IDIQ (updated 7/7/2010)
Approximately how many contracts do you plan on awarding on the full and open and on the small business side.
For Schedules, there are no pre-defined quantities of contract awards for vendors. If the vendor qualifies, they will be awarded a contract. For ID/IQs, GSA and DISA will evaluate all vendor proposals and award to the most qualified, best value vendors within the End-to-End service area.
Will any part of the ID/IQ be set aside for Small Business?
Yes. Small Business Set-aside contracts will be awarded in response to the CS2-Small Business RFP.
What types of services will be sold in the End-to-End solutions ID/IQ?
The Government is seeking service providers offering complete customized engineered solutions to meet customers’ unique COMSATCOM needs. These solutions may include any combination of fixed satellite services and/or mobile satellite services, components, and/or service enabling components and ancillary equipment such as terminals, teleports, terrestrial tail circuits, SIM cards, and peripherals. End-to-End Solutions may also include, but are not limited to, licensing, integration, installation, testing, network management, engineering and training.
What GSA Schedule will the new CS2 contracts fall under?
The new CS2 contracts under the FCSA program are not GSA Multiple Award Schedule contracts. They will be multiple award ID/IQ contracts awarded IAW FAR Part 15.
What are the maximum program ceiling and minimum revenue guarantee for each CS2 contracts?
Pursuant to section B.3 of the draft RFP of the F&O CS2 contract, the total maximum quantity of all supplies and services for all awardees combined shall not exceed $2.6 billion, including the options. Pursuant to section B.3 of the draft RFP of the SBSA CS2 contract, the total maximum quantity of all supplies and services for all awardees combined shall not exceed $900 million, including the options. The minimum revenue guarantee amount for each awarded contract will be $1,000.
What are the criteria for categorizing a Task Order under the CS2 – Small Business contract versus the Full & Open Competition CS2 contract?
On a requirement basis, the Ordering Activity will make the determination whether to compete the Task Order under CS2 or CS2-Small Business. There is no standardized threshold for whether a requirement is assigned to the Full and Open Competition or Small Business Set Aside ID/IQ.
How will Task Orders under the CS2 and CS2 – Small Business ID/IQ contracts be issued?
On a requirement basis, the Ordering Activity will make the determination whether to compete the Task Order under CS2 or CS2-Small Business. Only contract holders of the chosen contract vehicle will be able to bid on that Task Order RFP. IAW FAR 16.505(b), all contract holders of the respective contract vehicle must receive notification of Task Order RFPs. Use of GSA’s e-Buy system by ordering activities will facilitate competition of task order requirements and compliance with Fair Opportunity. DoD Task Orders will be placed by DITCO, with other Federal Civilian Agencies able to place orders directly.
Will Engineering Services only be required in the SBSA CS2 contract?
Stand alone engineering services fall within Satellite Professional Support Services that are being set-aside for small business. However, there is some level of engineering services conducted as part of delivering any COMSATCOM solution (e.g., link budgets). Any engineering services that are part of a delivered COMSATCOM End-to-End Solution will be part of that deliverable, and will not be separately acquired through the CS2 – Small Business Professional services.
Will electronic submission be required to submit CS2 proposals?
The ACES Certificate is no longer required for submission of the CS2 ID/IQ proposal. Instead, a hardcopy and 2 copies of CD will be required from each bidder. Further details of proposal submission will be available in Section L of the CS2 and CS2-SB RFPs.
Will the contractor’s basic proposal and subsequent Task Order proposals be incorporated into the contract?
CLINs proposed in the pricing volume response to RFP Section B will be part of the master contract. The Contractor’s technical/management volume response to STOs will be incorporated, but the contractor will have the opportunity to redact its response. Subsequent Task Order proposals and pricing will not be incorporated into the master contract.
For all Sample Task Orders, more CLIN specificity should be provided, or allow bidder to allow CLIN breakdown detail that correlates to their particular solution? STOs seem to require additional pricing specificity as to determine price rationale, reasonableness, etc.
Vendors may provide and are expected to propose additional CLINs as needed to provide additional detail.
It appears that the Government intends to require a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) and/or Service Level Agreement (SLA) for all tasks. Is that the Government’s intention or will the ordering agency make that determination?
The Government reserves the right to require QASPs and SLAs on a Task Order basis. On a Task Order basis, the Ordering Agency will make the determination for requiring a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) and/or Service Level Agreement (SLA).
