The DWGA season is from April 1st through October 31st. Annual membership dues are $50.00 and will not be prorated.

$20-25 for each playday. Cash only! Check the schedule for amount!

Time for checking in is thirty (30) minutes before shotgun starts. Twenty (20) minutes before play, we will assemble at the carts for instructions from the Pro. Fifteen (15) minutes before play begins, we will leave for the tee box. Golf carts are required for play in any DWGA event.

On a playday, the Pro may send a latecomer out to join a group that has room, but she will not be eligible to compete. Anyone not at the teeing ground before everyone in her group has hit their first ball may play but will not be eligible for competition.

Members will play USGA rules except for local rules stated on the scorecard, posted on the Number 1 Tee, or printed on the rule sheet.

All scores must be verified before posting and no score shall be changed after posting. All putts must be holed out. To be eligible for prizes, cards must be dated and signed by 2 players and turned in after play.

All adjusted scores from events will be reported to the Reps from each club for posting. DWGA Championship scores are to be entered as Tournament scores.


The eligibility requirement for becoming a member of DWGA is a USGA handicap index of 20.0 or lower at her home club.

Returning members, with a handicap index of 20.0 or less on November 1st are eligible for the next season. Those above 20.0 on November 1st may join in any subsequent month when their index drops to 20.0 or less.

A Seniority Member, as defined in article III of the by-laws, who drops her membership for one year, loses her seniority.

Non-Seniority Members whose handicap index exceeds 20.0 during the season will be eligible to play in an event only when a field is not full. These players will be placed on a waiting list and added to the field after the cancellation deadline of 8:00 pm Thursday prior to the event. All players will play to a maximum 20.0 index in all DWGA events.


Except for special play, weekly competition awards will be as follows: Playday awards:

✤ Overall Low Gross of the Field

✤ Overall Low Net of the Field

✤ Gross and Net in each Flight

Balls will be awarded depending on the number of players. Ties are NOT broken.

In Regular Tournaments, ties will be broken in this order: 1) Day Two Score. 2) Back Nine on Day Two. 3) Last 6 holes on Day 2. 4) Last 3 holes on Day Two. (One day tournaments use 9-6-3 tiebreaks.) In the event of a tie for THE CHAMPION, a sudden death playoff will be held. Flight ties will broken by Day Three Score, then 9-6-3.

The Dallas Women's Golf Association will sponsor a Championship Tournament each year. The Champion shall have her name engraved on the Championship Cup, which shall remain at her club for the year.

To compete for prizes in the Championship Tournament, a member must have A POSTED SCORE in three (3) regular play days since the prior year’s Championship Tournament. Participation in Opening Day, Closing Day, and a Regular Tournament does NOT count toward the three required play days.

A POSTED SCORE is defined as a score of 13 or more holes played.

Regular Tournaments are defined as any Tournaments played throughout the year EXCLUDING the Championship Tournament, which has a special provision to participate.

All competition in the DWGA Championship will be flighted, and played GROSS. The Senior (age 60+) and Super Senior (age 70+) Champions will be determined by NET scores.

Anyone scoring a hole-in-one during a DWGA event will be presented with a memento at Closing Day.


When you participate in a playday, you may sign yourself up for the next playday when you register. These entries will have first priority.

If you are unable to play in a playday event and would like to participate in the next playday, registration will be online. Entries MUST NOT be submitted prior to the date of the playday that you miss. Online registration may be submitted on or after the date of play. Priority will be based on registration date (not time).

Fields for playdays and tournaments
will be posted on the WEB PAGE



Cancellation for all playdays and tournaments will be prior to 8:00 p.m. the Thursday before play. Please do not call the Playday or Tournament Chairman before 8:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m.

No shows and late cancels from play days or tournament will be put on the waiting list for the next scheduled event and will be added to the field if there is room after the Thursday signup deadline. Entry fees will not be refunded. No shows and late cancels from play days are still responsible for cart fees. If a member is delinquent in paying these fees, she will be ineligible to sign up or participate in ANY SUBSEQUENT DW EVENT.

Do not consider your cancellation to be official until you have received confirmation from the Playday Chairman or Tournament Chairman either by phone or email.

Contact the Playday Chairman
Sondra Swan


Contact the Tournament Chairman

Mary Ann Adams


Selected excerpts from the USGA’s Handicap Manual:

The game of golf is based on the premise that a player will play as well as the player can play. Under the USGA Handicap System, each player is required to record a hole score for a hole not finished, not played, or not played under “The Rules of Golf,” and to reduce any hole score when it is higher than the maximum number allowed under Equitable Stroke Control.

Additionally, every player must be responsible for returning all acceptable scores, including: a) if 13 or more holes are played, the player must post an 18-hole score, b) scores in both match play and stroke play must be posted for handicap purposes, and c) a player who is disqualified from a competition, but has an acceptable score, must record an adjusted gross score for handicap purposes. These guidelines are to provide clarification about specific situations that may occur during a DWGA competition. For each situation, assume that a PLAYER BEGINS PLAY ON THEIR DESIGNATED STARTING HOLE, AND THEN:

1.  Player withdraws (WDs) from competition due to illness or injury. Player must discontinue play and leave the course as soon as is reasonably possible. A player, who WD’s under these circumstances, will get DW play day credit for Regular Tournaments and the Memorial Cup. She WILL NOT receive playday credit towards the DW CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT, which requires three (3) posted scores.

