First Name: Soltanali Last Name: Mahboob Father's Name: Valiyar

Identification No: 2 Birth Date: 1944/3/14 Place of birth: Meshguinshahr

Scientific Degree: Full Professor Field of study: Biochemical Nutrition

Address: University Of Rabe Rashidi-Valiasr-Tavanir Avenue -Tabriz -Iran

Phone: 0411- 3394268 Fax: 0411-3334076

Cell Phone: 09141075420 Postal Code: 5166713396

E – Mail:

G- Mail:

1. Articles:

  1. Nutrition literacy a ladder of cultural promotion 2007

  1. Sensitivity and specificity of a short questionnaire for food insecurity surveillance in Iran Journal of Food Nutrition Bulletin. 2007

  1. Water stress, antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid per oxidation in wheat seeding Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2007

  1. Content of physics acid and its mole ratio to zinc in flour and breads consumed in Tabriz, Iran. Food Chemistry. Article in Press. 2006

  1. Effect of retinol on iron bioavailability from Iranian bread in a Caco-2 cell culture model. Nutrition Journal. 2006

  1. Effect of vitamin A and Zinc supplementation on oxidative stress in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis Journal of Tabriz University of medical sciences. 2006

  1. Factors affecting the food insecurity in Ttabriz Journal of ArdabileUniversity of medical sciences. 2006

  1. Need for national investment for alleviation of malnutrition 2006

  1. Nutrition literacy a tool for prevention of coronary heart disease 2006

  1. Nutritional &biochemical status of childbearing women in Marand district Journal of Tabriz University of medical sciences. 2006

  1. Nutritional status and bone mass density in postmenopausal women Journal of Urmia University of medical sciences. 2006

  1. Prevalence and intensity of food insecurity (Hunger and hidden hunger aspects) in assadabadi region of Tabriz Journal of YAFTEH. 2006

  1. Serum level of Zn, Cu and Cu/Zn ratio in Iranian Breast cancer patient's journal of TabrizUniversity of medical Sciences. 2006

  1. Stress and Nutrition J. Of Nutrition Word. 2006

  1. Vitamin E, selenium supplementation on clinical response of pulmonary tuberculosis 2006

  1. Why the Trans fatty acids are dangerous J .of Nutrition word. 2006

  1. بررسی حجم غده تیروئید بوسیله اولتراسونوگرافی و ارتباط آن با سطح ید ادرار دانش آموزان پسر 12-15 ساله مقطع راهمنایی شهرستان تبریز در سال 85 . 2006

  1. تأثیر متقابل بیفید و باکتریوم بیفیدوم، بیفیدو باکتریم آنگولانوم و لاکتوباسیولوس کازیی با سالمونلا تیفی موریوم در شرایط رشد توامان.2006

  1. Biodiversity & Food security J. Of Nutrition Word. 2005

  1. Effect of consumption of whole bread baked from cultivated wheat with micronutrient fertilizers on blood indices of iron. Journal Food,AgricultureEnvironment. 2005

  1. Effect of Vitamin A on Lavash Iron Bioavailability in Caco-2 Model. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2005

  1. Healthy food for food &nutrition security J.of Nutrition word. 2005

  1. Need for Implementation of Nutrition Program in Emergency 2005

  1. Nutrition & Healthy life style J. of nutrition word. 2005

  1. Physic Acid and Its Molar Ratio to Zinc in Consumed Breads inTabriz. The Journal of Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Vol 16(3), autumn, 2005. 2005

  1. Poverty & hunger J of Nutrition Word. 2005

  1. Relationship between Nutritional status and serum levels of Zn, Fe and Cu with Anthropometric indices in students of TabrizUniversity of medical sciences J. Birjand University of medical sciences. 2005

  1. The Effect of Folic Acid Supplementation on Plasma Homocysteine Levels in patients With Coronary Artery Disease. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2005

  1. The Effect of Meal Frequency on Serum Immunoglobulin Profile, Insulin and Weight in Rat. Pakistan journal of Nutrition. 2005

  1. The women feed the world j. of peseshke men. 2005

  1. Hunger &Hidden Hunger J. of Peseke men. 2004

  1. Lipid Profile and its Correlates with Nutrition and Socioeconomic Status in Adolescent Girls Tabriz High Schools. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2004

  1. Serum Zinc Concentration of Children with Failure to Thrive and Well Thrived. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2004

