Sunday, August 1, 1999
8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
America's Center, Room 252
St. Louis, Missouri
1. Call to Order and Introductions (Carol Baskin)
2. Approval of Minutes of 1998 Council Meeting
3. Reports of Executive Committee, Editors, Webmaster
(NOTE: All reports, except those of the Treasurer and Business Manager, are available electronically at http://www.botany.org/bsa/membership/1999reports/ prior to the Council meeting. Please download the reports, read them prior to the Council meeting, and bring hard copies with you. The Treasurer and Business Manager will present their reports at the Council meeting. An opportunity to ask questions and discuss the contents of the reports will be provided at the Council meeting.)
A. President (Carol Baskin)
B. Past President (Nancy Dengler)
C. President Elect (Doug Soltis)
D. Secretary (Pam Soltis)
E. Treasurer (Ed Schneider)
F. Program Director (Wayne Elisens)
G. Editor, American Journal of Botany (Karl Niklas)
H. Editor, Plant Science Bulletin (Joe Leverich)
I. Webmaster (Scott Russell)
J. Business Manager (Kim Hiser)
4. Reports of Committees, Sections, and Representatives
(NOTE: No Darbaker Prize, Esau Award, or Pelton Award will be given this year; there are no additional reports from those Committees.)
A. Committees
1. Annual Meetings Committee (Wayne Elisens)
2. Archives and History Committee (Alan Whittemore)
3. Committee on Committees (Doug Soltis)
4. Conservation Committee (Kayri Havens)
5. Corresponding Members Committee (Nancy Dengler)
6. Darbaker Prize Committee (Daniel Wujek)
7. Education Committee (David Kramer)
8. Election Committee (Nancy Dengler)
9. Esau Award Committee (Thomas Rost)
10. Financial Advisory Committee (Jack Horner)
11. Karling Awards Committee (Jeff Osborn)
12. Membership and Appraisal Committee (Leo Bruederle)
13. Merit Awards Committee (Greg Anderson)
14. Moseley Award Committee (Jeff Osborn)
15. Pelton Award Committee (Fred Sack)
16. Webpage Committee (Scott Russell)
17. Development ad hoc Committee (Judy Jernstedt)
18. Meetings Organization ad hoc Committee (Wayne Elisens)
19. Public Affairs ad hoc Committee (J. S. Shipman)
20. Conant Travel Awards ad hoc Committee (Dan Crawford)
B. Sections
1. Bryological and Lichenological Section (Paula DePriest)
2. Developmental and Structural Section (Jean Gerrath)
3. Ecology Section (Maxine Watson)
4. Economic Botany Section (Daniel Harder)
5. Genetics Section (Kenneth Wilson)
6. Historical Section (Laurence Dorr)
7. Mycological Section (David Hibbett)
8. Paleobotanical Section (Steve Manchester)
9. Phycological Section (Louise Lewis)
10. Physiological Section (Pete Straub/Denise Seliskar)
11. Phytochemical Section (James Wallace)
12. Pteridological Section (Tom Ranker)
13. Systematics Section (Mark Porter)
14. Teaching Section (Rob Reinsvold)
15. Tropical Biology Section (Andrew Douglas)
16. Midcontinent Section (Wayne Elisens)
17. Northeastern Section (Karl Anderson)
18. Pacific Section (David Bilderback)
19. Southeastern Section (Kathleen Hornberger)
C. Representatives to other Organizations
2. AIBS (Judy Verbeke)
3. CSSP (Nancy Dengler/Doug Soltis)
4. ASC (Larry Skog)
5. Old Business
A. Bylaws changes (Pam Soltis)
B. "Fire Sale" of back issues of AJB (Kim Hiser)
C. Update on JSTOR electronic archives (Kim Hiser)
D. Other items of Old Business
6. New Business
A. 1999 BSA Budget (Ed Schneider)
B. 1999 Business Office, AJB, and PSB Budgets (Kim Hiser)
C. Report/visit from Conferon representative(s) about Botany-2000 at 9:30 a.m.
D. Plans for Botany-2000
E. Ecology Software Consortium Discussion
F. New Editor of Plant Science Bulletin
G. Careers in Botany
H. Publication of Symposia
7. Election of Council Representative to Executive Committee
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment
Annual Business Meeting: Tuesday, August 3, 7:30-9:00 a.m., America's Center, Room 130. Light breakfast provided.
BSA Social, co-hosted with CBA and SBM: Thursday, August 5, 7:00-10:00 p.m., Missouri Botanical Garden (ticket required).
President's Report, 1999
1. America Journal of Botany is now online at site http://www.amjbot.org/, and we appreciate all the things Scott Russell did (and continues to do) on this project.
