BY-LAW CHANGES–Proposals for by-law amendments, repeals, or enactments may be submitted by any professional member in writing signed by not fewer than 12 professional members under by-law 17.5.1.
Proposals submitted under 17.5.1:
a)must be received by the secretary not less than 60 days before the anniversary of the last previous annual general meeting;
b)shall include the text of any proposed amendment or new by-law;
c)shall include a written statement outlining the purpose of such proposed by-law and the reasons why the proposed by-law is required and may include such otherinformation as the proponent considers necessary or desirable; and
d)shall include the full name, e-mail address and mailing address of the mover and seconder of such by-law proposal.
I, hereby proposethe by-law changes described herein.
(Please print full name of Mover)
Email Address: ______
Mailing Address: ______
I, hereby secondthe by-law changes described herein.
(Please print full name of Seconder)
Email Address: ______
Mailing Address: ______
1. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
2. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
3. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
4. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
5. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
6. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
7. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
8. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
9. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
10. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
11. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
12. ______Signature______
(Please print full name of Sponsor)
MJG/ BylawProposalForm.doc
2018 Annual General Meeting
Proposed Changes to By-Law XX which would
By-Law / Current Wording / Proposed Wording / ReasonTOC
XX / XX.1 Title
XX.2 Subtitle
XX.2.1 Clause / XX.1 New Title
XX.2 New Subtitle
XX.2.1 New Clause / Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sem odio, egestas id semper sodales, mattis a est.
XX / XX.1 Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sem odio, egestas id semper sodales, mattis a est. Mauris quis ex erat. Etiam vestibulum nibh sed luctus tristique. Nam dolor justo, sagittis faucibus turpis ut, vulputate volutpat ex. Morbi rutrum faucibus quam, sit amet maximus ligula. Sed egestas ornare tempor. Vestibulum risus tellus, gravida vitae libero eget, tincidunt condimentum lacus. / XX.1 New Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sem odio, egestas id semper sodales, mattis a est. Mauris quis ex erat. Etiam vestibulum nibh sed luctus tristique. Nam dolor justo, sagittis faucibus turpis ut, vulputate volutpat ex. Morbi rutrum faucibus quam, sit amet maximus ligula. Sed egestas ornare tempor. Vestibulum risus tellus, gravida vitae libero eget, tincidunt condimentum lacus. / Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sem odio, egestas id semper sodales, mattis a est.