
Written by

Sean Lander

Registered: Sean Lander



“Highlander Park”

Winston Way

Molong 2866 NSW



April 14, 2005.


Final Draft

int.tom’s bedroom. dawn

Dream, it is hazy around the edges but vivid. Tom is tied to the ground and can’t break free. There is a beautiful girl standing over him. She kneels over Tom and kisses him. There is another beautiful girl crying, tied to a chair. Then the girl stands up and pulls out a sword. She points it a Tom’s neck.


Now Tom, I’m going to ask you one last time, where is Bart?


I’ll never tell you, you bitch.

She swings the sword up. Then there is a gun shot. She drops the sword and it lands right next to Tom’s head. Then she falls on top of Tom. Tom looks up and sees Tom standing in the doorway. Then the girl looks up at Tom. She pulls out a dagger. She stabs it into his chest. There is another gun shot. She drops dead on top of Tom. Tom starts to black out. The other beautiful girl runs over to him. She is crying.

Girl 2

Tom, no……………

She kisses Tom.

He blacks out completely.

Room is dark. Phone rings.



Tom sits up in bed and fells his chest. There is nothing there. Tom looks to the bedside clock: 4AM. He shakes his head to clear the image, then feels for the mobile and picks up the laptop instead.



But the telephone still rings. Tom looks at the laptop, puts it down and picks up the mobile.



Yo, Yo is that Stunts & Dares office.

Deano (v.o)

Tom, Bart’s trying to steal the secret formula.


What? Hold on a minute, did I hear that right, Bart’s trying to steal the secret formula?

Deano (v.o)

Yeah, that’s right.


Oh, ok, just I thought that you said th-

Deano (v.o)

He hem.



Oh crap, he has, I’ll be right there!

He jumps out of bed in his pj’s and sprints out. A moment later he runs back in with the pajama top stuck over his head as he tries to pull it off.


First, let’s get change.

And he whacks into the wardrobe, making himself dizzy. ****

ext. Baton Rouge/opening credits. dawn

Flying over Baton Rouge skyline as music plays over credits.

- Verse 1

I was woken up at four in the mornin’

By the phone that was Callin’ my name

- Verse 2

I jumped out of bed

And almost knocked myself dead

It hurt, it hurt, it hurt

- Chorus

Cause Stunts & Dares have pulled me in

Now I don’t have that good old grin

I stuffed about, I messed it up

And now they’ve pulled me in

- Verse 3

They trained me well

And now I’m bad

And now there’s no Turnin back

- Verse 4

I like to have some fun when

I pull out my gun

And everybody loses their pants

- Chorus

Cause Stunts & Dares have pulled me in

Now I don’t have that good old grin

I stuffed about, I messed it up

And now they’ve pulled me in

- Verse 5

Now Bart has gone, and I was wrong

And now there’s nothing left to do

So now, I sit, and I wonder, why, Oh why

- Verse 6

You have gone

- 2 X Chorus

Cause Stunts & Dares have pulled me in

Now I don’t have that good old grin

I stuffed about, I messed it up

And now they’ve pulled me in!!!

Repeat x1.

The camera zooms into--


A foot chase through the street at peak hour.

Tom runs after Bart and rolls over the top of a car and gets away.


Bugger, lost him again

A woman of about 20 is walking down the street.

Tom runs up and taps her on the shoulder.


Have you seen a man about this tall?

(Hold hand at about Ryan’s height)


Why, yes I have. He ran past here about 5 minutes ago.

Tom runs off, stops and comes back.


Which way.



Tom runs off, heading east!


Oh he’s fast! Wrong way!



It’s quicker this way.

int.bart the brains

Bart is working on a secret formula.


I’m sure it will work this time. Then I’ll be able to lure Tom into a trap, and like I could be nice, I mean honestly.



Get to the point!

(Under breath)

Oh, brother!



Okay, okay. I mean that I’ll capture Tom and test my formula on him.

Music starts, fade out.


I’m a bad man, Yes a bad man and I’m that man that works for crime,

You’re that good boy; yes that good boy who likes to win all the time.


Grand Canyon.


Tom arrives. Tom is carrying a black bag. He sees something on the other side of the canyon. His partner walks up beside him.


Well Jack. This is the job, it’s what we want, and it’s what we work for.


Yeah, I’m sure it is.

Tom puts the black bag on the ground and opens it. He pulls out a harpoon gun. Tom aims it at the other side of the canyon. Then there is a noise and he stops.



What the—

Tom notices movement behind a tree, drops the harpoon gun and pulls out his gun in an instant, Jack does the same, but his ammo falls out.