  1. Study of nutritional status of children of 6- 12 year old in assadabady region journal of yafteh. 2004

  1. The Effect of Meal Frequency on Serum Lipid and Lipoproteins in Rats. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2004

  1. The impact of consumption of non healthy food j. Nutrition Word. 2004

  1. Assessment of some risk factors of coronary artery disease in adolescent girls in Tabriz. 2003

  1. Comparison of the effects of Ramadan fasting on serum lipid profiles on two hyperlipidemic groups with or without diet pattern. Saudi Medical Journal 2003. 2003

  1. Effect of Consumption of Whole Bread Baked from Cultivated Wheat withMicro fertilizers on Blood Indices of Iron. 2003

  1. Effect of Diet Rich in Olive Oil & Cholesterol on Serum Lipoprotein, Lipid per oxidation & Atherosclerosis in Rabbit. Researching of Medical Sciences. 2003

  1. Effects of fasting in Ramadan with low fat and low calorie diet on plasma lipid levels in hyperlipidemic persons. Saudi Medical Journal. 2003

  1. Effects of nibbling and gorging on lipid profiles, blood glucose and insulin levels in healthy subjects. Saudi Med journal. 2003

  1. Relationship between Blood Pressure and Daily Sodium,Potassium, Calcium Intake and BMI. The Journal of QazvinUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2003

  1. The Comparison of theEffect of Diet Rich in Olive Oil & Hydrogenated Oil on Serum Lipoprotein, Lipid Per oxidationAtherosclerosisin Rabbit. Medical Journal of GilanUniversity of Medical Sciences. 2003

  1. Assessment of some effective factors on the weight gain during pregnancy and birth weight of newborns. Medical Journal - Tabriz - Iran. 2002

  1. Comparison of plasma vitamin A level in population with and without senile cataract. J. of Urmia university of Medical Sciences. 2002

  1. Comparison of plasma vitamin C level in population with and without senile cataract J. of Gazvin University of medical sciences. 2002

  1. Development and validation of a short food frequency questionnaire for screening women of childbearing age for vitamin a status in Northwest Iran. Food & Nutrition Bulletin. 2002

  1. Prevalence of failure to thrive in children of 6-36 months at health's and medical center of asadabadi region (Northwest), Tabriz Medical Journal - Tabriz - Iran. 2002

  1. Assessment of nutrition status, food intake, serum's iron and lipid profile of old people living in khooban elderly institute of Tabrizat 1378. Urmia medical gournal - Urmia - Iran (Islamic Republic of). 2001

  1. Body mass index of reproductive age group women and its relationship with iron status. Medical Journal - Tabriz - Iran. 2001

  1. Comparison of effects of daily and weekly iron supplementation on plasma vitamin C level of 15 - 49 years old pregnant women in Marand city, 1997. Hakim Journal - Tehran - Iran. 2001

  1. Comparison of Zn++, Cu++ and Fe +++ serum levels in normal subjects and patients with senile cataract Pharmaceutical journal of Tabriz university of medical sciences. - Tabriz - Iran. 2000

  1. Effects of a low caloric, low cholesterol, high fiber dietary regimen and aerobic exercis on plasma levels of vitamin C and E in patients with involved vessels. Medical Journal - Tabriz - Iran. 2000

  1. Relationship between serum Na+, Ca++ and K+ levels, nutritional status and senile cataract formation. Pharmaceutical science journal of TabrizUniversity of medical sciences - Iran. 2000

  1. Study of knowledge, attitude and practice of employees about nutritional factors with regard to coronary heart disease in tabriz. TabrizUniversity of medical sciences research journal - Tabriz - Iran (Islamic Republic of). 1999

  1. Effect of Dietary Regimen and Aerobic Exercise on the Level of Lipid Per oxidation and Antioxidant Vitamins in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 1999

  1. Effect of Ramadan fasting on serum lipid profiles in normal and hyperlipidmic subjects. Saudi medical journal,. 1999

  1. Nutritional status of zinc, copper and plasma Zn/CU ratio in coronary heart disease. Tabrizuniversity of medical sciences research journal - Tabriz - Iran. 1999

  1. The effect of vitamins C & B6 on the lipoproteins (LDL - C & HDL - C), lipids and hbaic in the diabetic. 1999

  1. The prevalence of anemia, microcrystal and macrocytic anemia in childbearing age women in Marand. Hakim Journal - Tehran - Iran. 1999

