Crosswinds Newsletter

May, 2006

Making Westover a Better Place

FREE DONUTS, FREE JUICE! Now that we've got your attention, we also need YOU, family members and friends to pitch in for Westover Crossing's Annual Spring Planting & Clean-up Day Saturday May 13. It's the day we spruce up and beautify the community forsummer by planting flowers at the entrance/common areas; cleaning up the tennis courts and pool area; tohelp keep our community the most attractive in the area!We’ll meet at 10 AM at the entrance to WC. Even if you can only spare an hour or so, it will be a big help! Please bring anything you think we can use such as garden tools, push brooms, wheelbarrow and trash bags. And don't forget the suntan lotion,bottled waterand radio! See you SATURDAY,10 AM! “Drop-ins” throughout the day are welcome and appreciated.

Get-Togethers and Events

2nd Annual Adult Pool Party Mark July 15 on your calendar to Cast Away for the 2nd Annual Adult Pool Party. The Communications Committee’s plans for this year’s party are already under way. Chris Shea has volunteered to chair this year's big event and it will be even more special than last year's successful gala. There will be food, fun and games, swimming and plenty of great conversation.

The time will be 7 to 10 p.m. and everyone is invited to B.Y.O.B. (Those attending must be 21 or older to gain admittance - - and a photo ID will be required for anyone appearing to be under 40!)

The Communications Committee will coordinate the arrangements and welcomes volunteers to help in any way. If you have access to used Fed Ex packaging or Tom Hanks, please let Chris know at 610-630-0625. If you are willing and able to join the planning fun, call Chris at the above number, Judy Baca at 610-630-0492, Kim Parsons at 610-631-5019, or Betsy Plume at 610-631-6757

A Fun Time Was Had Those who attended the Westover Crossing "Meet and Greet" at Westover Golf Club's Michael's on April 20 had an opportunity to become acquainted with new neighbors aswell as re-acquainted with those they haven't seen over the winter hibernation period. After realizing that several groups had congregatedon different sides of the bar, everyone convened for an evening of fun, conversation, food and drink.


1st Annual WCHOA Golf Outing!

It’s amazing what a trip to the driving range at Westover Golf Club can produce. One recent evening, coincidence brought together three Westover Crossing residents on the range, and later (where else?) at the bar. The topic: A first community golf outing. The idea was well received at the recent ``Meet & Greet’’ at Michael’s, and we’re off and running!

Golfers, start your engines, er practicing! The 1st Westover Crossing Golf Outing is set for Saturday, June 24 at Westover GC, with tee times starting at 1 p.m. for all who sign up in advance.

Details were being worked on at press time. We’ll have more info as you pre-register, but don’t wait! We’ll need a player count by the end of May, so get your name, address, phone number to outing chairperson Kevin Mulligan () ASAP, or leave a message at 610-630-1636. Depending on the response/interest, Westover Golf Club can provide lunch (at additional cost) before. Anyone interested in being on Kevin’s golf committee, or donating prizes (gift certificates, etc.) please mention that and any donor leads to Kevin.

A fun social day for the “driven” golf aficionados and duffers is planned. We hope this becomes an anticipated annual event! FORE!

Life in a Townhouse Community

General Rules, Regulations and Architectural Standards: Request for Homeowners Input Residents of this community it is time to get involved in the process. The board is requesting that all property owners conduct their own review of the Rules and Regulations and list in writing, enhancements, improvements, omissions, or additions they would like to see incorporated in these Standards.

All members should have a copy of the Westover Crossing General Rules, Regulations and Architectural Standards (December 2003) in their possession as well as some addendums and revisions dated April 2004. If you do not have these documents, contact Sandy at The Galman Group to get a copy or go to

Please reference to the pertinent Section title (e.g. K. Signs 2. a.). Please forward all material to Bill Jupin’s attention and leave your inputs in the mail slot at the Clubhouse. The compiled list will be presented to the Architectural Control/Maintenance Committee Meeting. Their work will go to the Covenance Committee & then be presented to the entire Board of Directors. Please complete your review and have your feedback and ideas in the Clubhouse mailbox by May 18, 2006.

