Date Revised: April, 2007
Name: J. Richard Jennings
Citizenship: USA
Business Address: Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic
3811 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Telephone:(412) 2466220
1961 1965 University of Idaho Bachelor of Science Psychology
Moscow, Idaho 1965, Summa Cum Laude
1965 1969 University of California Doctor of Philosophy Dr.R.S.Lazarus Berkeley, California 1969 Psychology
Post Graduate (courses)
1973 NIH, Bethesda, MD Dr. P. Goldman Neuropsychology
1974 Walter Reed, Washington, D.C. Dr. J. Petras Neuroanatomy
19721974 Upward Mobility College Instructor
Federal City College
19741975 Northern Virginia Community Lecturer
Annandale, Virginia
19751977 George Mason University Lecturer
Fairfax, Virginia
1978-1985 Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Assistant
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology Professor
University of Pittsburgh
19851992 Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Associate
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology Professor
University of Pittsburgh
(Conferral of Tenure, 1987)
1992-Present Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
NonAcademic Positions
19701978 Dept. Military Med. Psychophysiology Research Psychologist
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Washington, D.C. 20012 (WRAIR)
1971 Dept. Military Med. Psychophysiology Acting Chief of WRAIR Department
19711978 Dept. Military Med. Psychophysiology Assistant Chief of WRAIR Department
Not Applicable
1968-present American Psychological Association
Division of General Psychology, 1968
Division of Physiological and Comparative Psychology, 1981
Division of Adult Development and Aging, 1985
1970-present Society for Psychophysiological Research
Nominations Committee, 1976, 1983
Program Chairman, 1975
Board of Directors, 19791982
Publication Board, 19811983, 2005-2007
Chair, Ethics Committee, 19841986
Program Committee, 1984
President, 1990-1991
1971-1973 Western Psychological Association
1977-present Society for Neuroscience
1979-present American Psychosomatic Society
Board of Directors, 1991 - 1994
1981-present Fellow, Society for Behavioral Medicine
1982-present Fellow, International Organization of Psychophysiology
1986-present Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1991-present Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
1994-present Fellow, American Psychological Association (Div. 20, Aging)
1962 Phi Eta Sigma
1964 Phi Beta Kappa
1965 Outstanding Senior University of Idaho
1966 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow
1987 National Institute of Mental Health MERIT award
Refereed Articles:
1. Jennings, J.R., Averill, J.R., Opton, E.M. and Lazarus, R.S.: Some parameters of heart rate change: Perceptual versus motor task requirements, noxiousness, and uncertainty. Psychophysiology, 7:194212, 1970.
2. Jennings, J.R.: The effect of verbal and pictorial presentation on classinclusion competence and performance. Psychonomic Science, 20:357358, 1970.
3. Jennings, J.R.: Cardiac reactions and different developmental levels of cognitive functioning. Psychophysiology, 8:433450, 1971.
4. Krasnegor, N.A., Jennings, J.R., Orr, W.C. and Fields, H.L.: The after effects of peripheral nerve stimulation: Changes in psychophysical judgments and autonomic reactions during the scaling of cutaneous pain. Psychonomic. Science, 26:7476, 1972.
5. Kreuz, L.E., Rose, R.M. and Jennings, J.R.: Suppression of plasma testosterone levels and psychological stress: A longitudinal study of young men in officer candidate school. Archives of General Psychiatry, 26:479482, 1972.
6. Jennings, J.R., Stringfellow, J.C. and Graham, M.: A comparison of the statistical distribution of beatbybeat heart rate and heart period. Psychophysiology, 22:207210, 1974.
7. Jennings, J.R., Rose, R.M. and Kreuz, L.: Stress and performance during and after officer candidate school. Journal of Applied Psychology, 509:500503, 1974.
8. Lee, A.L., Tahmoush, A.J. and Jennings, J.R.: An LEDtransistor photoplethysmograph. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 22:248250, 1975.
9. Jennings, J.R.: Information processing and concomitant heart rate changes in the obese and underweight. Physiological Psychology, 3:290296, 1975.
10. Jennings, J.R., Wood, C.C. and Lawrence, B.: Effects of graded doses of alcohol on speed-accuracy tradeoff in choice reaction time. Perception & Psychophysics, 19:8591, 1976.
11. Wood, C.C. and Jennings, J.R.: Speedaccuracy tradeoff functions in choice reaction time: Experimental designs and computational procedures. Perception & Psychophysics, 19:92102, 1976.
