Consultation closing date: 17 February 2016
Your comments must reach us by that date
British schools overseas: standards and inspection arrangements
If you would prefer to respond online to this consultation please use the following link:
We are seeking to bring the standards for inspection of British Schools Overseas (BSOs) into line with the standards for independent schools in England, where revised standards were introduced in January 2015. We think that the essence and values of a British education should be evident in the way a BSO operates. It is important that parents can rely on the BSO ‘brand’ as a measure of quality, comparable with the education provided by independent schools in England. We understand this proposed alignment will bring challenges for some schools because of the cultural and legal context of their host country.
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Please insert an 'x' into one of the followingboxes which best describes you as a respondent.
/ School /
/ Inspectorate /
/ Representative organisation
/ Parent /
/ Other
/ Please specify:
The Independent School Standards (ISS) which apply to independent schools in Englandhave recently been revised to raise the bar on education andto make them generallymore rigorous than the previous standards.
1 Do you support applying the same standards for BSOs regarding quality of education as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
The new SMSC standard for independent schools in England requires schools to “actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs".
The ISS also require schools to “actively promote principles which…encourage respect for other people, paying particular regards to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010,” (Part 2, paragraph 5(b)(vii)). The protected characteristics are:
(a) age
(b) disability
(c) gender reassignment
(d) marriage and civil partnership
(e) pregnancy and maternity
(f) race
(g) religion or belief
(h) sex
(i) sexual orientation
2 Having regard to the local context of host countries do you see issues with applying the same SMSC standards for BSOs as for independent schools in England? Please comment on what are they and how might they be overcome.
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Standard 3, relating to the welfare and safety of pupils, makes the same expectations of BSOs as of independent schools in England.
3 Do you support applying the same welfare, health and safety standards for BSOs as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Fire safety – we want fire safety in BSOs to be at least as good as in independent schools in England.
4 Does the proposed wording “ensures compliance with fire standards which are at least as stringent as the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005” make that clear?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
5 Is this workable for your school?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Part 4 the ISS contains detailed requirements on checking the suitability of staff. Some of this is not applicable to BSOs, while there are other considerations relating to the recruitment of staff overseas. The revised standards are intended to ensure a rigorous but practicable approach
6 Do you agree that the revised standards regarding suitability of staff, supply staff and governors are appropriate and can be delivered?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Part 5 was written with schools in England in mind but should be applicable to BSOs wherever they may be located.
7 Do you support applying the same premises and accommodation standards for BSOs as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Standard 6, relating to the provision of information for parents, carers and others,largely replicates the ISS although references to children with education and health care plans, which only apply in England, have been removed.
8 Do you support applying the same standards on provision of information for BSOs as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Standard 7, the manner in which complaints are handled, also mirrors the ISS.
9 Do you support applying the same standards for BSOs as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
BSOs already had a leadership and management standard. This part brings it in line with the new leadership and management standard for independent schools in England
10 Do you support applying the same standards of leadership and management for BSOs as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
This part only applies to BSOs which have boarding provision. We have largely replicated the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools in England to afford a similar level of quality for boarding provision in BSOs.
11 Do you support applying the same boarding standards for BSOs as for independent schools in England?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
12 Are there any standards which are not clear and which inspectors would find it difficult to find evidence for?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
13 Are there any standards which would be difficult to meet because of the local context of the country in which the school operates and how might they be overcome?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
Schools may currently use a BSO logo once they have passed their inspection.
14 Do you have any comments on the logo or its use?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
It is important to maintain the high quality of the BSO scheme and it is the inspection regime which provides the assurance that schools are meeting the robust standards.
15 Are the arrangements for the inspection of BSOs satisfactory? Do you have any comments based on your experience of being inspected as a BSO which would help improve the inspection regime?
/ Yes /
/ No /
/ Not sure
/ Comments:
We want to strike the right balance between assuring that BSO standards are being maintained and that burdens on schools are not excessive.
16 Do you think that the inspection frequency for BSO recognition purposes should be (a) 3 years; (b) 4 years; or (c) 5 years?
/ 3 years /
/ 4 years /
/ 5years
/ Comments:
Thank you for taking the time to let us have your views. We do not intend to acknowledge individual responses unless you place an 'X' in the box below.
/ Please acknowledge this reply./ Email address for acknowledgement:
Here at the Department for Education we carry out our research on many different topics and consultations. As your views are valuable to us, please confirm below if you would be willing to be contacted again from time to time either for research or to send through consultation documents?
/ Yes /
/ No
All DfE public consultations are required to meetthe Cabinet Officeconsultation principles.
The key consultation principles are:
- departments will follow a range of timescales rather than defaulting to a 12-week period, particularly where extensive engagement has occurred before
- departments will need to give more thought to how they engage with and use real discussion with affected parties and experts as well as the expertise of civil service learning to make well informed decisions
- departments should explain what responses they have received and how these have been used in formulating policy
- consultation should be ‘digital by default’, but other forms should be used where these are needed to reach the groups affected by a policy
- the principles of the Compact between government and the voluntary and community sector will continue to be respected.
Completed responses should be sent by 17 February 2016
Send by post to: Elaine Haste, Independent Education and Boarding Team, Level 3
Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE
Send by email to:
If you have any comments on how DfE consultations are conducted, please email:
Thank you for taking time to respond to this consultation.