Footloose303 - How to Doodle!
Doodle is the on-line tool that we use for each event. A Doodle allows people to indicate that they are planning to come on a walk or attend a social. It is particularly useful in helping with car sharing and it is possible to tick off if you are going to be at a particular meet point. You can also ask for people to tick options that you choose.
Do not be put off it is very easy to do and quiet intuitive. If you do need help just ask.
How to set up Doodle for a walk or social
You do not need an account (and is best not to use one).
1. Go to
2. Click on Schedule an event
3. Enter title e.g. footloose303 walk – Sun 8 May – Are you coming?
4. Enter general location e.g. Burrington Combe, West Mendips
5. Add description. If a walk give length and try to give an idea of how hilly, nature of terrain, e.g. “9–10 miles, hilly at times, paths and tracks. Will be muddy if wet.” Then some information to sell the walk or event.
6. Add your name
7. Add your email address (it is best to do this)
8. Click on next
9. Select the date e.g. 8 May
10. Click next
11. Using the time slots you enter the headings e.g. Time - 1 “Ilminster meet”, Time 2 – “Taunton meet”, Time 3 - “Walk meet”, Time 4 – “Meal” (to add more time slots click on “add more time slots”!)
12. Click on next
13. Click on finish
14. Under “You send the invitation” click finish
15. You then get a Participation link that you copy and paste into the email that you send out to all members to invite them to the walk or event. But before you send check that it works ok (see 17 below)
16. Open the Participation link and check that it works and the Doodle is right. If it is add you name and initial, tick off the correct option. If it is not open the Administration link which will have been emailed to you and change the Doodle as needed.
17. When all is ok email details of the walk or event with the Doodle participation link within the email to .