Oh, my god.

Agent Oll steps out.

Agent Oll

Don’t worry, it’s only me.


Look Oll, we were about to go across the canyon and the--

AGent Oll

Don’t get anxious Tom; you’re not going across there, not on my life. Anyway, I have been told that there is a change of plans, you go down the easy way, not the harpoon way.


I wasn’t going to do it the harpoon way, I was going to abseil down.

Tom looks at Jack.


Shut up Jack.


Bu-- Bu--




Ok, we’ll do it you’re way.

Agent Oll

Good. All you’ve got to do is get your harness on, tie it over the side here and run down to the bottom.

Camera looks at Tom and Jack. They both have stunned expressions on their faces.

oll (cont’d)

Don’t look so worried, it’s only a--


250 foot drop!

Agent Oll

Exactly! What the hell do you mean?


Don’t worry, we’ll do it anyway.

They put their harnesses on and winch themselves down so they can get their footing. Jack is really excited, Tom is bored.



Woo, this is cool. Man that Agent is good sometimes, good looking to.

Tom’s rope starts to slip.







I knew this thing wouldn’t hold long.


Everything ok down there?

Tom looks up.


Damn it, you scared me. The rope is breaking.


Ok hold on, I’ll winch you up.


Ok. Winch away.

Tom comes up and stands on the platform. Then there is a gun shot.


Shit, hit the deck.

Oll drops to the ground.



Stay there.


Copy, keep on channel 3.

Tom nods. Tom pulls out his gun and starts to run.


Ah, Tom, Tom, get back here right now!!!


Tom runs up to a gate and stops. He presses the talk button on his radio.


Delta, Alfa, Romeo, Echo, six, two, niner, come in, do you copy, I need backup now. Repeat, I need backup now; we are under fire from Bart and need backup immediately. Over.


Copy, this is Delta, Alfa, Romeo, Echo, six, two, niner. Back up is on its way, repeat, backup is on its way. Over.


Copy that, over and out.

A gun shot. He looks to see Bart firing at him. Bart suddenly stops firing and ducks down.

There is the sound of a helicopter, tom looks up and sees a helicopter coming down. Tom turns to look at Bart again, but he is gone.

The helicopter lands and six navy soldiers jump out. The helicopter takes off. The soldiers line up next to Tom. Tom gives the signal to move forward. They all spread out and slowly move forward. There is a gun shot and they all drop to the ground. They all start crawling forward on their stomachs. Tom jumps up and starts running. The soldiers follow suit. Tom shoots one snipering from a tree. The soldiers are firing and taking out people all over the place. Tom gives the signal to seise fire. The soldiers stop firing. They all see a grenade land in front of them. They scatter and dive on the ground. The grenade blows up. They all climb to their feet. Tom sees Bart and starts running after him. Bart starts running. Tom fires and Bart dives to the ground. Bart climbs into some bushes and disappears. Tom searches the bushes but can’t find Bart. Tom hears a distant cry.


Tom, Tom.

Tom looks up.


Ah damn, Jack.

Tom gets up and runs off.


Tom comes running over and throws himself to the ground just on the edge of the cliff. Tom looks down to see Jack hanging there.


Jack, get up here now.

Jack can’t swing up, so Tom jumps off and grabs the bottom of his old rope and wraps his hand up in the rope. Then he grabs Jack’s harness and swings him up onto the platform.

The rope snaps altogether. Tom starts falling to the bottom of the canyon. He turns around and sees he is coming up on a ledge. Tom lands on the ledge.

Jack leans over the edge. Tom starts laughing and Jack follows soon after.

Then Jack leans over the edge a bit more and the platform breaks off. Tom jumps out and grabs him. Then the ground is flying up to them.

Tom reaches out and grabs the platform, he pulls them onto it. Then Tom jumps up and grabs the hand rail.

Tom lands on the ground and places the platform on the ground.

Then they both start laughing again.

They stop laughing.


Hey Jack, where’d Oll go?


She went to look for you.


Well then, let’s find a way out of here.

They both turn and walk off.


The rocks are just a big pile of rocks near the Grand Canyon.

A little puff of smoke covers the scene.


(Cries out)

It’s working! Finally, I’ve been trying to perfect it for 5 years. Look at that, a hole but it looks like a video, but it’s really a hole. When Tom picks it up it will change back and he will fall in, excellent, here he comes now.


Tom is walking towards Barts trap.


Strange, strange, I don’t understand why the hell Oll called me out and doesn’t even tell me why I have to come out at 4:00 o’clock in the morning, strange, strange? But of course, she also put me over the side of the canyon, yes; it was to save our lives, so we wouldn’t get hurt or killed, not like I need it, but I was supposed to stay down there.


