Sun Lakes Hiking Club Website Basics

  1. How do I become a member? How do I sign up?

The Sun Lakes Hiking Club uses a program called to post club information, hike schedules and descriptions, and hike photos on the internet for all members to access. Once on the internet, the club site can be accessed by typing the following into the command line of your browser:


To create your own log in, click either the or icon in the upper right corner of the home screen. You will then be prompted through creating a Log In and password. Including completing the following questionnaire:

  • You must be a Sun Lakes resident to join this club. Which community do you live in?
  • Share your previous hiking experience with other members. Tell us about your favorites.
  • REMINDER: if you have not hiked with the club, you must contact the hikeleader before the day of the hike.
  • LOG IN

If you already have a log in, sign in by clicking in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Once you are a member the top menu changes to look more like this:

HINT: Click on the keep me logged in button to avoid having to sign in each time you visit the website.

  1. How do I view upcoming hikes and sign up?

You can find upcoming hikes on the Sun Lakes Hiking Club Home Page and on “Our Calendar”

To sign up for hikes from the Home Page:

  • Identify the Hike or Event you want to participate in
  • Click on “RVSP”
  • At the top right of the hike detail page you will see “Are you going?”. Click on “Yes”
  • If at anytime you need to cancel, locate the hike.

To sign up for hikes from the Calendar: By clicking on “Our Calendar” you will see hikes and club events scheduled by month.

  • Select a hike you are interested and hike details will be displayed including:
  • Date and Time
  • Meeting location
  • Hike Details
  • Hike Leaders contact information
  • At the top right corner of the hike details is the message “Are you going?” Selecting “Yes” sends an RSVP to the hike leader that you will be attending and keeps track of how many hikers will be attending.
  • Viewing this page also provides you a quick view of what hikes you have responded to

MeetUp will send you a Confirmation email. This email also contains:

  • Attachment that will add meeting to your Calendar
  • Listing of members who have also signed up for the hike

If you need to cancel

  • From the Home page or the Calender:
  • Locate the hike
  • Select “I’M GOING” or - this will take you to the hike details
  • There is a box at the top right hand corner of the detail labeled “Your RSVP”. Select “CHANGE”.
  • A window will come up asking “Still going”. Select “No” and “Finish RSVP”
  • Your RSVP should now indicate “No”
  1. How do I find Club meeting minutes and handouts?

Select MORE/FILES from the HOME Page. From here you can access:

  • Meeting Minutes
  • Monthly Hike Handout
  • Club Forms
  • Other useful information

To access any of these files:

  • Review the listing of files to identify the file you are interested in.
  • Click on that file and it will be downloaded to your computer for viewing
  1. How can I contact other Club members?

From the HOME Page select “Members”. Once on the Members page you can:

  • View Profiles of other members
  • Send messages to other members
  • Select Member you would like to send a message to
  • Select “Message”
  • Type in your message
  • View and edit your profile
  • Select “View your profile”
  • Select “Edit profile”. Make changes and once finished select “Save”

  1. How can I upload/ download photos?

On the Photos page you can:

  • View Photos that have been uploaded by Club Members
  • Upload your photos
  • Select “Upload photos”
  • Select whether you are uploading photo into an existing album or want to create a new album
  • Select “Add photos” and select your photos
  • Click on “Open”

  • Meetup does not provide an option to down load photos, but you can create a copy of any picture by right clicking your mouse on the selected photo.
  • You canselect “copy image” and paste the photo into a document
  • You can select “save image as…” and save the photo on your computer
  1. How do I cancel or revise a hike?

If you are the hike leader you have edit rights to your hike. If you need to change or revise a hike:

  • Select the hike to be revised from the listing on the Home Page or from Calendar (accessible from the Home Page).

  • Under the hike title select the “Edit” command. The following screen will appear allowing you to edit all the hike information.
  • Once you have completed editing the hike you can accept the changes that you have made by selecting the “Change details” button or reject the changes by selecting “Cancel changes”.
  • If you need to cancel a hike it is preferred that you edit the “What Should We Do” box with the statement “CANCELLED DUE TO……” This allows the event to continue to be edited after the cancellation notice is made.
  • If the hike is to be completely cancelled select the “Cancel” command next to the “Edit” button. The following screen will appear. You always have an option to not complete the cancellation by selecting “Never mind”