And now a disclaimer of sorts.

Keep in mind that we the owners elect Directors to act on our behalf, in accordance with established Guidelines and By-laws, in a manner that is deemed to be in the best interests of the

(Life in a Townhouse Community cont. pg. 1) community as a whole. As such, not every proposed rule change will

necessarily be acted on, if other members of the community do not concur, if it is not consistent with the intent of the HOA or, if there are legal or economic issues associated with a proposed change which would make their implementation impractical. The Board makes the final decision. That is why it is important that you vote in the July elections.

The Board will report back to you on the results of this activity and list what changes were made

Annual Aesthetic Maintenance Survey There will be NO aesthetic maintenance survey this spring. Last year, the 12 member team of surveyors and community residents did a terrific job. Stock in Sandtone paint soared to an all time high. Most residents completed their unit’s survey work making Westover Crossing looks beautiful. This spring, in lieu of conducting another 12 page survey — Yes, the survey team looked at 12 pages of survey points on every unit — we are going to focus on the units that had not completed all their work at the fall reinspection time. So, if you promised you would complete your survey items this spring or you did not get to an item on your survey, it is now time to finish those items. Over the next several weeks The Galman Group will follow up on incomplete surveys. If you hurry, you can have the work done before Galman gets to your street.

Although there is no aesthetic maintenance survey this year, please remember that it is your responsibility to assess your own home and arrange for maintenance. Paint fading? Wood rotting? Shingles blown off? Weeds need to be pulled? Get a jump start on next spring’s survey and avoid having your home end up on Westover Crossing’s extreme makeover list.

**Moving? Contact The Galman Group for an Estoppel Certificate.**

Annual Meeting - July 27, 2006 The Annual Homeowners meeting will be held on Thursday July 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Westover Crossing Clubhouse. Two positions are opening on the Board of Director. Do you have degrees or experience in accounting, law, contract negotiation, management, facilities management, home construction or budget management? Westover Crossing needs your experience and expertise to continue making this community a great place to live. Contact The Galman Group for a board member application. Completed applications can be submitted (mail, email, or clubhouse mailbox) to Galman Group by June 30, 2006.

Format of Annual Meeting Last year, the Annual Meeting was restructured for efficient time management of the agenda and resident concerns. Over the next two months, residents may submit questions or subjects they would like covered at the Annual Meeting. This will allow The Galman Group to conduct research and move the Q&A session along allowing for more subject matter to be addressed. If you have a question or topic, please forward to The Galman Group (mail, email or clubhouse drop-off) by July 15

Good Reason to Meet the Neighbors Is your stucco looking grey, dingy, dirty & mildewy? -Is that a word? - How about power washing it? Why not get together with all the other units in your cluster and hire one company to do the entire cluster? Does the 20-year-old roof on your cluster need to be replaced? Does everyone in your cluster have a Penn Red front door & yours door & metal roof have faded to pink?

Message from the Township Let it Snow, Let it Snow…but not in the streets. Snow is not something we want to think about on a beautiful spring day, but living in the northeast we know every winter that it is inevitable that we will be shoveling the white stuff. Living so close together in a town home community, on relatively small plots of land, presents its own problems for snow disposal. “I’ve already filled up the front lawn, where am I going to put the rest of this snow?” We’ve all seen those giant mountains of snow creeping from the edges of our driveways into the public street. Well, in December 2005 in an effort to keep the streets clear of snow the West Norriton Township passed a new ordinance which prohibits anyone from throwing, shoveling or plowing snow into the streets. According to the new ordinance snow must be put on your property not the street. Why all the noise from the township over Westover Mountain? It seems that the code enforcement officer drove through our little homestead after a storm and found the public street looked like an Eskimo Village. According to the letter sent to the HOA, anyone who puts snow in the street will be fined up to $600.00. If you need more information on this ordinance you can contact the West Norriton Township at 610-631-0450.


