Meeting:Qualifications and Regulation Group

Date:07 October 2015

Time:13.30-15.30 (and 15.30-16.00 for Professional Bodies)

Location:MSE meeting rooms, 103a Oxford Street, London, W1D 2HG

Present:A list of attendees can be made available on request


The RQF and New Conditions

Julie Swan, Associate Director for Regulatory and Vocational Qualifications Policy at Ofqual provided an update on the introduction of the Regulated Qualifications Framework and the new Conditions of Recognition.


  • QCF rules withdrawn on 30 September 2015.
  • Unit bank closed and the Regulatory IT System (RITS) unit sharing functionality turned off. 10 unit submitters have contacted Ofqual to express an intention to withdraw units (1500) and these organisations should have contacted all relevant awarding organisations (AOs) to inform them of this intention. Ofqual will not be providing a list of these unit submitters.
  • New Conditions and Guidance introduced on 1 October 2015 (with some sunrise provisions). Conditions give effect to the RQF and cover:
  • Level
  • Size - qualifications need to be expressed only through TQT and GLH. TQT conditions came into effect immediately for new qualifications and will be phased in for existing qualifications.
  • Credit (if used)
  • RPL (if used)
  • Guidance on titling - AOs are expected to cease using the term QCF by 31 December 2017. It will continue to be possible for a qualification to be described as a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ).

Kate Evans, Senior Manager of Regulatory Implementation at Ofqual, provided an update on the changes being made to RITS in response to the withdrawal of the QCF. The presentation slides used during this item can be accessed here: Introducing the RQF, new Conditions and RITS.

Action: FAB will try to compile a list of the unit submitters that have withdrawn their units and share this with the membership.

Regulation Update

Ailin O’Cathain (AOC) provided an overview of some of the developments regarding the regulation of qualificationsin England, Wales and Scotland.

The paper which accompanied this item can be accessed here: Paper 2 - Regulation Overview (QRG071015).

FAB Board/Ofqual meeting 14 Sept 2015

AOCreported on the matters discussed at the FAB Board’s most recent meeting with Ofqual.The report covered:

■The Ofqual Annual Conference in December 2015

■Assessment of the new apprenticeships

■Ofqual consultations, including TQT

■RITS issues

■Statements of Compliance for 2015


■Financial audits

The informal notes from the FAB Board/Ofqual meeting can be accessed here: Informal Notes/FAB Board/Ofqual meeting 14.09.2015.

Malpractice and notifying other AOs - update

AOC reported that she had sought clarification from Ofqual as to when it is appropriate for an awarding organisation to notify other AOs of malpractice. Ofqual’s response has been that in order to be compliant with the General Conditions the expectation would be that an AO notifies at the point of case proven but that there may be some cases where an AO feels that it can and should notify earlier. This would have to be a decision an AO itself makes based on the specific case.

Protecting the terms RQF – Ofqual position

AOC reported that she had asked Ofqual if the regulator had any intention to trademark the term RQF in order to give some protection against its misuse by non-Ofqual recognised AOs. Ofqual has confirmed that it has no plans to do so and has reaffirmed that the actions of non-Ofqual recognised AOs do not fall within its remit. According to Ofqual, if an organisationis misusing the term RQF, then it is a matter that should be reported to Trading Standards.


Some attendees reported having received letters notifying them that they will be audited by Ofqual and concern was expressed about the lack of clarity regarding Ofqual’s audit activity and the potential burden that the increase in this activity may cause.

Action – FAB will seek clarification from Ofqual regarding the various audits that will be taking place and will discuss the potential burden this activity could place on AOs.

SFA Qualification Approval

AOC reported that although there is no formal or informal appeals process for qualifications which were not approved for funding in the September approvals window, the SFA is open to listening to AOs who believe that a mistake has been made by the SFA in reviewing a submission or as a result of the submission process itself. This was distinguished from a mistake on the part of the AO such as failing to provide the required information.

Date of next meetingThe date for the 2016 meetings of the group will be confirmed shortly and published in the Update.

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