  1. Interaction between maternal protein malnutrition and nitro fen exposure during pregnancy on rat fetus d. 1991

  1. Interaction betweenNit fen & maternal malnutrition during pregnancy on intestinal lactase activity of newborn Darudarman. 1990

  1. The role of vitamin C in reducing the deleterious effect of cigarette Razi pharmaceutical journal. 1990

  1. Cell number & size in selected organs of fetuses of rats' malnourished and exposed to nitro fen. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis. 1986

  1. Effects on the fetal rat intestine of maternal malnutrition & exposure to Nitro fen. Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis. 1986

  1. Lactase levels in the intestine of young of protein - deprived rats Nutr. Rep. Inter. 1977

  1. Pancreatic development in the young of protein - deficient rats Nutr. Rep. Inter. 1977

  1. Intestinal depeptidase in the intestine of the prenantally protein - deprived rats Nutrition report international. 1976

  1. Pregnancy and thiamine, ribovlavine &B6 excretion in rat Tabriz pharmacy journal. 1975

  1. Effect of long herm distribution of Carbohydrate rich diet on tissue composition & protein and ribonucleic acid synthesis in rat 1974

  1. Specify mechanism of effect of pantothenic acid on intestinal absorption of glucose in rat Tabriz pharmacy journal. 1974

  1. Study of relationshipBeth even mitochondria &cytoplasm1974

  1. Study of effect of prostaglandins in fat metabolism Tabriz pharmacy .j. 1973

  1. Breast milk is inkowne milk Darupeseshky journal. 1972

  1. Colostrums an unknown compound Darupeseshky journal. 1972

  1. Comparison of breast milk &formula Pharmaceutical &medical journal of ramine. 1972

  1. Relationship between cholesterol & vitamin E in healthysubject's blood Darupeseshky journal. 1972

  1. Study of the methods for determination of the organism needs Daru peseshky journal. 1972

  1. Metabolism de Lacide lactique chez le lapin au jeume almentaire ET stercoral. Journal of TabrizUniversity. 1971

2. Books:

  1. مدیریت تغذیه در بحران ها( ترجمه فارسی )2005

  1. استرس و تغذیه یک گفتگوی جذاب ( ترجمه فارسی )2004

  1. Healthy lifestyles nutrition and physical activity. 2003

  1. Biochemistry: Third Edition Ahrar Publications. 2002

  1. Biochemistry: Third Edition Ahrar Publications. 2002

  1. Food borne disease :a focus for health education W.H.O. 2001

  1. Dietary Assessment Resource Manual l. 1997

  1. FieLid Guide Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies W.H.O, Unicef Tehran. 1997

  1. Revieu of biochemishity Peshtaz. 1991

  1. Biochimie structural: 4: lipides Tabriz. 1987

  1. Biochimie structural: 5: proteines Tabriz University Publications. 1987

  1. Biochimie structural: 2: acides nucleiques Tabriz University Publications. 1986

  1. Biochimie structural: 3: vitamines- coenzymes Tabriz. 1986

  1. Bohemiastructural: 1: glucides Tabriz University Publications. 1979

  1. Metabolism of biological compounds zawar. 1971

3. Conferences:

  1. A model for planning and organizing food and nutrition security at provincial level 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. A Model for planning and organizing of food and nutrition security at provincial level. International conference on Biotechnology Approaches For alleviating Malnutrition and Human Health. 2006

  1. Age, anthropometric indices and thyroid volume in school-aged boys in Tabriz9thIranian Nutrition Congress. 2006



  1. BMI status and prevalence of overweight in dormitory residents and no dormitorystudents 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Dietary calcium and iron intakes in pregnant women in Marand 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006


  1. Effect of dextrose, valine, glycine, thiamin and temperatures on growth rate of Lactobacillus casei in milk 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Effect of meal frequency on serum immunoglobulin profile and insulin in rat 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006


  1. Effect of vitamin A on iron bioavailability of "Lavash" bread in CACO-2 cells 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006


  1. Food insecurity and BMI: a cross- sectional study in Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Food insecurity and food frequency: a cross-sectional study in Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Food insecurity and food frequency: a cross-sectional study in Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Goiter prevalence using ultrasonography and its association with urinary iodine in Tabriz9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Mean energy and macronutrient intake compared with the calculated nutritious food basket among 1-3 -year- old children in Marand, Eastern Azarbaijan 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Nutrient intake among university students, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Nutritional behavior and dietary pattern of adolescent boys and girls in Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Nutritional behavior and dietary pattern of adolescent boys and girls, Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Nutritional behavior and dietary pattern of governmental and non-governmental high schools,Tabriz9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Nutritional culture and literacy status in Northwestern Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006