12. Tahmoush, A.J., Jennings, J.R., Lee, A.L., Camp, S. and Weber, F.: Characteristics of a light emitting diode transistor photoplethysmograph. Psychophysiology, 13:257362, 1976.
13. Jennings, J.R. and Wood, C.C.: Cardiac cycle time effects on performance, phasic cardiac responses and their intercorrelations in choice reaction time. Psychophysiology, 14:297307, 1977.
14. Jennings, J.R., Lawrence, B.E. and Kasper, P.: Changes in alertness and processing capacity in a serial learning task. Memory and Cognition, 6:4563, 1978.
15. Jennings, J.R. and Hall, S.W., Jr.: Recall, recognition, and rate: Memory and the heart. Psychophysiology, 17:3747, 1980.
16. Jennings, J.R., Schrot, J., and Wood, C.C.: Cardiovascular response patterns during choice reaction time. Physiological Psychology, 8:130136, 1980.
17. Jennings, J.R., Berg, W.K., Hutcheson, J.S., Obrist, P., Porges, S. and Turpin, G.: Publication guidelines for heart rate studies in man. Psychophysiology, 18:226231, 1981.
18. Jennings, J.R. and Choi, S.: Type A components and psychophysiological responses to an attention demanding performance task. Psychosomatic Medicine, 43:475487, 1981.
19. Jennings, J.R.: Beat by beat vascular responses during anticipatory heart rate deceleration. Physiological Psychology, 10:422430, 1982.
20. Sunderman, M.F., and Jennings, J.R.: LEDTransistor optical vascular measure: Calibration, replicability, and comparability to strain gauge measures. Behavioral Research, Methods, and Instruments, 15:58, 1983.
21. Jennings, J.R., and Choi, S.: An arterial to peripheral pulse wave velocity measure. Psychophysiology, 20:410418, 1983.
22. Tahmoush, A.J., Malley,J., and Jennings, J.R.: Skin conductance, temperature, and blood flow in Causalgia. Neurology, 33:14831486, 1983.
23. Jennings, J.R. and Mack, M. E.: Does aging differentially reduce heart rate variability related to respiration? Experimental Aging Research, 10:1923, 1984.
24. Jennings, J.R.: Cardiovascular reactions and impatience in Type A and B college students. Psychosomatic Medicine, 46:424440, 1984.
25. Matthews, K.A., and Jennings, J.R.: Cardiovascular responses of boys exhibiting the Type A behavior pattern. Psychosomatic Medicine, 46:484497, 1984.
26. Jennings, J.R., and Matthews, K.A.: The impatience of youth: Phasic cardiovascular response in Type A and Type B elementary schoolage boys: Psychosomatic Medicine, 46:498511, 1984.
27. Jennings, J.R., and Follansbee, W.P.: Type A and ectopy in patients with coronary artery disease and controls. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 28:449454, 1984.
28. Jennings, J.R., and Follansbee, W.P.: Taskinduced ST segment depression, ectopic beats, and autonomic responses in coronary heart disease patients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 47:415430, 1985.
29. Somson, R.J.M., van der Molen, M.W., Jennings, J.R., and Orlebeke, J.F.: Response initiation not completion seems to alter cardiac cycle length. Psychophysiology, 22:319325, 1985.
30. Jennings, J.R., Nebes, R.D., and Reynolds, C.F.: Vasopressin peptide (DDAVP) may narrow the focus of attention in normal elderly. Psychiatry Research, 17:3139, 1985.
31. Jennings, J.R., Dahl, R., Ansseau, M. and Westervelt, W.: A technique to examine phasic thermoregulation during human sleep. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 85:292302, 1985.
32. Perkins, K.A., Epstein, L.H., Stiller, R., Jennings, J.R., Christiansen,C., and McCarthy, T.: An aerosal spray alternative to cigarette smoking in the study of the behavioral and physiological effects of nicotine. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 18:420426, 1986.
33. Perkins, K.A., Epstein, L.H., Jennings, J.R., and Stiller, R.: The cardiovascular effects of nicotine during stress. Psychopharmacology, 90:373378, 1986.
34. Thase, M.E., Reynolds, C.F., Jennings, J.R., Frank, E., Howell, J., Houck, P.R., Kupfer, D.J.: Do NPT recordings affect EEG sleep? Sleep, 10(5):486-490, 1987.
35. Yokoyama, K., Jennings, J.R., Ackles, P., Hood, P., and Boller, F.: Lack of heart rate changes during an attentiondemanding task after right hemisphere lesions. Neurology, 37:624630, 1987.