Bart has an evil smile on his face.


Wow, this is amazing, his looking right at it. He’s going to pick it up to, almost, almost. DAMN! He walked straight past it. I knew it should have been chocolate.

ext.roller blade


New Zealand.

Tom doing up laces/buckles. Looks up to see Bart in the ring.


Man, this guy’s everywhere.

Tom gets in the ring and almost runs into a roller blader.

Roller bladder


Bart looks up to see Tom, and then skates off.


You’re not going to get away this time.

Starts to skate after him, almost catches him and then two of Bart’s associates skate across in front of him just as there is a cry.


Shut up Jack.

Tom turns around to see Jack stuck in the basketball hoop.

tom (cont’d)

Just leave him there.

Associate 1

Oh, we’re sorry.

Associate 2

Very damn sorry, not, er, only joking.


So you better be.

Tom sees Bart has gone.




Damn, thanks a lot.

Tom skates off towards people that are doing really cool tricks. There is a crunch as Jack falls and slides along the ground. People laughing.

ext.outside skate

Tom and Jack walk outside. Tom’s phone rings.



Oll (v.o)

Tom, three employees at movie world on the Gold Coast have been killed. All shot. The park has kept it quite. But that won’t keep. You and Jack have to go get the guy. Send Jack off somewhere else. A team will meet you. You have to look at the body and determine what happened and find out who it was.


Alright. What time does plane leave?


Eleven o’clock. When you get to Brisbane, they’ll be a chopper to take you to movie world.


K’ then, thanks.

Tom looks at his watch. It says 2.38. The speaker crackles to life.

speaker (v.o.)

This is you’re captain speaking. The time is 2.38. We are now beginning our descent into Brisbane. Please take you seats. Thankyou for travelling with QANTAS.

Tom and Jack walk down the steps of the 747 QANTAS plane and over to the chopper waiting. Tom and Jack climb in. The chopper takes off.

The chopper flies down and over movie world and lands inside the production lot. Tom and Jack get out and walk towards the entry.


Movie World.

Gold Coast.

Tom and Jack walk into Movie World and look around.


What do we do?

Tom shakes his head.


You’re hopeless mate, that way.

Tom points towards the Lethal Weapon roller coaster.

Tom walks off in the other direction.

Camera follows Jack. He walks into the Wild West area. He looks up and sees the Wild, Wild, West ride. He walks over and jumps on.

Tom turns around and walks back towards the production lot.

ext.production lot.building

Tom walks up to the door, opens it and walks in. Tom walks off down the hall.

Tom walks through the door and stops. There are 6 men standing in the room. Two for each body. Tom walks over to the closest one.


What have we got?


Three dead; all shot in the heart twice, and once in the head. Familiar, ain’t it Tom?

Tom nods.


Yeah, yeah I guess it is. Um, Deano, you know this style, this is the way Bart’s assassins kill, isn’t it?


Yep, but only the first three series.


Ok, so I’m looking for a guy in a black suit, grey shirt and a pink tie?

Deano nods.

Tom turns around and walks out. Then stops.


Oh, and Tom, one more thing, there’s only one of them.


How can you be so sure?


Because, there’s only two left in the world. One in Australia, and one in Japan. They can’t leave their own country. And this guy is wearing Bloodstones.

Tom makes a strange face and walks out.

ext.entrance to the wild, wild,

Tom walks through the entrance and sees Jack with his hands in the air screaming as the ride flies down a hill. Tom shakes his head and sits down on the seat.


Jack gets off and walks out.

ext.entrance to the wild, wild,

Tom doesn’t follow. Tom sees a man in a black suit, grey shit, pink tie and a pair of Bloodstones. The man starts to follow Jack. Tom follows him. The man pulls out a gun. Tom sees it but doesn’t do anything. They reach the main street. There are hundreds of people. The man lifts up the gun and aims it at Jack. Tom starts running. The man fires. People scream. Tom tackles him. They both go to the ground. Tom pulls out his gun and puts it to the man’s head.


Who do you work for and why where you trying to kill my friend.

The man points at where Jack was. Tom can’t see him anywhere. Tom stands up. Tom keeps the gun pointed at him.


Stay there.

Tom sees Jack lying on the ground. He runs over to Jack. Tom goes speak but is cut off by a sharp pain. Tom collapses on the ground beside Jack. Tom raises his head to see the guy running away. Tom shoots at he but misses. The guy disappears.

ext.main street

Tom sits up and looks at Jack.

Jack opens his eyes and looks up at Tom.

