Course Guidelines
Modern World History
Ms. Miller
Classroom Requirements:
1. A pen or pencil, a highlighter and glue sticks
2. Notebook: Students will need one of the following: 1 ½ binder, 2 - 3 subject notebooks or 1 – 5 subject notebook. The notebook MUST BE 8 ½ X 11!
3. This notebook must be brought to class every day, as it’s a substantial part of class.
Classroom Procedures:
1. All students need to be in the classroom when the bell rings.
2. At the beginning of class, students are expected to sit in their seats and copy & answer the day’s Preview-Review question in their notebook. They are also responsible for updating their table of contents.
3. Homework will be assigned on an as needed basis. If we are unable to complete the days task in the time allotted, students will be asked to complete it for homework.
· Full credit will be given to those students who turn in accurate, readable, and on-time assignments
· Late assignments will be accepted for half credit until the Unit Test is given.
4. Grades are updated “daily” – students may ask at the end of class to see their current grade.
· Progress reports will be sent out mid-term when a student has a D or F.
Make –Up Work
· It is your responsibility to make-up work missed due to an absence.
· Arrangements to make-up work should be made immediately upon return from an absence. Failure to make-up work will result in a zero.
· Tests must be made up within three days after the absence.
Classroom Rules:
1. Students will be prepared for class.
2. This includes arriving to class on time with a pen/pencil, notebook and any assigned work.
· Classroom Environment – One of mutual RESPECT
· One person speaks at a time – others listen – Be Respectful
· Raise your hand to input ideas, answer questions or address the class.
3. Everyone will remain in their seats until the bell rings.
· There is NO standing at the door
4. Things that will not be tolerated in class:
· Profanity
· Sleeping
Ø Behavior infractions will 1st be handled between myself and the student.
Ø 2nd offense will involve parental contact (via phone or email)
Ø 3rd offense will result in a discipline write up processed through Administration
Extra Help:
I am available on Mondays and Thursday from 2:20 – 2:40/3:00. If necessary we can make special arrangements. However, I cannot help you if you don’t ask. If you don’t feel comfortable asking during class, come see me individually. Don’t forget there is always someone available in the Library before and after school for additional support!!!
I have read the guidelines above and I agree to follow them. Please return it signed by both student and parent.
Thank you for taking the time to read these guidelines. I look forward to working with you as the year progresses.
Student Signature Parent Signature