RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application

Teacher Academy in 30 seconds or less:
supports underrepresented students to increase their graduation rate from high school
motivates first generation high school graduates by exposing them to higher education options
advising by a key program coordinator and mentor teacher are central to achieving educational and personal goals
provides a cohort experience which becomes a community of support with peers, teachers, and college faculty
being a role model for younger students motivates high school students to do well academically.
equity in education can only be achieved through increased identification and understanding of existing social and educational barriers.
Teacher Academy exists to….
…inspire student vision and understanding of the value of a teaching career.
…introduce careers in education and the educator professional code of conduct.
…demonstrate college readiness through placement tests and college admissions.
…provide learning opportunities and classroom experiences in collaboration with P-12 teachers, two and/or four year faculty members and community organizations.
…introduce and develop cultural competency and a variety of culturally responsive and appropriate strategies used to engage students.
For more information or to ask questions, please contact:

If you are enrolled in the RSD Teacher Academy, you can expect:

  • Full-year class (1.0 cr)
  • Earn 5Running Start college credits through Central Washington University
  • Attend Summer Academy on June 21-23, 2017
  • All expenses are paid

First Name______Middle Initial______Last Name______

Home Address______

City______State______Zip Code______

Student ID Number______

Home Phone Number______Mobile Phone Number______

E-mail address______

What is your expected graduation date? ______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

If Different From Above:

Parent/Guardian Address______

City______State______Zip Code______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number ______

Do you have regular access to the internet? Yes ( ) No ( )


Describe your ethnic background (check all that apply):

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |

RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application




Native American


Other: ______

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |

RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application

Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

Do you have any special needs that require accommodations? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, please specify: ______

If enrolled, do you commit to participating in the Summer Academy and the year-long course, Careers in Education? Yes ( ) No ( )

Tell us about your interests. Why would you like to be a part of the RSD Teacher Academy (Summer Academy and Careers in Education course) in 2017-18?

Tell us about your character. What can your teacher and your fellow classmates expect of you? Renton Teacher Academy is a rigorous program, requiring a time commitment that goes beyond a 55-minute period. As a representative of the RSD Teacher Academy, you will attend weekly internships, visit college campuses, and participate inafter-school activities. Please explain your level of maturity, your commitment level, and your ability to problem solve. For example, you cannot always be guaranteed District Transportation when you attend weekly internships—how would you handle situations such as this?

Pleasecheck the subject(s) that you hope to teach if you become a teacher:

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |

RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application


Culinary arts

English language learners


Language Arts


Physical Education


Social studies/history

Special Education


World (Foreign) languages

Other: ______

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |

RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application

Please check thegrade-level that you would like to teach:

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |

RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application

Early childhood (pre-kindergarten to kindergarten)

Elementary (grades 1-6)

Middle school (grades 7-8)

High school (grades 9-12)

Higher education (colleges and universities)

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |

RSD Teacher Academy

2017-2018 Application


  1. Pleaserequest/enroll in Careers in Ed 1-2 during registration!
  2. Please provide a teacher’s name (and email address) that can recommend you for this Teacher Academy program: Name______email:______
  3. Interviews may be held after you submit your applications to ensure your success in the program.
  4. Please complete and submit this application by April 1, 2017.
  5. Plan to attend the Celebration Banquet with your friends and family on Tuesday, May 9th, 2017, at 7 p.m. at the IKEA Performing Arts Center(additional invitation will arrive at your homeaddress).
  6. For more information or to ask questions, please contact:

Completed Applications may be turned in to your Counselor or your school’s Career Center Specialist

Renton School District | Career and Technical Education | 300 SW 7th Street, Renton WA 98057 |