2. Editor-in-Chief of AJB for the next 5-year term is Karl Niklas. We appreciate his hard work on AJB during his first 5-year term as Editor and are grateful he is willing to continue. Many thanks are due to the Committee to Recommend Individuals as Editor-in-Chief of AJB: Beryl Simpson (Chair), Peter Crane, Ned Friedman, Nels Lersten and Diane Marshall.
3. Collection of a complete set of AJB that could be scanned for the journal storage project (JSTOR) was successful. Many thanks are due the Mann Library of Cornell University and the various individuals who loaned volumes of AJB to JSTOR for scanning.
4. The Editor of PSB, Joe Leverich, ends his term of service on 31 December. We are grateful to Joe for all his fine work on PSB. Now, we are faced with the challenge of finding a new Editor of PSB. The Committee to Recommend Individuals as Editor of PSB [Allison Snow (Chair), Donald Galitz and Joe Armstrong] is working on a ranked list of applicants; however, there is still time for you to be considered if you are interested in becoming Editor of PSB.
5. Two complete sets of PSB have been donated to BSA: one by Sydney Greenfield (Jersey City, NJ) and the other by Herbert Hull (Tucson, AZ). The Society deeply appreciates these gifts.
6. Contributions to the Karling and Conant Funds were made by many BSA members, and this support for the future generation of botanists is gratefully acknowledged.
7. The Karling Award Committee is now a BSA standing committee; see report by Jeffrey Osborn, committee chair.
8. The Conant Committee for 1999 consisted of Dan Crawford (Chair), Judy Jernstedt, Ruth Stockey, Pam Soltis and Brian McCarthy. All their hard work in figuring out how to award the $8,700 in the Conant Fund is appreciated.
9. Many by-law changes were approved by the BSA membership via a ballot in the 1999 Spring Mailing. The Executive Committee spent many hours reading, thinking and emailing with regard to these by-law changes.
10. An Annual Meeting Coordinating Committee is now a new BSA standing committee; this is one of the by-law changes recently approved by the BSA membership. The Annual Meeting Coordinating Committee is charged with oversight of all logistical arrangements for the annual meeting.
11. The Annual Meeting Program Committee is charged with arranging the scientific program for the Society; the Program Director will chair this committee.
12. Membership in BSA without AJB has been discussed by the Executive Committee, AJB Editorial Board and the AJB ad hoc Task Force, and a few individuals wrote letters or emailed expressing their opinions. The decision has been made to delay any action on this matter until the financial impact of having AJB online can be evaluated.
13. ASPT decided to established a business office at the University of Wyoming.
14. BSA received a check for $4,527.00 from AIBS. This money is BSA's share of profits from the 1998 AIBS Meetings in Baltimore; 285 of the 2774 registrants at AIBS indicated they were members of BSA.
15. The Careers in Botany booklet is slated for revision, and a committee is being formed to work on this project.
16. Planning for future BSA meetings is being guided by our Program Director, Wayne Elisens, and the Society appreciates all his time, devotion, hard work and clever bargaining. See Wayne's report for an update on Botany-2000 in Portland, OR, and for the status of plans to meet in Albuquerque, NM, in 2001 and Madison, WI, in 2002.
The theme for Botany-2000 is "New frontiers in botany, and the Plenary Session Committee for Botany-2000 [Carol Baskin (Chair), Barbara Hoshizaki, Chris Haufler, Wayne Elisens, Clyde Calvin and Brent Mischler] has been working hard.
17. Many things will be discussed during the course of the 1999 Annual meeting of BSA in St. Louis, including:
(a) Impact of having AJB online,
(b) The BSA Website
(c) Invitation to join the Ecology Software Consortium
(d) Invitation to become involved in the AIBS BioOne
(e) Future activities of the Education Committee
(f) Finding a new Editor of PSB
(g) Revision of Careers in Botany
(h) Maybe some day introducing an online journal separate from AJB
(i) Planning for Botany-2000
(j) Budget planning for BSA and for AJB
and much more. Thus, you can see that BSA is an active and vigorous society!
18. Joint social for CBA/ABC, BSA and SBM at IBC will bring together botanists from northern Canada to southern Mexico (quite a range of latitudes, climates and biomes!) for an evening of food, fun, awards and more (e.g., Doug Soltis will give a talk). It has been a real pleasure working with Denis Barabé (President of CBA/ABC) and Ken Oyama (President of SBM) to help Wayne Elisens and Peter Hoch organize this event.
19. The BSA membership greatly appreciates the opportunity to hold its 1999 Annual Meeting in Conjunction with IBC. Further, we express our deep gratitude to Peter Raven, Peter Hoch, Barbara Kitrel and Barbara Schaal for all their efforts in organizing IBC and facilitating the 1999 Annual Meeting of BSA.
