Gifted and Talented Children’s Association of South Australia
Annual General Meeting
Held at Glenunga International High School, 99 L’Estrange Street, Glenunga
at 1.15 pm on Saturday 17thSeptember 2011
- Opening and welcomeLesley Henderson (LH)welcomed everyone
- Members present:As per attached list
- Apologies: Nicky Smith (NS)
- Minutes of the previous AGM to be accepted as a true record of proceedings
MovedCassandra Lyons (CL)
SecondedTunya Greenhalgh (TG)
- Business arising from minutes: Nil
- Reports
- President: The President read out and tabled her report (copy attached)
- Treasurer:TG advised she had held the position only for a short time. On 2 November a high-interest account had been rolled over and a further investment account will mature in June and a similar decision is necessary.
- Audited statementswere presented to the Committee and duly signed
- Motion “that the reports tabled to be accepted”
Moved:Belinda Howarth (BH)
Seconded:Cassandra Lyons (CL)
- Nominations and election of the new committee –
President (LH) outlined the Committee positions and opened up the meeting to nominations. The following Nominations wereproposed and accepted:
Lesley Henderson
Nicola Encel
Tunya Greenhalgh
Kathryn Gruber
Chris Grzesik
Belinda Howarth
Cassandra Lyons
Margaret Smitherman
Bess Smith
Lynda Simons
Nicola Smith (in absentia)
Angela Bray (non-voting)
The Committee at its first meeting in November would determine areas for which each Committee member would be responsible
- President
- Minutes Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Treasurer
- Newsletter
- Website/Publicity
- Saturday Club
- Early Ahead
- Youth Workshops
- School Liaison – including DECS and PD
- CEASA representative
- AAEGT representative
- AOB:
- Acknowledgement of retiring GTCASA Committee members in 2011 – details in President’s report. However acknowledgement and thanks were given to retiring Committee, Leanne Isaacs, Ian Dall and Mary Minchin.
- A change to the Membership Criteria .It was proposed that there no longer be a requirement for the Nomination procedure which had been implemented when the Association began and when IQ was the only benchmark available to determine giftedness. It was acknowledged this requirement is now out-dated and memberships would be accepted upon presentation of a Full Membership Application form.
Hopefully this would allow the present Nominations Secretary, Chis Grzesik to concentrate more on liaison with schools and professional development issues.
- Planning for future children’s activities:
- Rachel Galettis outlined Friday night social/family activities she wished to undertake for the association and outlined her suggestions.
- Margaret Smitherman outlined plans for the Youth Workshops in July 2012 including plans for Robotic sessions
- Redesigning the GTCASA Website – this issue is also covered in the President’s report and we are grateful to Kat Gruber for taking on this role after webmaster Ian Dall’s resignation. Hopefully our website will be more user-friendly next year.
10Meeting closed at 3pm
Signed as a true and correct record ……………………………………………………
Date …………………………………………………………