  1. Nutritional status assessment among rural school children in Eastern azarbaijan 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Nutritional status of patients with acute pulmonary tuberculosis in Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Physical activity and bone mineral density in postmenopausalwomen 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Physics acid and its molar ratio to Zinc in consumed breads in Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Prevalence of food insecurity using a six-item questionnaire 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Relationship between anthropometric and dietary indices and serum Fe, Zn and Cu in university students 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Relationship between calcium intake from dairy products and bone mineral density in post-menopausal women 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Relationship between dietary micronutrients and thyroid volume 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006

  1. Under-reporting of energy intake in association with overweight and obesity in female adolescents, Tabriz 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 2006



  1. بررسی تأثیر پیشگیرانه سلنیوم و ویتامین E در کاهش استرس اکسیداتیو ناشی از تزریق ونوفر در بیماران تحت همو دیالیز2006

  1. تغییرات فعالیت پاراکسوناز (PONI) سرمی بدنبال تجویز روی (ZnSo4) در بیماران همو دیالیزی مزمن2006

  1. Assessment of serum lipids status and it relation with central obesity in tabrizion high school girls. 8th Iran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Determination of plasma Vitamin C and serum level in tuberculosis patients. 8th Iran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Effect of behavior education on the growth of FTT children 2004

  1. Effect of Zinc Supplementation in 6-36 Month Age Children with Failure to Thrive at Northwest of Tabriz District of IRAN 2nd world Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology. 2004

  1. Effects of number meals frequency on serum lipids and lipoproteins in rat 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Nutritional management and food safety in emergencies 2004

  1. Retinol plasma level in tuberculosis patient before and two monthsofferdraytheory 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Serum Zinc Concentration of Children Wilh Failure to Thrive and Well Thrive. 2nd World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology. 2004

  1. Study of BMI in childbearing woman and it relation with biche mical index'sIranstatus 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Study of diet in Marands aildren with 4-6 ages and comparison of mace and micronutrient intakes with RAD 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Study of nutrition and dietary status in Marads girls with 14-17 ages and comparison with RDA 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Study of oxidative stress index and total antioxidant in tuberculosis patient. 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. The effect of smoking on fiber, fat and choles troll intake in student'sTabrez medical sciences university 8thIran congress on Clinical Nutrition. 2004

  1. Effect of Zinc Supplementation in 6-36 Month Age Children With Failure To Thrive At Northwest Of Tabriz District Of IRAN. 2003

  1. food and nutrition security from seience practice 2003

  1. Influence of Meal frequency on Human Immunoglobulin 9th European Nutrition Conference. 2003

  1. Prevalence of hyperlipidemia and its relationship to body fatness in female adolescents in Tabriz, north-west iran 6th iea eastern Mediterranean regional scientific meeting December 9-11, 2003 Ahvaz -Iran. 2003

  1. The effect of nutrition information source on nutrition Knowledge, attitude and parktike with regard to coronary hart disease in Tabriz employees. At Northwest Of Tabriz District Of IRAN6th Asian Congress of Nutrition. 23-27 Feb. 2003 INDA. 2003

  1. The Effect of Nibbling and Gorging Dietary regimens on Weight and lipid profiles in rat 9thEuropean Nutrition Conference. 2003

  1. Assessment of nutritional status, dietary intakeand serum iron and lipid profile of elderly in khooban centre of Tabriz city. 2002

  1. Assessment of dietary patterns and dietary habits of high school student in Ramadan month in Tabriz city. 2002

  1. Assessment of nutrition statues of 6 – 12 years age children in northwest of Tabriz city. 2002

  1. Assessment of nutritition statues of 6 - 36 month age hailure to thrive children. 2002

  1. Assessment of serum lipids profile in girl adolescence in two Areas of Tabriz city. 2002

  1. Assessment of vegetables contamination by E coli and salmonella in Marand district. 2002

  1. Dietary pattern of Marand families. 2002

  1. Economical access in household food and nutrition security in Marand district. 2002

  1. Effect of over and under weight on hair zinc. 2002

  1. Effect of vitamin C on glycosylated portions diabetic patients. 2002

  1. Effect of vitamin C on serum lipoproteins in diabetic patients 2002

  1. Effect weekly iron supplementation on childbearing age women's statues. 2002

  1. Foodboarn diseases. 2002

  1. Measurement of nitrite and nitrate in onions and potatoes in stores of Marand by spectrophotometer method. 2002

  1. Measurement of patolin in manufactured apple juice in stores of Marand city by spectrophotometermethods. 2002

  1. Plasma vitamin C and Iron status during daily and weekly Iron supplementation in pregnant women of Marand district of Iran. 9th APCCB. 2002

