Eugene School District 4J

School Counselor Yearly Action Plan

Counselor: ______School(s): ______Date: ____/____/____

Principal/Administrator: ______

FTE:_____Level (Mark appropriate level): Elementary Middle School High School

Daily/Weekly/MonthlySchedule & Hours: ______

Available for student/parent/teacher access on ______(days) from ______to ______(time)

Student Access:

Students will access the school counselor by:

___Self-referral___Staffreferral___Parent/Guardian referral___Counselor initiated

___By Academy/Pathway___Grade level___ Other:______

School Counseling Program Mission and Goals


Utilizing a variety of data sources (academic, attendance, behavior referral, student/family surveys, needs assessments, climate surveys, graduation rates, etc.),the School Counseling Program will focus on the following goals this year. The School Counselor will develop at least two Student Learning and Growth goals and one Professional Practice goal. Details of activities promoting these goals are foundbelow in the master calendar, time spent in program delivery, the curriculum and activities utilized, and the evidence examples presented.

Goal 1- Student Learning & Growth:
Content Standards/Skills: On what standard in the new 4J Counselor Rubric is your goal based?(themes/framework/domains)
Context/Students: What students or subgroup of students will benefit from your goal?
Baseline Data: What does current data say about what you want to accomplish?
Student Learning & Growth Goal Target: What will be the end result of accomplishing your goal?
Rationale:Why did you choose this goal?
Strategies: What activities will you use to accomplish this goal?
Assessments/Measures: How will student learning & growth be measured? You can use a variety of methods and/or assessments, such as pre-tests and post-tests, interviews and surveys, data collections showing increase of numbers, completed assignments.
Professional Learning and Support: What professional learning and/or support do you need to accomplish this goal?
Goal 2- Student Learning & Growth:
Content Standards/Skills: On what standard in the new 4J Counselor Rubric is your goal based?(themes/framework/domains)
Context/Students: What students or subgroup of students will benefit from your goal?
Baseline Data: What does current data say about what you want to accomplish?
Student Learning & Growth Goal Target: What will be the end result of accomplishing your goal?
Rationale:Why did you choose this goal?
Strategies: What activities will you use to accomplish this goal?
Assessments/Measures: How will student learning & growth be measured? You can use a variety of methods and/or assessments, such as pre-tests and post-tests, interviews and surveys, data collections showing increase of numbers, completed assignments.
Professional Learning and Support: What professional learning and/or support do you need to accomplish this goal?
Goal 3- Professional Practice:

Use of Counselor Time inDelivery of the School Counseling Program Content:

Student programs and services:Guidance curriculum, small group activities, individual responsive services, and student advocacyareprovided tostudentsin the academic, career,social/emotional, and community involvement domains:

  • Academic: Growth in academic knowledge, skills, attitudes, and strategiestoward the goal of meeting high school graduation requirements and achieving individual post-high school goals.
  • Career: Career awareness, development, exploration, and post-high school planning, including development of non-cognitive skills and strategies. (Learning strategies, study skills, social skills, self-management, decision-making skills, perseverance, coping with and planning for change, etc.)
  • Social/Emotional: Personal, social, and interpersonal development, addressing all students’developmental needs and individual student needs, and strengthening the assets and potential of each student.
  • Community Involvement: Skills, knowledge, and attitudes that prepare students to be involved as community members and citizens.

Staff programs and services:School Counselors provide collaboration, consultation, andprovision of resources to staff, including child development and behavior questions, guidance curriculum, interventions and supports for students, and referrals to district and community programs and resources. The School Counselor’s knowledge, skills, and leadership provide system support, student advocacy, and integration of the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program as an essential and integral part of the school.

Parent programs and services:School Counselors provide group meetings, presentations, and individual responsive services that provide guidance, support, and student advocacy, leading to student success in the academic,career, personal/social, and community involvement domains. These may include child development and parent education information and resources, information and support for students with special needs, referrals for mental health and/or basic needs, facilitation of staff/family collaboration, and guidance inall processes involved in planning for high school graduation and post-high school career and education options.

Community programs and services:School Counselors act as student advocates and facilitators between families and community agencies for information, referrals, and support connected to student progress and well-being in school. Knowledge and development of community partnerships and resources as a network of support for students and families is also part of the School Counselor’s involvement with the larger community.

School Counseling Program and School Counselor Master Calendars:

Daily, weekly, and/or monthlycalendars outlining program delivery/services/activities

(Update based on flow of the year and Counselor focus during different times in the school year. Update monthly or by trimester. Counselors may use different formats and provide attachments)

Day/DatesActivity / Amt.
Time / Activity / Instruction Materials/Resources Needed (incl. budget) / Admin/Other
Support Needed / Direct/Indirect/School Support (mark approp. choice)

Program Delivery - Utilization of Counselor time based on category of service

Based on the mission and goals listed in the Yearly Action Plan, and with student safety (responsive service) as priority, the School Counselor plans to spend the following approximate percentages of time in each component area to ensure the delivery of the School Counseling Program.This percentage may vary during the course of the school year based on shifting focus for the School Counselor in delivery of the School Counseling Program.

Direct Services to Students / ______% / Of time delivering school counseling curriculum and group guidance. / Provides developmental curriculum content in a systematic way to all students. / 80% or more
______% / Of time with individual student planning. / Assists students in development of educational, career, and personal plans.
______% / Of time with responsive services. / Addresses the immediate concerns of students.
Indirect Services for Students / ______% / Of time providing referrals, consultation and collaboration. / Interacts with others to provide support for student achievement.
Program Planning and School Support / ______% / Of time with foundation, management and accountability, and school support. / Includes planning and evaluating the School Counseling Program and school support activities. / 20% or less

Professional Development:

In addition to the professional learning listed in the three goals above, the school counselor will participate in the following professional growth and development:

___ District Professional Counselor Cohort Monthly Meetings, Dates/Times: ______

___ Professional Conferences: ______

___ Classes/Workshops/Trainings:______

___ School-Based Professional Learning: ______

___ Other: ______

Professional Collaboration:

___ Meetings with Administration, Dates/Times: ______

___ Meetings with Counseling Department or Team, Dates/Times:______

___ Meetings with Grade Level/Teacher Team(s), Dates/Times: ______

___ Data Team/RTI Meetings, Dates/Times: ______

___ Regional or Grade Level Counseling Teams (Elem, Mid, High), Dates/Times: ______

___ District Committees/Task Forces, Dates/Times: ______

___ Other: ______,Dates/Times: ______

Evidence Examples of Yearly Action Plan/Professional Development/Professional Collaboration:(attachments)

  • Observations of delivery of guidance and counseling services
  • Minutes/agenda of meetings attended or facilitated
  • Data- academic/attendance/survey/behavioral
  • Curriculum andInstructional Action Plans/Materials - includessmall groups, large groups and individuals
  • Student Educational Plans and Profiles and/or Four-Year Plans
  • Calendars of scheduled events
  • Summary data, information, observations
  • Feedback from scheduled events or activities
  • Pre- and post-surveys
  • Needs assessments from various stakeholders
  • Materials and reflections ofprofessional development based on goals