May 13 Annual Planting/Clean up Day

(rain date 5/20)

May18 Homeowners Input on “General

Rules, Regulations and

Architectural Standards” due

May 23 Architectural Control/

Maintenance Committee Meeting

May 27 Pool open 12 noon ‘til 7 on


May 28 Pool open 12 noon ‘til 7

May 30 Board of Directors Meeting

June 1st Monthly HOA fee due

June 3 & 4 Pool open 12 noon ‘til 7

June 10 & 11 Pool open 12 noon ‘til 7

June 14 Communications Committee

June 17 Pool open daily 12 noon ‘til 7pm

June 17 Community Yard Sale (rain date


June 20 Architectural Control/

Maintenance Committee Meeting

June 24 1st Annual Golf Outing

June 27 Board of Directors Meeting

June 30 Board Nominations Due

July 12 Communications Committee

July 13 Questions for Annual Mtg Due

July 15 Adult Pool Party

July 15 through 23 Garden Contest


July 27 Annual Members Meeting &

Award of Garden Contest Winners

Treasures in Your Attic? The community wide yard sale is scheduled for June 17, 2006 (rain date June 24). Carol McFarland, chairperson for this event, will obtain the West Norriton Township permit, place the ads, and design flyers. If you are interested in participating, contact Carol on her cell phone at 610-574-1045.

Executive Upgrades

Residential Remodeling

If work needs to be done to your home… we can do it - roofing, exterior wood trim replacement, window replacements and repairs, exterior and interior doors, composite and wood decks, exterior and interior painting, kitchen and bathroom remodeling, finished basements. Serving Westover since 1988. 215-542-9392

Ask Your Neighbor!

Advertisements Paid Ads can be placed in the newsletter. Contact the Communication Committee for details

Committee Corner

Building and Grounds Committee

‘Tis the season

Are you one of the many who care greatly about maintaining and enhancing the quality of what we have in Westover Crossing? Do you walk the community and notice areas that need upgrading or improvement, such as cracks in the sidewalk or fallen trees?

The all-important Building & Grounds Committee needs you!

Committee chairperson and good guy Joe Basile's committee needs a minimum of five volunteers ASAP to join Joe and the always-helpfulLinda Troilo to help them take care of YOUR neighborhood. It's the committee that is the first step in improving and protecting the value of our homes and keeping up our facilities like the pool, the tennis courts and the clubhouse. Basile said.“Ideally, it's a5-10 person committee that is down to just the two of us, so we do need help.”

Basile emphasized that there is nothing difficult about being on the committee and just one or two hours a month would be asked of new volunteers.

The B & G Committee also consults with the Finance Committee for special projects and improvements; notifies Galman of needed maintenance; makes annual recommendations to the Board re: community needs; reviews all service contracts and work such as landscaping and snow removal; and is our community’s eyes regarding work done by contractors and service personnel.

“The more residents we have involved, the better our community will be,'' Basile said.

Contact Margy McCook, The Galman Group or flag down Joe in his red pickup truck if you see him around the property. Don't delay. It is improvement season, and we need you! Hope to see you Saturday for the annual planting & clean up activities.

Beauty on Your Street: Annual Garden Contest in July

A large number of Westover Crossing residents were seen outdoors with gardening tools and flats of plantings taking advantage of the recent spate of lovely weather to beautify their gardens. To encourage everyone to spend some time in the outdoors and add to the attractiveness of our community, the Building and Grounds Committeewill tour the neighborhood July 15 to 23for our annual garden contest. They will be looking for the best gardens in the area. Winners will be announced at the annual meeting July 27. So take off for your favorite garden center, access your creativity and artistic eye, then grab your spades and trowels to bring new color and allure to your front yard.