Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Notes – Periodic, Cumulative (Loose), Hortative Sentences

Periodic Sentences


Periodic sentences withhold the main idea/clause of a sentence until the end.

A periodic sentence makes complete sense only when the reader reaches the end of the sentenceor gets to the period; hence, the name “periodic sentence.”

Create suspense for the reader by postponing the main clause or by interrupting it.

Force the reader to concentrate, which helps emphasize important ideas


With pristine beaches, sun-drenched days enhanced by the heady aroma of tropical flowers, and glorious, breathtaking sunsets, Aruba is a vacationer’s paradise.

Education, by increasing knowledge, enhancing personal values, and opening career opportunities, shapes lives.

The hotel, through the addition of a state-of-the art fitness spa, extensive advertising, and weekend specials, has greatly expanded its customer base.

“Through it all, the hangman was kept busy stringing up rows of criminals, traitors, and innocents alike-all of this struggle [was] in the name of protecting the French aristocracy” (Dickens 29).

Cumulative (Loose) Sentences


Opposite of a periodic sentence

The main clause comes at the beginning of the sentence and additional detail (phrases, clauses…) follow the main clause.


Aruba is a vacationer’s paradise with its pristine beaches, sun-drenched days, and glorious breathtaking sunsets.

Education has no equal in opening minds, instilling values, and creating opportunities.

The hotel has greatly expanded its customer base through the addition of a fitness spa, extensive advertising, and weekend specials.

“It was a the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was a time of belief, it was a time of disbelief, it was a season of light, it was a season of darkness…” (Dickens 29).

Hortative Sentences


  • Sentence that exhorts, advises, calls to action; imperative sentence, sentence used to command, enjoin, implore.


  • Not far to go now!
  • Your talents are wasted. You should look for a more rewarding job!
  • You go, girl!

Directions: Label the following sentences either P for Periodic or C for Cumulative (Loose) or H for Hortative

  1. One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture-a pale blue eye-with a gross film over it. ______
  2. In fact, as they came down the long walk from their home to where the Wright automobile was parked, George leaned towards his wife, and leaned towards her ear saying: “Rain, please go away!” ______
  3. After ten years on your planet and all the drama around this place, I have learned to smell trouble. ______
  4. Come with me and I'll tell you a story. ______
  5. As I spoke, a light came over him as though he was sitting in the sun, and he realized the truth. ______
  6. When the old man felt his empty mouth and looked around all puzzled, Jose reached into his shirt pocket and for a funny joke, pulled out his false teeth! ______
  7. You should have seen how carefully I handled the body-with what caution-with what foresight-with what dissimulation! ______
  8. All of your training and hard work will pay off; you will be great. ______
  9. He did for me an unnecessary, loving thing, a gracious thing, the kind of thing that we done by greatness of the heart. ______
  10. Their faces blurred as the rain hit; blurred and shrank and ran together- ______
  11. He began to talk, the little family circle regarding with eager interest this visitor from distant parts, as he squared his broad shoulders in the chair and spoke of wild scenes of wars and plagues and strange people. ______
  12. Packing my personal belongings, loading my car, arranging the bed over the seat, where my dog would ride, these details occupied me all day. ______
  13. Along one margin, in a perfect script, Mr. Smith has written: “You can do better.”______
  14. And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure. ______
  15. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. ______