36. Thase, M.E., Reynolds, C.F., Glanz, L.M., Jennings, J.R., Sewitch, D.E., Kupfer, D.J., and Frank, E.: Nocturnal penile tumescence in depressed men. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144(1):8992, 1987.
37. Campbell, P.I., Reynolds, C.F., Jennings, J.R., Thase, M.E., Frank, E., Howell, J.R., and Kupfer, D.J.: Laboratory Note: Reliability of NPT scoring and visual estimates of erectile fullness. Sleep, 10(5):480-485, 1987.
38. van der Molen, M.W., Somsen, R.J.M., Jennings, J.R., Nieuwboer, R.T., and Orlebeke, J.F.: A psychophysiological investigation of cognitiveenergetic relations in human information processing: A heart rate/additive factors approach. Acta Psychologica, 66:251289, 1987.
39. Howell, J.R., Reynolds, C.F., Thase, M.E., Frank, E., Jennings, J.R., et al.: Assessment of sexual function, interest, and activity in depressed men. Journal of Affective Disorders, 13:61-66, 1987.
40. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W., and Terezis, C.: Primary bradycardia and vagal inhibition as two manifestations of the timing of vagal influence on the heart beat. Journal of Psychophysiology, 1(4):361-374, 1987.
41. Jennings, J.R.: The Lacey hypothesis: A classification to avoid confusion or don't stir the parfait. Journal of Psychophysiology, 1:209212, 1987.
42. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W., and Somsen, R.J.M.: Non-trivial functions of a sinus-node vagal interactions. Journal of Psychophysiology, 1(4):381-382, 1987.
43. Thase, M.E., Reynolds, C.F., Jennings, J.R., et al.: Diminished nocturnal penile tumescence in depressed men. Biological Psychiatry, 24:3346, 1988.
44. Somsen, R.J.M., Jennings, J.R., and van der Molen, M.W.: Facts and artifacts in cardiac cycle time analysis: A simple model of vagal control. Psychophysiology, 25:7180, 1988.
45. Jennings, J.R., Stiller, R., and Brock, K.: Are changes in performance with noise and age due to adrenergic arousal? Psychobiology, 16(3):270-280, 1988.
46. Thase, M.E., Reynolds, C.F., Jennings, J.R., Berman, S.R., Houck, P.R., Howell, J.R., Frank, E., and Kupfer, D.J.: Diagnostic performance of nocturnal penile tumescence studies in healthy, dysfunctional (impotent), and depressed men. Psychiatry Research, 26:79-87, 1988.
47. Jennings, J.R., Nebes, R.D., and Brock, K.: Memory retrieval in noise and psychophysiological response in the young and old. Psychophysiology, 25(6):633-644, 1988.
48. Reynolds, C.F., Frank E., Thase M.E., Houck P.R., Jennings J.R., Howell J.R., Lilienfeld S.O., Kupfer D.J.: Comparative assessment of sexual function in depressed, impotent, and healthy men: Factor analysis of a brief sexual function questionnaire. Psychiatry Research, 24:231-250, 1988.
49. van der Molen, M.W., Boomsma, D.I., Jennings, J.R., and Nieuwboer, R.T.: Does the heart know what the eyes see? A cardiac/pupillometric analysis of motor preparations and response execution. Psychophysiology, 26:70-80, 1989.
50. Reynolds, C.F., Thase M.E., Jennings J.R., Howell J.R., Frank E., Berman S.R., Houck P.R., Kupfer D.J.: Nocturnal penile tumescence in healthy 20 to 59 year olds: A revisit. Sleep, 12(4):368-373, 1989.
51. Jennings, J.R., Brock, K. & Nebes, R.: Aging but not arousal influences the effect of environmental noise on the span of attention. Experimental Aging Research, 15(1-2):61-72, 1989.
52. Shapiro, A.P., Nixon, P., Miller, R.E., Manuck, S.B., Jennings, J.R. & King, H.E.: Behavioral consequences of hypertension: Effects of age and type of antihypertension agent. Journal of Human Hypertension, 3:435-442, 1989.
53. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W., Somsen, R.J.M., Terezis, C.: On the shift from anticipatory heart rate deceleration to acceleratory recovery: Revisiting the role of response factors. Psychophysiology, 27(4):385-395, 1990.
54. Jennings, J.R., Nebes, R.D. & Yovetich, N.A.: Aging increases the energetic demands of episodic memory: A cardiovascular analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 119(1):77-91, 1990.
