7:00 P.M.


1.0 Call to Order- Chairman Burt Batty called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Members present were Seth Goodall, Leighton Carver, Dave Thompson, Richard Goodall along with Dana Tuttle, Mrs. Tuttle, Dana Sullivan, Harold Averill, Laurisa Loon, Cliff Goodall and Thomas Fortier, Town Manager.

2.0 Pledge of Allegiance

2.1 Moment of Silence

3.0 Request to approve Board of Selectmen minutes of November 08, 2007.

Selectman Carver made a motion to approve the minutes of November 08, 2007, as amended, Selectman Thompson seconded, motion passed (5-0).

Selectman Goodall would like to amend the minutes as follows:

6.1 Richmond School Union Committee


6.1 Richmond School Planning Committee.

Both Richmond and Monmouth have not made recent improvements to their school buildings where the other schools have made minor to major improvements, Richmond’s approximate amount $192,000., Monmouth $220,000., Halldale and Farmingdale at $200,000., and Dresden $35,000. Tuesday’s meeting will finalize the local advisory boards. The June meeting vote will hopefully be to approve the new RSU. Selectman S. Goodall recommends discussing holding town meeting in May and vote on the RSU in June.

Selectman Carver would like to amend the minutes as follows:

8.2 Selectmen

Selectman Carver- The recent loan committee meeting approve two TIF loans one for $8,500. for a new furnace and one for $100,000. at 5% for 20yrs, balloon at 10 years to Micro Technologies and one for $20,000. to a catering business “Texas B-B-Q.” The Revolving Loan Committee approved $8,500. for a new furnance.

4.0 Appointments, Resignations, Proclamations, Resolutions-None

5.0 Public Hearings, Presentation-None

6.0 Administrative Items-Unfinished Business

6.1 Richmond School Union Planning Committee-Seth Goodall

An update on the School Consolidation issue.

This past Wednesday November 14th was the first of four meetings to be held in each town next Tuesdays meeting November 27th will be to schedule the rest of the meetings hoping to hold at least one a month. The board of directors was originally 11 members which has been changed to 12 for Dresden adding one additional member. A workshop is to take place to discuss the land which the school currently rests upon.

6.2  Fuel Tank Policy Charge-Thomas Fortier

Selectmen discussion and possible action on policy for surcharge per gallon for reserve account.

Town Manager discusses the cost of replacing the underground fuel tank, gas keys and computer software and the importance of creating a reserve for the expected “future costs” of such replacements. Currently the Richmond School, Richmond Utilities, Dresden School and Fire Department and also Bowdoinham has recently inquired about using the fuel. The policy will charge the users an additional 5¢ per gallon which will be placed in a reserve account. Seth Goodall made a motion to give the Town Manager permission to negotiate at 5¢ per gallon with the respected users, Dave Thompson seconded, motion passed (5-0).

6.3 DEP/MDIFW: Shoreland Zoning-Thomas Fortier

Follow up to resident issue on shoreland zoning and setback requirements mandated by DEP/MDIFW.

The Town Managers discusses his meeting at the Tuttle property with Doug Marble, Dana Tuttle, several other citizens, DEP and MDIFW. Property cannot be developed within 250’ of shoreland property, due to waterfowl and habitat. The Town Manager encourages Dana Tuttle to continue to correspond with Seth Berry and gather additional land owners with the similar situation. It would also be a good idea to notify the residents in the next edition of the “Mainely Richmond.”

7.0 Administrative Items-New Business

7.1  Sale of Town Car-Thomas Fortier

Discussion and possible action on town car to highest bidder after public notice.

Town Manager discussed the Crown Victoria which needs a new engine would like to place out for bid “as is.” Leighton Carver made a motion to put the car out to bid, Seth Goodall seconds, motion passed (4-1-0) Dave Thompson abstains from vote.

8.0 Miscellaneous Business-Oral & Written Communications

8.1  Public-Dana Sullivan would like to be notified of Planning Board and Selectmen Agendas, Laurisa Loon will follow up and make sure the agendas are “e-mailed” to Mr. Sullivan and the planning board chair.

8.2 Selectmen

Selectman S. Goodall-The recent Economic Development meeting went well, part of the meeting consisted of Mike White from Island Carpentry who is wishing to place a 5 lot subdivision with energy efficient homes on the corner of William Street and the Alexander Reed Road. Also discussed was the Streetscape plan, Lane Field, Christmas decorations and Richmond Days. Also would like the Town Manager to look into how the town can save on gas/oil. Town Manager responds that he actually has already discussed at a recent Department Head meeting that exact topic whether it be the police making fewer rounds, highway less trips, etc.

Selectman Batty-A waterfront meeting will be schedule for sometime in December, other matters to be discussed in Executive Session.

Selectman Carver- The recent Fire Department Reunion went extremely well, Andy Pierce does a great job, its good to recognize the members of our local fire department and all that they do.

Selectman Thompson- Revisited whether or not the Selectmen stipend policy needs to be revised, the Town Manager assures him that it does not need to be changed and that it was initially misinterpreted.

8.3 Town Manager-The Holding Area will be opened an additional weekend December 1st and 2nd. Flyers have been placed around town and given out last weekend also a sandwich board is placed at the holding area stating the additional weekend. He also received the notification from DEP regarding swimming in the Kennebec River although at certain times like after a heavy rain it is not advisable. Town Manager referred to the editorial in the Times Record 11/19/07 “Richmond on the Rise.”

8.4 Boards and Committees-None

9.0 Warrants

9.1 Request for action regarding all disbursement warrants.

Selectman Carver made a motion to approve and sign the warrant, Selectman Thompson seconded, motion passed (5-0).

Selectman Carver made a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:19 p.m., Selectman Thompson seconded motion passed (5-0).

Executive Session-No action taken

Selectman Thompson made a motion to move out of Executive Session at 9:00 p.m., Selectman Carver seconded motion passed (5-0).

10.0 Adjournment

Selectman Thompson made a motion to adjourn at 9:02 p.m., Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (5-0).

Respectfully Submitted by:______

Laurisa Loon

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