
Euro-Mediterranean Summit

of Economic and Social Councils

Ljubljana, 15 November


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour and a real pleasure to address you today at this Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils in Ljubljana.

I apologise that I can’t be with you in person.

Since the launching of the Barcelona process, the Economic and Social Council Summits have been important platforms for civil society to contribute ideas to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

More generally, institutions for social dialogue are building-blocks for open societies. They are essential to achieve the right balance between economic development and social progress.

Therefore, theEuropean Commission is proud to contribute to strong economic and social partners through our TRES-MED programme.

This programme has created a framework for stable regional cooperation.Its aim is to promote consultative institutions in democratic countries, to strengthen civil society, and to encourage its representatives to participate in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and in the European Neighbourhood Policy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

During the next days, you will discuss issues that are at the very heart of the relationship between Europe and its Mediterranean partners.

Theseare key challenges that we face together in the forthcoming years: The challenges of poverty and social cohesion, of employment, economic growth, and gender equality.

These questions require an even stronger EU engagement in the region, both politically and economically. And they need a deeper partnership between the EU and our neighbours in the South and East.

This is what the European Neighbourhood Policy is about:

Shapinga common agenda with our closest neighbours, based on a strong, reform-driven partnership.

In the next weeks, I will propose measures to make the Neighbourhood Policy even more effective and beneficial to our partners.

Let me in particular welcome the discussion you will have on the role of women in society, a subject that is very dear to me.

As you know, we just held the first Euro Mediterranean ministerial conference in Istanbul,on strengthening the role of women in society.

There, we approved an action plan for the next five years to promote women’s political, economic and social rights and to fight against all forms of violence against women.

I am also particularly glad that support to our youth is among the themes you will be discussing.

One of the most useful and visible programmes that the Commission has set up is the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Programme.

To date, more than 25.000 young citizens from both sides of the Mediterranean have participated in training activities and intercultural visits, to strengthen mutual knowledge and put aside deep-rooted misunderstandings.

We are now building on these achievements. At the end of this month, Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Affairs Ministers will meet in Finland to agree a substantial work programme for 2007.

I am sure that the Economic and Social councils of the region will continue to play an active part in filling this programme with life.Because more than ever, our Partnership needs a strong, pluralistic and enriching contribution by our civil society.

Trade unions, employers associations and NGOs are both actors and beneficiaries of the Barcelona Process and the Neighbourhood Policy. The region’s social partners are our natural partners. Your commitment and your participation are fundamental to achieve one of our major objectives: to reduce the economic and social gaps that still exist between the north and the south of the Mediterranean.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish you open and productive discussions in the following days.The European Commission fully supports your work, and I want to deepen our Partnership over the next years. Together, we can achieve economic and social progress for the people of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Thank you.