20. I appreciate the honor of being President of BSA. The members of the Executive Committee, members of the Council, Chairs of the Committees, Editors, Business Manager and Representatives to Other Organizations are dedicated, hard-working people, and it has been a privilege and a joy to serve the Society with them.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol C. Baskin
17 July 1999
Past President’s Report
The Past President chairs the Corresponding and Election Committees (see separate reports), evaluates nominations for the Young Botanist Awards, and organizes the Past President’s Symposium.
1)Young Botanist Awards. Nominations for the 1999Young Botanist Awards were evaluated by a local committee, consisting of Spencer C.H.Barrett and Nancy G. Dengler, University of Toronto. Of a total of 22 nominations, 15 received certificates for Special Achievement as Young Botanists and 4 received Recognition as Young Botanists. Overall, the committee was very impressed by the dedication, enthusiasm and accomplishments of these young people and selected those actively involved in research or other special projects for recognition for Special Achievement. We thank Kim Hiser for looking after sending letters and certificates to all awardees early in May so that this recognition by the Botanical Society of America could be made public at the time of graduation.
2) Past President’s Symposium. The 1999 Past President’s symposium is organized as a general symposium of the International Botanical Congress in St. Louis. The theme of the symposium is “Leaf morphogenesis: from classical morphology to molecular biology” The goal of the symposium is to integrate knowledge gained from different approaches to the study of leaf development, including comparative morphology, mutant characterization, clonal analysis of genetic mosaics, and molecular biology, in order to evaluate the current state of knowledge and to identify future directions. . Speakers include Don Kaplan (UC Berkeley), Rob Martienssen (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories), Michael Marcotrigiano (University of Massachusetts), Michael Freeling (UC Berkeley), Neelima Sinha (UC Davis) and Darleen DeMason (UC Riverside). The symposium will be introduced by Hirokazu Tsukaya, University of Tokyo and funding from the Botanical Society of America will be acknowledged.
Nancy G. Dengler
Report of the President Elect
to the BSA Council
July 20, 1999
The duties of the President Elect are to chair the Committee on Committees, participate in the activities of the Executive Committee, and present the address at the annual banquet (this year, social) of the BSA. My report for the Committee on Committees is provided separately. I will present a short talk at Thursday night's social.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Soltis
BSA President Elect
Secretary’s Report to the BSA Council
July 20, 1999
The following list summarizes my activities as BSA Secretary during the 1998-99 year.
1. I sent names of Society and affiliated award winners announced at the 1998 annual banquet to Joe Leverich, PSB Editor, for publication. Where appropriate, I sent the titles of the awardees’ presentations.
2. I sent copies of all Executive Committee Officers’, Section Officers’, and Committee Chairs’ annual reports to Joe Leverich, PSB Editor, for publication.
3. I maintained correspondence directed to the BSA Secretary.
4. I made copies of all meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and formal correspondence from the 1997-98 year for deposition at the BSA Business Office in Columbus, OH, and in the BSA Archives at the University of Texas, Austin, TX.
5. I revised the Secretary’s Duties as described in the Society’s Duties of the Officers handbook to reflect more accurately the Secretary’s current duties.
6. Webmaster Scott Russell and I instituted a plan for the electronic receipt and distribution of annual reports of the BSA Officers, Section Chairs, Committee Chairs, and representatives to affiliated societies, as adopted at the 1998 Council meeting. Thanks to everyone for preparing reports a little earlier than in the past! And a special thanks to Scott for posting all of the reports on the website for us.
7. I established a file of template citations for all BSA awards, and those affiliated awards that are typically presented at the BSA Banquet. These citations are read by the President as she/he announces the awardees. The file will be passed on to the next BSA Secretary.
8. Most of the Secretary's duties fall in the summer. These include helping to plan the BSA Council and Business Meetings and the agenda for the BSA Banquet ("Social" this year), distributing the agenda for the Council meeting, coordinating the receipt and distribution of reports for the Council meeting, and coordinating the Society and affiliated awards.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela S. Soltis
BSA Secretary
1999 Annual Report
Submitted: Wayne J. Elisens 1 August 1999
Planning visit for 1999 meeting
There was no planning visit for the 1999 meeting with IBC-16.
Coordination and assembly of materials for the annual meeting program
General information for 1999 meeting. Because the 1999 meeting was held in conjunction with the XVI International Botanical Congress and the program was subsumed into the IBC meeting, a “General Information” flyer was included in the fall 1998 BSA mailing. The flyer included information about the nature of the 1999 IBC scientific program, submission of contributed posters, and procedures for scheduling BSA sectional business meetings and social events.