Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Common Implementation Strategy

Working Group of the Economic and Social Assessment (WG ESA)

Sweden and the United Kingdom together with Francehave the pleasure to invite you to the 5th meeting of WG ESA to be held the 31st of March – 1st of April 2011, Paris

As a part of the Common Implementation Strategy of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) the Working Group on Economic and Social Assessment was established in order to facilitate a common understanding of the requirements of Article 8 (1) (c) of the Directive and provide as appropriate, recommendations concerning the level of detail required to implement Article 8 (1) (c), to identify methodologies and approaches to meeting the requirement of Article 8 (1) (c), promote communications, cooperation and coordination between marine regions and as necessary provide a forum for addressing other social and economic matters covered by the Directive. At the end of 2010 the working group produced a non-binding guidance document on the economic and social aspects of the initial assessment. The group will exist at least until the initial assessment of the MSFD is to be completed that is, until the end of 2012.

The group has met four times, 30 October,2009, 8-9 March, 2010, 5-6 July 2010 and 21-22of October, 2010. The fifth meeting is planned to be held in Paris on the 31st of March -1st of April 2011.


31stof March – 1st of April, 2011, starting at 14.00 on Thursday, until 16.00 on Friday.


Hotel Baltimore

88 Bis Avenue Kleber
75116 PARIS
(Please see enclosed document for information on how to get to the Conference Center)


Nominated members of the WG ESA, Marine regional convention and NGO’s.

Agenda for the meeting will be sent out later.


Please confirm your participation by filling in the Registration form before

15th of March 2011, at the latest. Link to registration: Registration

For Member States which have not yet appointed their representatives, could you please provide this information to Elisabet Kock.

Please note that you will not be reimbursed for costs in relation to this meeting.


Hotels are booked individually by each participant. These hotels are situated close to the Conference Hotel, but more can be find at

Content of meeting

The meeting in March will primarily focus on the exchange of experiences with MemberStates’ and Regional Conventions’ work with the Initial Assessment. We would therefore like to invite MemberStates and Regional Conventions to present their work so far with the Initial Assessment. The presentations can be short and have as purpose to exchange your experience and use the WG ESA group to receive advice and comments on specific issues.

Please let us know before the 11th of February if you are interested in presenting your work at the meeting.

The meeting will also include:

Preparations for a Work Programmefor a second phase of WG ESA

Commission update and coming workshops

Links between the economic and social analysis and other parts of the initial assessment. Connections with the GES work

Needs for research and collaborative studies

Future work on articles 13 and 14 of the Directive. Presentations of ongoing studies in this field.


Access to documents :
All documents will be uploaded continuously on the CIRCA website under the Marine Strategy Interest Group

accessible to registered members. If you are not registered, we invite you to sign up as soon as possible using the following link: Once registered, we will define your access rights. Please find enclosed instructions on how to register properly. Should you have any questions regarding your CIRCA access, please contact Gaëlle Deswaef. Tel.: +32-2-296-97-58, Fax.:+32-2-296-88-25 , Email: .

Contact numbers:

For more information please contact:

Sweden: Katrin Zimmer, WSP, E-mail: Tel: +46 8 6886172 or Elisabet Kock, Tel: +46-10-6981373

For concerns regarding the conference location or others : Alexandre KAVAJ (Ministry of Ecology) or tel : +33-1-40 81 67 57 Mahé CHARLES (French marine protected areas agency) , tel: +33 -2 -29 00 85 34

Best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Paris.



Climate Department

OFFICE: Valhallavägen 195, Stockholm

POSTAL: SE-106 48 Stockholm, Sweden

TEL: + 4610 698 1373, FAX: + 4610 698 00 00


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