2.  Player having a bad hole “X’s out” on a hole and then continues playing. This player will receive both DW playday credit and Memorial Cup participation points. This player is not eligible for prizes for that event.

3.  Player discontinues play for any reason other than illness or injury. This player will not get DW playday credit or any Memorial Cup points for that event. Additionally, this player will not be eligible to play in the next DWGA regular tournament. (Consequences for discontinuance due to weather will be evaluated by the DWGA Committee for that event.)

4.  DW Committee cancels play. Players who must discontinue play due to the decision of DWGA or host course management (i.e. due to weather etc) will get DWGA playday credit for regular and championship tournaments, as well as Memorial Cup participation points.

If the event is rescheduled, players who received participation and memorial cup credit for the original event but also played in the rescheduled event, will receive participation and memorial cup credit only once.

5.  Player is disqualified from a competition. Issue of DW playday credit and Memorial Cup points will be by decision of the DW Committee for that event and will be based on the circumstances specific to the disqualification. Note: Issues about “playday credit” apply only to DW playdays (and not tournaments).


Participants in DWGA must wear appropriate golf attire:

Standard golf shorts, skorts, or pants. Shirts with collars. Soft spikes.

NO halter tops, strapless tops, crop tops, tee shirts, tank tops, tennis attire, jogging shorts, short shorts or denim.

Please remember that playing in DWGA events is a privilege and that we are guests of each club. We must conform to each Country Club’s dress code. Adhering to the above requirements will meet the standards of all our member clubs.

Dress code violators will be cautioned one time by a letter from the DWGA executive committee. Subsequent violations may result in suspension from DWGA.



Each host club’s board member, rep, or a qualified member of the host’s WGA shall marshal using the flag system.

A GREEN FLAG means your group’s pace and position are good.

A YELLOW FLAG means your group is dropping behind, please pick up your pace.

A RED FLAG means step aside, the group behind WILL PLAY THROUGH without penalty.

Players will acknowledge the marshal’s signal and there will be no discussion if your group is Red Flagged. After being Red Flagged, your group will be monitored. If your group falls behind again, each player will be timed and the player or players using more than 45 seconds (from the time they get to their ball until they make their shot) will be penalized two strokes. If slow play continues, the marshal has the authority to disqualify the player or players who were penalized.

In addition to the Flag System, a Pace Captain will be assigned to each group by the Playday Chairman. This will be noted on the Pace Captain’s scorecard. The Pace Captain will have the responsibility of keeping her group in position on the golf course. In the event her group does fall behind, she will be obligated to allow the group behind her to play through. The Pace Captain may request that individual players be timed by the marshal.

The Pace Captain will collect and turn in scorecards for her group immediately following play. The cards should be turned in BEFORE all players go to their vehicles to unload their clubs.

Any group that finishes more than 20 minutes after 80% of the field will be disqualified from play that day.


In the event of bad weather, prior to play, each member is to call the participating club. The Pro will designate if the course is open for play. If the course is declared closed, play will be cancelled until the next regular scheduled playday. All players wishing to play in the next playday after a cancellation must enter via online sign-up, since there will be no sign-up sheet that day.

In the event of bad weather once play has started, play will be continuous unless suspended by the Pro. Players may not suspend play for rain at their own discretion. Players choosing to leave the course without being called in by the Pro will be disqualified from the day’s event. However, you have the right to stop play if you think lightning threatens you, even though the Pro may not have specifically authorized it by signal.

Remember: if the siren or horn sounds, you should mark your ball and leave the course immediately.


DWGA will allow the use of distance measuring devices, including GPS-based systems and laser range finders, in accordance with the USGA Decision 14-3/0.5. This applies to devices that measure distance only, and not any other condition that might affect a player’s play (e.g. wind or gradient).

If your cell phone/smart phones need to be left on for emergency purposes, it must be turned to silent and you must notify each member of your group. Any use of phones should not impede the pace of play.

Cell phones/smart phones may be used for the following purposes ONLY:

1.  To make an emergency phone call.

2.  To make an emergency text.

3.  To check a golf rule on the USGA Rules of Golf App.

4 To use a USGA conforming Golf App. 5. To check weather if threatening.

Cell phones/smart phones may NOT be used for the following purposes.

1.  To use a web browser.

2.  To play games or listen to music.

3.  To check emails.


The DWGA membership list is for the personal use of our members. IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR SOLICITATION OF ANY KIND. Any member using the list for business purposes WILL BE DISMISSED FROM THE ORGANIZATION.


In the event of the death of a DWGA member, a memorial donation of $25 will be made to the charity of the family’s choice, or the Girls Golf of Dallas. A card will be sent to a member should a member of her family die.


In 2003, after the death of long time DW member and USGA rules official Betsy Clifford, DW and the

men’s comparable group, DDGA wanted to play a tournament together to honor Betsy and Chuck Ashmore (who had also recently passed). The Ashmore/Clifford Cup was born. It was played women vs. men for three years.

The logistics became increasingly difficult, so in 2006, our DW ladies played a year-end Solheim style match play event called the Clifford Cup. Ladies had to earn their way on to the teams based on participation and performance, so it is quite an honor to play. When Lettie Moore, another long-time member died, we added her name to the competition.

In 2011, after losing Chris Braatz and Lifetime Member Carrie Barbee, the Board agreed that to honor our departed friends, we would rename the competition the Memorial Cup.