55. Jennings, J.R., Brock, K. & Nebes, R.: Age and specific processing capacities: A cardiovascular analysis. Journal of Psychophysiology, 4(1):51-64, 1990.
56. Epstein, L.H., Perkins, K.A., Jennings, J.R. & Pastor, S.: The effects of smoking context on habituation to a repeated cognitive task. Psychopharmacology, 100:366-371, 1990.
57. Kamarck, T.W., Manuck, S.B., Jennings, J.R.: Social support reduces cardiovascular reactivity to psychological challenge: A laboratory model. Psychosomatic Medicine, 52:42-58, 1990.
58. Somsen, R.J.M. & Jennings, J.R.: What is "the vagal effect"? A rejoinder to Velden et al.'s interpretation of the cardiac cycle time effect. Psychophysiology, 27(3):351-355, 1990.
59. Brendel, D.H., Reynolds, C.F., Jennings, J.R., Hoch, C.C., Monk, T.H., Berman, S.R., Hall, F.T., Buysse, D.J. & Kupfer, D.J.: Sleep stage physiology, mood, and vigilance responses to total sleep deprivation in healthy eighty year olds and twenty year olds. Psychophysiology, 27(6):677-686, 1990.
60. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W. & Brock, K.: Forearm, chest, and skin vascular changes during simple performance tasks. Biological Psychology, 31:23-45, 1990.
61. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W., Somsen, R.J.M. & Brock, K.: Weak sensory stimuli induce a phase sensitive bradycardia. Psychophysiology, 28(1):1-10, 1991.
62. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W., Brock, K. & Somsen, R.J.M.: Response inhibition initiates cardiac deceleration: Evidence from a sensory-motor compatibility paradigm. Psychophysiology, 28(1):72-85, 1991.
63. Kamarck, T. & Jennings, J.R.: Biobehavioral factors in sudden cardiac death. Psychological Bulletin, 109:42-75, 1991.
64. Jennings, J.R., van der Molen, M.W., Somsen, R.J.M. & Ridderinkhof, K.R.: Graphical and statistical techniques for cardiac cycle time (phase) dependent changes in inter-beat interval. Psychophysiology, 28:596-606, 1991.
65. Perkins, K.A., Epstein, L.H. & Jennings, J.R.: Smoking as a cue for subjective and behavioral responses to a stressor. Journal of Substance Abuse, 3:29-38, 1991.
66. Debski, T.T., Kamarck, T.W., Jennings, J.R., Young, L.W., Eddy, M.J. & Zhang, Y.: A computerized test battery for the assessment of cardiovascular reactivity. International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 27:277-289, 1991.
67. Monk, T.H., Reynolds, C.F., Buysse, D.J., Hoch, C.C., Jarrett, D.B., Jennings, J.R. & Kupfer, D.J.: Circadian characteristics of healthy 80-year-olds and their relationship to objectively recorded sleep. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 46(5):M171-175, 1991.
68. Jennings, J.R., Young, L., & Brock, K.: LED-transistor optical vascular measure: Replicability of a new device. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 23(3):373-376, 1991.
69. Reynolds, C.F., Jennings, J.R., Hoch, C.C., Monk, T.H., Berman, S.R., Hall, F.T., Matzzie, J.V., Buysse, D.J., & Kupfer, D.J.: Daytime sleepiness in the healthy "old old": A comparison with young adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 39:957-962, 1991.
70. Perkins, K.A., Stiller, R.L., & Jennings, J.R.: Acute tolerance to the cardiovascular effects of nicotine. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 29:77-85, 1991.
71. Somsen, R.J.M., Molenaar, P.C.M., van der Molen, M.W., & Jennings, J.R.: Behavioral modulation patterns fit an animal model of vagus-cardiac pacemaker interactions. Psychophysiology, 28:383-399, 1991.
72. Reynolds, C.R., Monk, T.H., Hoch, C.C., Jennings, J.R., Buysse, D.J., Houck, P.R., Jarrett, D.B. & Kupfer, D.J.: EEG sleep in the healthy "old old": A comparison with the "young old" in visually scored and automated (period) measures. Journal of Gerontology, 46: M39-M46, 1991.
73. Perkins, K.A., Grobe, J.E., Jennings, J.R., Epstein, L.H., & Elash, C.: A technique for rapid, reliable assessment of thermal pain threshold in humans. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 24(1):60-66, 1992.