Overview of the ECU Internship for Teacher Education Majors
The internship, including MAT’s, for all teacher education majors is a two-semester experience in a public school classroom with a specially trained clinical teacher. The first semester (Senior I) is to acclimate the intern to the public school environment, i.e. to understand policies and procedures, to understand the multiple roles of the classroom teacher, to begin to understand the diverse needs of students, and to begin the process of long-range curricular planning and delivery of instruction. Interns visit the schools an equivalent of one day a week and report for the teacher hours.
The second semester (Senior II) is a full semester of teaching, with the clinical teacher providing constant feedback to the intern about the teaching and learning process. Interns begin by teaching one small block of time, subject or activity. The teaching load will be gradually increased until a full load is reached. Interns teach full time for a minimum of 15 consecutive days. In addition, the intern, with support from the clinical teacher and the university supervisor, develops a portfolio to document his/her growth and development as a beginning classroom teacher.
Senior I – Major Events
Event / Fall/Spring Cycle / Spring/Fall Cycle
Intern requests placement / Spring or lst Summer session / End of October
OCE notifies intern of placement / Summer / December
Intern participates in required Senior I Seminar / August / January
Intern reports to school the week following Senior I Seminar / August / January
Intern visits school the equivalent of one day a week following ECU calendar / August - December / January - May
OCE coordinators and program area coordinators contact Senior I teachers / Once during Semester / Once during Semester
Intern and clinical teacher complete Senior I Agreement Form / End of Semester / End of Semester
OCE assigns supervisors / December – January / May – June
Senior II – Major Events
Event / Fall/Spring Cycle / Spring/Fall Cycle
Supervisor conducts initial visit / By first 10 days of Senior II / By first 10 days of Senior II
Intern attends Senior II seminar / January / August
Intern reports to school and follows school calendar during Senior II / January - May / August
Intern, clinical teacher and supervisor complete a long range plan / January / August
Supervisor observes - minimum 4 times / January – April / September – December
Intern completes portfolio / Date set by University Supervisor / Date set by University Supervisor
Intern completes 15 all days / By May / By December
Supervisor,with input from clinical teacher, completes final evaluation form / May / December
Intern participates in Senior II Seminar / May / December
Intern completes internship / May / December
Interns, including MAT interns,are responsible for adhering to all of the following policies and procedures. Signing the Application for Internship indicates awareness and acceptance of these policies and procedures. If it is discovered at any point during the application process or during the internship that an intern has not adhered to these matters, the intern may be removed from the internship immediately.
  1. Prior to interning, the applicant must (1)be classified as a senior, (2) meet all departmental requisites, overall 2.5 GPA and (3) be in good standing according to the University records (those with pending University disciplinary action or legal action will be accepted pending the outcome of the action. Applicants who have been arrested and convicted of violation of local, state, or federal drug laws or of other serious offenses involving moral turpitude will not be admitted).

  1. An intern must complete the“Application for Internship”and submit to their program area internship coordinator no later than one year prior to the Senior II internship. Specific deadlines are established by the ECU Council for Teacher Education. Special circumstances must be discussed with the coordinator at the time of the application. Submission of the application does not constitute registration for coursework. (Applications are availableon the Office of Clinical Experiences website at “Intern Forms and Resources”.)

  1. In Alignment with NC Program Approval Standards, students must be admitted to upper division and submit their Senior I application to the program area internship coordinator by: (a) end of first summer session for fall/spring internships (b) prior to the opening day of the spring semester for spring/fall internships. The program area internship coordinator will verify admission to upper division on the intern’s application at the time of submission to the Office of Clinical Experiences.

  1. Assignments will be located within the Latham Clinical Schools Network. The candidates prioritize their top four choices based on a variety of factors: location, employment hopes, family, home, etc. The internship is a yearlong experience so both Senior I and Senior II will be at the same placement site.

  1. The Office of Clinical Experiences will place an intern in the best environment possible. While an intern’s preference is always considered, other critical factors affect the final placement decision, including application deadlines, program area requests, travel time and distance for interns, distribution to systems, system liaison and principal recommendations, and availability of clinical teachers in the licensure area. Transportation is the responsibility of the intern.

  1. Interns are not allowed to arrange their own internship placements by contacting administrators, principals or teachers. All placement requests must originate from the Office of Clinical Experiences.

  1. Interns are not placed in schools in which they attended, have relatives employed, have been employed, or have children enrolled. The only exception that is allowed is for full-time employed teacher assistants. With approval from the school district and/or principal, the teacher assistant may remain at their school for Senior I, but then they must be placed in a different school for Senior II. (See Teacher Assistant Guidelines)

  1. Internship placements outside the network are reserved for special circumstances and must be approved by the program area coordinators before submission to the Office of Clinical Experiences. Unacceptable reasons for a placement outside the network include a desire to live in another location, future employment opportunities, financial difficulties and the convenience of a requested location.

  1. The Senior II Semester constitutes a full-time academic load. Interns may not register for additional coursework except through the “Petition for Exception” process.

  1. The internship places responsibility and time demands on interns, far beyond what is normally experienced in a semester. Part-time employment often interferes with successful performance. Internship responsibilities are never waived or modified to accommodate the demands of outside employment. Therefore, part time employment is strongly discouraged.

  1. If an intern becomes aware at any time that he/she is ineligible for the internship, the intern is required to cancel the internship using the “Cancellation Form” available on the OCE website. Failure to do so is considered unprofessional because of the negative impact on the university and the school system involved.

  1. Interns must comply with the policies, procedures and expectations for teachers of the school system to which they are assigned, including attendance, work hours, dress, and personal conduct, as well as the Code of Ethics for NC Educators available at During Senior II, interns follow the calendar of the school system, rather than that of East Carolina University.

  1. Attendance and punctuality are mandatory for all daily school activities and for all on-campus events, including Senior I and Senior II Seminars.

  1. If an intern has previously withdrawn or been involuntarily removed from an internship leading to licensure, the intern must submit a “Petition for Exception” to the Office of Teacher Education along with a new “Application for Internship” to be considered for a new placement. Interns will be placed in a county different from their original internship, except under extenuating circumstances.

  1. If an applicant makes the decision to postpone internship after an application has been submitted and before a placement has been confirmed, the applicant must notify the Office of Clinical Experiences and the Advising Center in writing immediately.

  1. If the intern has a documented disability that requires accommodations during the internship, the intern must notify Liz Johnston, ECU ADA Coordinator/Director-Disability Support Services at or 252-737-1016 immediately.

I have read the above statement, INTERNSHIP PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, and I agree to accept and abide by the policies and conditions stated herein.

Revised 1/24/13