  1. Serum zinc concentration in children with failure to thrive and well grown. 2002

  1. The effect of weekly Iron Supplementation in women of childbearinAge. 9th WCCN. 2002

  1. نقش های تعاملی سیستم های هزینه ای از دسترسی اقتصادی در امنیت غذا و تغذیه2002

  1. A comparative study of the effects of diet enriched by olive oil and hydrogenated fat on serum lipids and atherosclerosis development 5thInternational Congress on Preventive Cardiology. 2001

  1. A prevalence study on parasite infections in women of Marand city, Iran.8th International congress on infectious diseases. 2001

  1. A. Comparison of Zn ++, Cu ++ and Fe ++ serum levels in normal subjects and patients with senile cataract. . 17thInternational Congress of Nutrition. 2001

  1. A. Relationship between serum Na +, Ca ++ and K + levels, nutritional behavior and senile cataract formation. 17thInternational Congress of Nutrition. 2001

  1. Assessment of nutritional knowledge of diabetic patients in Tabriz city of Iran. International symposium on nutrition and diabetes. 2001

  1. Assessment of relationship between zinc status and biochemical indexes. 2001

  1. Assessment of some effective favors on the weight gain during pregnancy and birth weight of newborns. 2001

  1. Comparison of changes in body mass index and serum lipid profile during four phases of various conditions in Ramadan fastest and non fasted subjects.The Congress on Health and Ramadan. 2001

  1. Comparison of Ramadan fasting effects on serum lipid profile between two hyperlipidemic groups with and without dietary pattern. The Congress on Health and Ramadan. 2001

  1. Effect of Ramadan fasting with a low calorie and low fat diet on lipid profile in hyperlipidemic subjects 2001

  1. Effects of fasting with low-fat calorie diet on plasma lipid levels in hyperlipidemic men. The Congress on Health and Ramadan. 2001

  1. Effects of meal frequency on cardiovascular risk factors. 17thInternational Congress of Nutrition. 2001

  1. Effects of Ramadan fasting, nibbling and gorging on lipid profiles in normal subjects. The Congress on Health and Ramadan. 2001

  1. Food safety and nutritional health. 2001

  1. Maternal nutritional status and birth weight of infants in Marand district of IRAN 17thInternational Congress of Nutrition, 2001

  1. Nutritional and hormonal regulation of glutathione homeostasis. 2001

  1. Oxidative stress indexes in at hero sclerosis. 2001

  1. Regulation of IGF-I hungriness.( saturation ) or hunger. 2001

  1. Relationship between plasma vitamin A concentration and senile cataract. 2001

  1. Relationship between plasma vitamin A level, Nutritional behavior and senile cataract in Iranian population, XX IVACG Meeting Feb. 2001

  1. Relationship between plasma vitamin C concentration and senile cataract. 2001

  1. The Effect of demographic factors on 6-36 month age children growth status in Asadabadi (Northwest) region of Tabriz and a model for prediction of child growth status at birth 17thInternational Congress of Nutrition. 2001

  1. The Effect of Nutritional Information Source on Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Practice With Regard to Coronary Heart Disease in Tabriz Employees. 2001

  1. Nutritional and metabolic assessment of the hem dialyzedpatients 10th Intervational Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, 2000

  1. Determination of serum Zinc, Iron and Copper in cataract patients 2000

  1. Effect of Ramadan hasting nibbling and gorging on lipid profile in healthy subjects. Center for Medical Research in Islam. 2000

  1. Nutritional status and serum Na, K and Ca levels in cataract patients 2000

  1. Comparative study of nibbling and gorging effect on biochemical parameters in healty subjects. 7th World congress on Clinical Nutrition. 1999

  1. Assessment of relationships between daily intake of sodium, potassium calcium and BMI with hypertension in 15 – 49 Y women in Marand city. 1999

  1. Assessment of weekly and daily iron supplementation effect on knowledge, attitude and practis of pregnant and lactating women. 1999

