Supplementary information
Costs of treating diabetes-related complications
Complication / Year of event (EUR) / Subsequent years (EUR) / ReferenceCardiovascular complications
Myocardial infarction / 5,279 / 2,856 / [1], [2]
Angina / 2,444 / 1,348 / 2,[3]
Congestive heart failure / 3,609 / 3,609 / 2
Stroke / 5,705 / 2,118 / [4]
Stroke, death within 30 days / 3,937 / − / 4
Peripheral vascular disease / 1,899 / 2,856 / 2
Renal complications
Hemodialysis / 27,415 / 27,416 / [5]
Peritoneal dialysis / 22,898 / 22,898 / 5
Renal transplant / 35,496 / 7,955 / 2, 1
Ophthalmic complications
Laser treatment / 218 / − / [6]
Cataract operation / 1,280 / 1,125 / [7], [8]
Blindness / 5,920 / 625 / [9],[10], [11], [12],1
Neuropathy, foot ulcer and amputation
Neuropathy / 4,149 / 2,747 / 7, 2
Amputation / 10,244 / − / 2
Prosthesis / 13,100 / − / 2
Gangrene / 7,656 / − / 2
Uninfected ulcer / 5,009 / − / 2
Infected ulcer / 5,009 / − / 2
Acute events
Major hypoglycemic event / 741 / − / [13]
Minor hypoglycemic event / 0 / − / Assumed
EUR,2012 Euros
Complication / Utility / ReferenceDiabetes, no complications / 0.814 / [14]
MI, year of event / –0.129 / 14
MI, years 2+ / 0.736 / 14
Angina / 0.682 / 14
CHF / 0.633 / 14
Stroke, year of the event / –0.181 / 14
Stroke, years 2+ / 0.545 / 14
PVD / 0.57 / [15]
Microalbuminuria / 0.814 / 14
Gross proteinuria / 0.814 / 14
Hemodialysis / 0.490 / 15
Peritoneal dialysis / 0.560 / 15
Renal transplant / 0.762 / 15
Background diabetic retinopathy / 0.814 / 14
Background diabetic retinopathy, wrongly treated / 0.814 / 14
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy / 0.794 / [16]
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, no laser / 0.794 / 16
Macular edema / 0.794 / 16
Severe vision loss / 0.734 / 14
Cataract / 0.794 / 16
Neuropathy / 0.624
Healed ulcer / 0.814 / 14
Active ulcer / 0.600
Amputation, year of event / –0.109 / 14
Amputation, years 2+ / 0.680 / 14
Major hypoglycemia / – / [17]
Minor hypoglycemia / – / 17
Each unit of BMI over 25 / –0.0061 / [18]
BMI=body mass index, CHF=congestive heart failure, MI=myocardial infarction, PVD=peripheral vascular disease
[1]Informacióneconómicadel sector sanitario.
[2]Ministerio de Sanidad, Politica Social e Igualdad - GruposRelacionados de Diagnóastico (GRD) - 2008
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[12]Das Bundesversicherungsamt.
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