Where the Margin Is

International Conference

for agricultural producers
and suppliers of agricultural

inputs and services

January 31, 2013

Moscow, Radisson Slavianskaya Hotel


Press release #9 as of January21, 2013

We continue the preparations for the 4-th International agricultural conference Where the Margin Is, January 31, 2013, Moscow Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel.

Amongnewlyjoineddiscussants and roundtableparticipants:

ViktoriaAbramchenko, Director, Department of land policies, Russian Ministry of Agriculture;

PeterBreunig, Strategic planner (small grains), John Deere and Co;

Stephane MacFarlane, General director, RZ Agro;

РустемМиргалимов, ChairmanoftheBoardofdirectors, Razgulay;

Ivan Dyakov, Head pof crop production division, Mordovskiy Becon.

Among the newly registered companies: Demetra, KCM International Ltd, Bank VTB, StylePolymer Ltd., Cargill Yug, JSC August Inc., TH Sodrugestvo, DANKO, Start Finance, Kverneland Group CIS., CELLTRION, Inc. (South Korea)., BAM Saransk, CONVEX International GmbH (Germany), Intensivnie Agrotechnologii Llc, Informa, Troya TH, Agro Expert Group Llc, Uralkali JSC, Argus Media, Plus Farm (Stavropol), KIT Finance Broker,Rossia Insurance Co, Russian Agricultural Bank JSC and other companies and organizations.

Our participants:

Celltrion is South Korean diversified portfolio company. In Russia the company has a farming affiliate in Rostov region, which includes greenhouse, and vegetables storage. The company has plans to extend its farming portfolio in Russian to 30 THA of arable lands.

As of the middle of January,the Conference «land bank» exceeded 4.8 MHA of arable land.

Among the Conference participants:

The representatives of major domestic agroholdings and farmsteads Agrico (Stavropol), Agroco (Belgorod), Alpcot, AkBars (Tatarstan), CNH Capital, ASB (Stavropol), BaltAgroKorm (Kaliningrad), Valinor Management, GrainRus (Voronezh), Doronichi (Kirov), Dominant, EkoNiva, KazExportAstyk (Kazakhstan), Krasnodarzernoprodukt,KTG Agrar, Agrocomplex Mansurovo (Kursk), Molochniy Product (Ryazan), Plodorodie, Plus Farm (Stavropol),Russkiy Dom, Razgulay, Razdolie (Volgograd), RusAero-market (Krasnodar), Rusagro-Invest, RusGrain, Trio XXI (Lipetsk) Yug Rusi, and other companies and farmsteads;

The representatives of domestic and international trading houses and food processing companies Afegra Eastern Europe, Barry Callebaut NL Russia, Vitol Services B.V., Mondelēz International, Bunge CIS, Glencore, Eris Flour Mills,Cargill Yug, Louis Dreyfus Vostok, Michurinsk Milling Company, Mana Food Processing, United Grains Company», Oskolskaya Muka Ltd.,Sodrugestvo, Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, United Grains Company, VAIT Kuban and others;

The representatives of agricultural input and services suppliers Advag, Bayer Crop Science, BASF, Dupont Schience and Technology, Eurotechnika MPS, Klever and others;

The representatives of investment, banking and major conglomerates community Alfa Bank, AVG Capital Partners, BASEL, Ed Capital, VTB Capital.

Major Conference topics:

  • The situation and outlook for main domestic and international agricultural commodities markets
  • The government regulation of the Russian agriculture: Round Table of the leaders of major agribusiness associations of Russia. Dmitry Yuriev, deputy minister of agriculture, to tae part in the Round Table.
  • Agricultural investments in Russian and Black Sea Region: problems, risks, opportunities.
  • Russian agricultural land markets: how to make them function.
  • Conventional, minimum and no till: world experience and implications for Russia and Black Sea region countries. Round table discussion of the leading world and domestic experts.
  • New tools and mechanism of ag production and price mitigation risks.

Tentative program of Conference:

Conference up-dates:

Participation conditions:


Materials of the previous conferences 2012, 2011, 2010 see:
• Photo reports 2012, 2011, 2010
• Event activities 2012, 2011, 2010
• Participants 2012, 2011, 2010
• Post-releases 2012, 2011 (*.doc)