley regarding the disparity in Compass/ACT scores and indicated he would update each dean during their standing meetings.
  3. J. Turcott noted that Bill deDie is looking at national ACT cutoff norms. Briefly discussed course alignment, curriculum shift and competencies measured.
  4. J. Taylor mentioned that Louise Anderson is looking at a “hard” encumbrance system for part-time faculty. He also asked that we establish a work group to look at office space with regard to the capital outlay process.
  5. Heard that the dental hygiene positions are moving forward as well as a half-time position in office support.
  1. Next Meeting – The next meeting will be July 8, 2009 in room 4380.
  1. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m.