When does the Government plan to issue Task Order for the CS2 ID/IQ contract?
The government will begin issuing Task Orders following the CS2 ID/IQ master contract awards. Contractors must be a holder of a CS2 or CS2-SB contract in order to bid against any Task Order RFPs issued under CS2 or CS2-SB.
Are maintenance plans supposed to be specific for each Sample Task Order?
Each STO, and its associated requirements stands alone, and should be addressed independent of the other STOs.
As specified on a Task Order basis, the Contractor shall deliver solutions in one of the following timeframes after Task Order award: Standard Service Delivery; Accelerated Service Delivery; Time Critical Service Delivery; and Extended Service Delivery. Does the Offeror need to provide separate CLIN for each timeframe?
This is a master contract level requirement. No CLINs are required at the master contract level for delivery times. On a Task Order basis, the Ordering Activity will specify the required timeframe for their customer’s requirement.
Is a subcontracting plan required with this submittal?
A subcontracting plan will be required after proposal submission, but prior to final master contract awards.
Please confirm if the Government desires that each RFP requirement is to be embedded in the proposal. Would the Government consider removing this as a requirement in order to enable offerors to provide additional relevant solution information rather than restating the RFP requirements?
Statements acknowledging that the Contractor will deliver the requirements stated in Section C of the RFP should not be included in the response. Section C will be incorporated in the master contracts of those Contractors receiving an award. The requirements of Section C should be addressed in the Contractor’s proposal to the degree necessary to be responsive to the solicitation.
When are these following forms due: Draft RFP Attachment J-2, FCSA Hosting Center Access Instructions; Attachment J-3 FCSA Hosting Center Application; Attachment J-4, Agreement to Restrict Access to Sensitive Government Information; Attachment J-5, List of IP addresses and Certificates; an Attachment J-6, list of Designated Vendor Users for FCSA Hosting Center?
The ACES Certificate is no longer required for submission of the CS2 ID/IQ proposal. Instead a hardcopy and 2 copies of CD will be required from each bidder. Further details of proposal submission will be available in Section L of the final RFPs.
What are the differences between FCSA service areas and CS2 contract solution types?
o FCSA has three Services Areas, which are Transponded Capacity, Subscription Services, and End-to-End (E2E) Solutions.
o Transponded Capacity and Subscription Services are as defined in Schedule 70 COMSATCOM SINs 132-54 and 132-55, respectively.
o E2E Solutions will not be offered on Federal Supply Schedule 70 contracts. Instead, E2E Solutions will be offered through two sets of ID/IQ contracts. One Full and Open Competition ID/IQ named Custom SATCOM Solutions (CS2) and one Small Business Set Aside ID/IQ named CS2 – Small Business.
o E2E Solution Types are described in Section C of the CS2 and CS2-Small Business RFPs.
Are the Sample Task Order responses as part of master contract proposal redacted from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests?
· Proposals submitted in response to a solicitation for a competitive proposal are exempt from release under the Freedom of Information Act unless the proposals are set forth or incorporated by reference in the final contract. However, the technical descriptions of Task Order solutions will become a part of the final contract. Contractors will be afforded the option to redact those parts of its contract before acceptance of an award.
What is the period of performance for a requirement that is issued under CS2 in year 3?
o Task orders may have a period of performance not to exceed one year past the contract expiration date.
Will the awardees proposed price list for each STO constitute the final approved price list?
o Yes, the proposed firm fixed price for each STO will be part of the master contract. It is the intent of the Government that the only time this price would be used is if an Ordering Activity wanted to purchase a solution identical to that in the STO requirement.
There are two different thresholds for small business under Section K.2 of the D-RFP: $15 Million and/or 500 employees. If a large business submits a proposal that involves solutions that are a mix of both services and a significant amount of equipment, which is not manufactured by that large business, can the large business gauge the size of all its small business subcontractors for this solicitation using the 500 employee size standard?
o The threshold is based on $15 million of revenue for the purposes of this acquisition.
For CS2 or CS2 – Small Business, what if an agency requests end-to-end/customized solutions/services/products not on the award price list? Can a modification be done?
o It is the intent of the Government that at the time of a Task Order requirement the Contractor will price the elements necessary to deliver a solution meeting the requirements of that Task Order. No modification to the master contract is necessary to award the Task Order and the prices for the specific solution for that Task Order requirement do not become binding for any other Task Order.