I. Call to Order
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of Preclarus Mastery Academy was held on Monday, March 07, 2016 6:05 p.m., at Preclarus Mastery Academy, 620 North Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63103.
Chair Lisa Clancy called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Chair Lisa Clancy conducted roll call. The following members were present:
Name / Title / In-Person / TeleconferenceLisa Clancy / Chair / x
Amanda Goldsmith / Vice Chair
Alisha Hill / Secretary / x
Tabbatha Sipes / Treasurer / x
Vontriece McDowell / Member / x
Quorum Present: Yes
Additional individuals also present:
Name / Title / In-Person / TeleconferenceDr. Harris / Head of School / x
I. Adoption of Agenda
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell to adopt the agenda as prepared. The motion carried unanimously.
II. Announcements & Public Petitions
III. Student and Staff Celebrations
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda
a. February Regular Meeting Minutes
b. February Closed Meeting Minutes
c. January Check Register/Credit Card Expenditures
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell to adopt the consent agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
V. Monthly Financials
VI. Actions
a. Employee/student communication policy
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell to adopt the employee/student communication policy. The motion carried unanimously.
b. 2016-2017 lease with Third Baptist Church
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell to approve the lease with Third Baptist Church effective July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2017. The motion carried unanimously.
VII. Reports & Discussion
a. Development (Lisa Clancy)
i. April 28 fundraiser
b. Head of School’s Update(Dr. Tonya Harris)
i. First reading: administrative action where policy does not exist
ii. February 24 snow day make-up
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell to approve the makeup day for March 25th. The motion carried unanimously.
iii. Final exams
iv. School logo
v. 2016-2017 school year calendar
vi. Summer School
vii. Student Recruitment
viii. Potential charter amendment to add 4th grade
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell to approve amending the charter to include the offering of 4th grade and increasing student enrollment to 225. The motion carried unanimously.
ix. Data Dashboard
VIII. Motion to move into closed session
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell, to recess into closed session to discuss personnel, legal and real estate matters at 7:38 pm. The motion carried unanimously.
IX. Roll Call
Chair Lisa Clancy conducted roll call. The following members were present:
Name / Title / Yes / NoLisa Clancy / Chair / x
Amanda Goldsmith / Vice Chair
Alisha Hill / Secretary
Tabbatha Sipes / Treasurer / x
Vontriece McDowell / Member / x
X. Open
Motion by Ms. Sipes, second by Ms. McDowell, we return to special session to discuss personnel matters and contracts at 8:05 pm. The motion carried unanimously.
XI. Roll Call Vote to Open Session
Chair Lisa Clancy conducted roll call. The following members were present:
Name / Title / Yes / NoLisa Clancy / Chair / x
Amanda Goldsmith / Vice Chair
Alisha Hill / Secretary
Tabbatha Sipes / Treasurer / x
Vontriece McDowell / Member / x
XII. Adjournment (1 min)
Motion by Ms. Sipes second by Ms. McDowell, to close the meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to a close by Ms. Clancy at 8:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Treasurer Tabbatha Sipes
Chair's Signature / Secretary's Signature