TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2017


9:00 A.M.

Those in attendance: Craig Burgess, Abraham George, Ed Helton, Tom Helton, Rocky Kettering, Mark Lott (representing Gina Sheeks), John Lester, Nancy Marino, Chris Markwood Todd Reeser and Glenn Stokes (representing Tina Butcher).

Guests: Gary Bush, Mary Covington, John McElveen, Steve Morse and Sarah Secoy

Mark Lott: Campus Carry. Public Safety has scheduled two seminars during CSU Welcome Week regarding Campus Carry. Dates are: Tuesday, August 8 – 2:15 – 3:15, and Wednesday, August 9 – 9:15 – 10:15, both at Arnold Hall. Tina Butcher has approved the verbage pertaining to this new law which should be included in all faculty syllabi beginning Fall Semester, 2017.

Public Safety received a grant to provide preventive tools and awareness of sexual assault on campus.

John McElveen: Gary Bush was introduced by John as our new Executive Director of Admissions. He will work closely with our recruiters, admissions staff, and review and update current recruitment publications. Recruitment has four open positons to fill, two new and replacing two that left.

Information was distributed and discussed to all members of the ELT regarding current enrollment figures. This information fluctuates daily as we approach Fall Semester. John and Gary are working with Drew Jones in UITS to have accurate reports in enrollment by majors. First Time Students and weekly Retention reports are being sent to Tina Butcher for her review, as well as the Deans and Chairs.

Sarah Secoy: Current housing information was distributed and discussed with ELT members Students are still being placed, and may place upper division students in Clearview Hall if necessary. Going forward, freshman housing numbers will be included in the dashboard software.

Tom Helton: Steve Morse distributed to all members information regarding the different types of parking permits. He has ordered a new software system that will use license plate recognition, which will replace the need for anyone to have a parking permit. The new system will not be up and running until next year. The Parking Office is open Monday – Thursday – 10:00 – 5:00, and on Friday, 10:00 – 1:00. All faculty and staff need to pick up their permits within the next few weeks in order to avoid receiving a citation. The Parking Office will have a table at the Welcome Week to enable faculty and staff to pick up their permit. Current appeal process of a citation – students will appeal through SGA, and faculty/staff through HR. Discussion ensued having faculty, staff and students appeal citationsthrough the same office. Deans, Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel will have the option of purchasing a reserved parking space on campus. All visitors may go online and request a visitor parking permit for a set limit of time at no charge. In order to park in a handicap parking space, you must register through the Parking Office and provide official documentation.

New speed limit and parking signs will be installed on campus in the near future, along with fifteen minute parking spaces for visitors.

Steve will work with John so that parking permit information is sent to CSU students.

Third Party Events at CSU: Proposal for approval of third party events at CSU is being discussed due to the increasing demand. Last year both campuses were reserved by a third party for a total of 134 events, which resulted in Logistics clocking in 1,400 labor hours causing overtime to double. ELT recommended to the President that all third party requests can only be for space at the Cunningham Center or Turner Center (which includes University Hall and Rankin). Exception to this proposal, will be high school graduation requests, which will be directed to Steve Morse. ELT proposed that three to four days be set aside in the month of May for this purpose, and the set up for these events will be the same.

Glenn Stokes: Working on implementation of a standard format identifying all missing policies. This will be completed by the end of this summer, and will be in Google.docs format.

Abraham George: Information was distributed regarding the current location of Open computer labs, General classroom computer labs, and Departmental computer labs, and the types and number of computers in each of these areas. All open labs are funded by the Tech Fee. Department classroom labs receive funding if there are any funds left from the Tech Fee, and in some cases, department funds. Tom stated that he was informed by some departments that they have been told that going forward, departments will be responsible for replacing computers in their labs. He is concerned that departments have not been officially notified, and more importantly, adjustments to their budgets will need to be made as there are no funds allocated in department budgets for this purpose. ELT requested that Abraham bring to the next ELT meeting a Tech Fee report showing where the funds have been spent in support of technology on the campuses. Glenn requested a report showing the rate of usage in all computer labs.

There being no other business to discuss, meeting was adjourned at

11:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Nancy Marino