James Doe

Current Address: Permanent Address:

555 NE Merman Dr. Apt. #123 (509) 555-1212 cell 1-23-4 Asada Kawasaki-ku, shi

Pullman, WA 99163 (044) 555=1212 home Sapporo, Japan


Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Financial Markets)

Washington State University, Pullman, WA GPA 3.91/4.0 September 2006 – Present

Associate of Arts

Spokane Falls Community College, Spokane, WA GPA 3.93/4.0 July 2006

RELEVANT COURSES: Macroeconomics · Microeconomics · Econometrics · Economics for Managers · Money and Banking · Finance · Financial Accounting · Managerial Accounting · Technical and Professional Writing · Mathematical Analysis for Business and Economics


Student Senate/ Student Government

Spokane Falls Community College – Spokane, WA December 2005 – April 2006

·  Worked with other senators, president, faculties and deans from different departments.

·  Represented students and faculty of Art, Music and Photography departments.

·  Successfully negotiated with the city of Spokane for reduced rates for student bus pass.

·  Coordinated fundraisers, community service events, and school trips.

Project Assistant

·  Designed advertising for an event in the International District in the city of Spokane that drew a record breaking crowd of 25,000 Summer 2006

Guest Speaker

·  Presented a panel discussion on “culture shock” at Spokane Falls Community College November 2005


Japanese Tutor

Spokane Falls Community College – Spokane, WA April – June 2006

·  Taught 30 students conversational and written Japanese

·  Co-taught one section of Japanese

·  Developed all necessary course materials

Library Technician

Spokane Falls Community College – Spokane, WA September – December 2005

·  Located materials for customers via multiple databases

·  Organized material flow for a library that serves 5000 people


Language Japanese (Native), English (Business) TOEIC Score: 940, TOEFL Score: 227 (CBT)

Computer Mini-tab (statistical data analysis), Microsoft Office, Dream weaver (HTML), Windows OS and Macintosh OS


Scholarship Recipient – International Transfer Award at Washington State University

– Frank P. Feenan Memorial Scholarship

Member – PHI ETA SIGMA, national honor society

References: Available Upon Request