Zminijietna – Lehen ix-Xellug
14/8 Vincenti Buildings, Strait Street, Valletta VLT1432

Press Release: 17/9/07
Stqarrija Stampa: 17/09/07
(Verzjonijiet bl-Ingliz u bil-Malti)
EU Commission's VAT proposal is anti-social" Zminijietna - Voice of the Left
Zminijietna - Voice of the Left said that it disagrees with the proposal of
the European Commission to have a uniform VAT rate on all products and
services. Zminijietna - Voice of the Left urged the Maltese Government to
take a strong and clear stand against this proposal.
Zminijietna - Voice of the Left said
"The proposal of the European Commission dumps all goods and services into
one category, irrespective of their social status. Therefore, products and
services such as energy, education, foodstuffs, medicinals, goods used by
disabled persons, tourist accommodation, printed material can be subject to
a harmonised VAT rate, even of 20% or more, without any social or
environmental consideration".
"This proposal is anti-social and is miles away from any sense of
environmental sustainability. It will effectively result in higher prices.
Many workers and families are already facing stress caused by long working
hours for low pay, even amongst those in jobs with relative security".
"Zminijietna - Voice of the Left believes that VAT should be subject to
different rates, whereby products and services are taxed according to
social, economic and environmental criteria. The nation state should have
sovereignty over this matter. We urge the Maltese government to lobby
accordingly within the European Union".
"The proposal of the European Commission has a clear neo-liberal direction,
which shows the strength of rightist politics across the continent, which
ultimately results in more inequality. This should be confronted by a strong
political left. Zminijietna - Voice of the Left supports those political
parties, trade unions and movements which are pushing towards more equality
and social justice".
Michael Briguglio
Public Relations Officer
Mob 9989 4634
"Il-Proposta tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea dwar il-VAT hi anti-socjali"
Zminijietna - Lehen ix-Xellug
Zminijietna - Lehen ix-Xellug qalet li ma taqbilx mal-proposta
tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea li jkun hemm rata ta' VAT uniformi fuq il-prodotti w
servizzi kollha. Zminijietna - Lehen ix-Xellug appellat lill-Gvern Malti
niex jiehu pozizzjoni b'sahhitha u cara kontra din il-proposta.
Zminijietna - Lehen ix-Xellug qalet
"Il-proposta tal-Kumissjoni Ewropea tpoggi l-prodotti w servizzi kollha taht
kategorija wahda, irrispettivament mill-istat socjali taghhom. Ghalhekk,
prodotti w servizzi bhall-energija, edukazzjoni, ikel, medicina, prodotti li
juzaw nies b'dizabilita', akkomodazzjoni turistika u materjal stampat jista'
jkollhom rata armonizzata, anke ta' 20% jew iktar, minghajr ebda
kunsiderazzjoni socjali jew ambjentali".
"Din il-proposta hi wahda anti-socjali u ma taghmilx sens f'dak li ghandu
x'jaqsam ma' sostenibilta' ambjentali. Dan ser iwassal ghal prezzijiet iktar
gholjin. Hafna haddiema w familji diga' qed ikollhom hafna stress minhabba
sieghat twal ta' xoghol ghal paga baxxa, anke fost dawk b'xogholijiet li
joffru sigurta' relattiva".
"Zminijietna - Lehen ix-Xellug temmen li l-VAT ghandha tithaddem b'rati
differenti, fejn prodotti w servizzi jigu ntaxxati skond kejl socjali,
ekonomiku u ambjentali. In-nazzjon ghandu jkollu sovranita' fuq din
il-kwistjoni. Nappellaw lill-Gvern Malti biex jahdem b'dan it-tir fi hdan
l-Unjoni Ewropea".
"Il-proposta tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea ghandha direzzjoni neo-liberali cara, u
dan juri s-sahha tal-politika leminija fil-kontinent, li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar
twassal ghal iktar inugwaljanza. Dan ghandu jigi konfrontat permezz ta'
xellug politiku b'sahhtu. Zminijietna - Lehen ix-Xellug tappoggja lil dawk
il-partiti, unjins u movimenti li qed jahdmu ghal iktar ugwaljanza u
gustizzja socjali".
Michael Briguglio
Ufficjal Relazzjonijiet Pubblici
Mob 9989 4634