  1. Body Mass Index in women of Reproductive age in Marand district and its relationship with Iron Status 7th World Congress on Clinical Nutrition. 1999

  1. Desiring of a short food frequency questionnaire for screening of childbearing women for vitamin A 1999

  1. Effect of daily and Weekly Iron supplementation on pregnant women in Marand district, North west of Iran 8th Asian congress of nutrition, 1999

  1. Effect of weekly and daily doses of iron supplements on KAP of pregnant and lactating women in Marand, East Azerbaijan. . 8th Asian congress of nutrition. 1999

  1. Effects of a low calorie, low cholesterol, high fiber dietary regimen and aerobic exercise on plasma levels of antioxidant vitamin and lipid per oxidation in coronary heart diseases. 8th Asian congress of nutrition. 1999

  1. Interventions for reduction of iron deficiency anemia. 1999

  1. Iron deficiency anemia and vitamin A status in women of child-bearing age,6thIVACG meeting. 1999

  1. Relationship between iron deficiency anemia and vitamin A status in 15 – 49 Y non pregnant and non lactating women in marand city. 1999

  1. The influence of feeding frequency on blood glucose, insulin and lipid levels in normal subjects. . 8th Asian congress of nutrition, 1999

  1. Study of knowledge, attitude and practice of employees about nutritional factors with regard to coronary heart disease in Tabriz. 1998

  1. Nutritional status of zinc, copper and serum Zn/Cu ratio in coronary heart disease. .16th International congress of nutrition. 1997

  1. The effects of Ramadan fasting on dietary pattern and some common biological risk factors of coronary heart disease. Regional conference on role of nutrition in chronic non-communicable disorders. 1997

  1. Assessment of growth follows up quality in under 3 years old children in tabriz health center. 1996

  1. Comparison the effects of Ramadan Fasting on serum Lipid Profiles Between Two Hyperlipidemic Groups With or Without Diet Pattern. 1996

  1. Assessment of dietary patterns of breast feeding children's in Tabriz health center. 1995

  1. Changes in serum lipid profile during Ramadan fasting. 1995

  1. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on some biochemical and hematological parameters. The Third Iranian Congress of Biochemistry & Laboratory Sciences. 1995

  1. Effects of ascorbic acid and pyridoxine supplementation on blood lipid profile and HBAIC level of diabetic patients. . 7th Asian congress of neutrino. October. 1995

  1. Effects of fish oil supplementation on blood lipid and sugar levels of non-insulin dependent diabetic patients 7th asian congress of nutrition. 1995

  1. Effects of Ramadan on blood lipid and protein profile of human subjects. 7th Asian congress of nutrition. 1995

  1. Study on factors affecting the lactation period 1994

  1. Assessment of intrauterine growth indexes. 1991

  1. Effect of oral contraceptives on serum zinc and copper concentration. 1991

  1. Poisoning and synthetic changes of drugs in relationship with malnutrition. 1991

  1. Value of non prostatephosphates acid in blood malignancy. The first Biochemical Congress of I .R. IRAN. 1991

  1. Zinc, copper and pregnancy. 1991

  1. Effect of some nitrogenous compounds inhabitation of the grains germination. 1990

  1. Effect of some nitrogenous compounds inhibits Irion of the grains germination. 1990

  1. Fetus toxification with small dose of Nitro fen1989

  1. Interaction between Nitro fen exposure and protein malnutrition of pregnant mother on the intestinal lactase activity of fetus. 1989

  1. Isolation and determination of extract of glycyrrhizin glandulifera. 1989

  1. Variation of Nitro fen toxification during pregnancy 1989

  1. Interaction between protein-deprivation & Nitro fen exposure on the intestinal depeptidase activities of rat fetus. FASEB. FASEB. 1985

  1. Cyclopantanol metabolism by a species of Nocardia. 9th Medical congress of Shiraz. 1978

  1. Intestinal lactase activity in fetus of rat with malnutrition. . 8th, medical congress of Shiraz. 1977

  1. Intestinal dipepdidase activity in fetus of rat with malnutrition. FASEB. 1976

  1. Etude de quelque problems posإs par la caecotrophie chez le lapin. Mesymposium de la biochemie ET de la nutrition. 1971

  1. Existence d'un cycle entero-hepatique de l acid lactique chez le lapin Journإe d'eudes sur le lapin. 1969

4. Degrees: