TVMS Parent Involvement Council
March7, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm byTara Shreiner.
Attendees: Tara Shreiner, Dawn Koller,Denise Siegle, Tina Duplass, Allison Bolt, Sandy Deemer, Nancy Hafer, Mandy Hinkel, Kristen Keating, Knicki Knickerbocker, Diane LaBruto, Jen Moyer, Tracy Phillips,Andrew Stine, Jen Williams,Mrs. Boyer, Dr. Catagnus
Secretary’s Report: Februarymeeting minutes were reviewed and approved byAllison Bolt; seconded by Kristin Keating.
Treasurer’s Report: Reviewed and approved by Kristin Keating; seconded by Sandy Deemer.
Principal’s Report:
Mrs. Boyer reported:
*The 6th Grade Social was held on 3/3; there was a good turn out and the kids had a great time.
*The MS scheduling process is starting soon—students will get the forms to select their schedule for next year. The orientation for incoming 5th grade students will be held in May.
*TVMS is proud to have one of our 6th graders competing in the Berks County Spelling Bee on 3/13.
Dr. Catagnus reported:
*Student Led Conferences will be held on 3/9 and 3/15. Course selection will coincide with the conferences and counselors will be available for any questions about the scheduling process.
*The Pasta for Pennies Fundraiser sponsored by Leo Club is underway and they are hoping to raise at least $10,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
*The TVMS team will be competing in the Science Olympiad on 3/16.
*MS Spring Sports are starting the week of 3/13.
*The MS staff/students are prepping for the April PSSA testing.
Old Business:
*Box Tops: The submission deadline was last week and we should receive a check for $475.20 for our submission. The collection contest will end May 1st and the winning grade will have a Popsicle party on May 31st. Collection for Labels for Education will be ending in August and we will receive a gift card for the labels we are submitting.
*6th Grade Social: The event went very well and thank you to Kim Galman for coordinating the social.
New Business:
*Honey Brook Food Pantry: Two guest speakers from the food pantry spoke about the many services they offer to those in need within our community and how to become involved in helping at the food pantry. They are having a fundraiser on 4/29 and their contact information was provided as well.
*Restorative Classroom Practices: Jen Moyer and Jen Williams spoke about restorative classroom training and practices and how it’s being used in the MS classrooms. This concept ties in with the Raider Pride program and is having a very positive impact on the relationship building within our school. Jen Moyer also spoke about the Parent Roundtable discussion that will be held in the MS library on 3/23 at 6:30 (for parents only).
*Two monetary requests from staff members were discussed and voted on. Mrs. Taylor asked for funding to purchase shelves for the art room; her request for $89.99 was approved. Mr. Stine requested funding to purchase additional scooters to be used in PE and for the Intramural program; his request to purchase six scooters for $180.00 was also approved.
*The 7th Grade Activity Night is scheduled for 4/7 from 7 to 9pm in the gym.
*The 8th Grade Semi-Formal is scheduled for 5/12 from 6 to 9pm. Kristin Keating is coordinating the event, but they are still in need of parent volunteers for the committee.
*PIC will host a Staff Conference Dinner on 3/9. Thank you to Kris Bonnell for coordinating this.
*Scholarships: PIC gives out (2) $1,000 scholarships to graduating TV seniors. Winners are chosen based on an essay they submit to PIC. Please contact Tara Shreiner if you are interested in helping with the selection process.
*Year Book: The committee is still working on the yearbook and it’s going well. They are using the “Image Share” ap this year to put pictures on the yearbook website.
*Raider Stride: Event date is 5/19. The Kick-off assembly will be held on 4/28, with packet distribution. The next committee meeting is scheduled for 3/29 at 7pm in the library. All parents are welcome to attend the committee meeting.
*Nominations for next year’s PIC officers will occur at the April PIC meeting. Any parents interested in holding a PIC officer position should please contact Tara Shreiner.
Next PIC meeting: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm
Respectfully submitted by: Tina Duplass, PIC Secretary